2 SERM. I. Cr.5.20. Now then we are Am Chaffadors for Chrity as though God did befeech you by us, we pray you in Christs stead, be yee reconciled to God. The Context expounded. p. 2, 3, 4.0 The Text divided and expounded, P.5, 6, 7. The Doctrine bandled by prooving, and improoving al by particular Application, p. 9. The Do&rine prooved first by Scrip ture, p. 10, 11. Then by three ReaSons, 1. From foure Properties of Ambassadors, p. 12, 13,14,15. 2. From the Benefit of a reconciled estate, p. 16. 3. From the misery of an unreconciled ejtate, p. 17. Use for Exhortation, 1. To Ministers, p.17,18,19,20,21,22,23. 2. To people, p.25. 3. Characters of a reconciled estate, p. 27,28,29,30. Five Motives, p. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. SERM. II. Eb. 1. 14. Are they not all Miforth to Minijter for these, who shall be heires of Salvation? Hnitring Spirits fent Text divided, p. 38. Do&. It pleaseth God to make use of the Ministery of Angels, for the good of his Children, p. 38. 2.1. What Angels are,p.39,40,41. 2. 2. How many forts of Angel sthere P.42,43. 2.3. What are the The Text divided and expounded, p. 69, 70, 71. Doct. That its the obliged duty of all the Children of God, to be earnest and assiduous suitors at the Throne of Grace in the behalfe of the Church of God, p. 72. Method of handling the Doctrine, 1. By propounding parallell Examples, p. 72,73,74. 2. By Scripture Precepts, p. 7.4. 3. By 3 Reasons, R. 1. In respect of God, p. 75. R. 2. In respect of prayer, p. 76, 77, 78,79. R.3. In respect of the Church,p.79,80. Use for Reprehenfion, p. 80. 81. Use 2. for Exhortation, p. 83. 4. Things especially to be prayed for, p. 83, 84, 85. 2. Motives, p. 86, 87. Use 3. for Direction. 1. We must pray in faith, p. 87. 2. With fervency, ib. 3. With perseverance, p. 88. Vse 4. for Confolation, ib. SERM. V. 5. 24. And they that are Gchrifts, have crucified the flesh, with the affections and lufts, p. 89. Doct. 1. That there are a peculiar people that are Christs, and have speciall Interest in him, p. 89. Dočirine prooved from Scripture Testimony, p. 90. What it is to have Interest in Cbrijt? ib. 4. Reasons drawne, I. From the the Fathers DonaPromises 2. From tion. 3. Christs Redemption. And 4. From the sanctification of the spirit, p. 91. What are the Benefits of those that are in Christ! Ans. Infive particulars, p. 91, 92. Use 1. for Confolation, p. 92. Use 2. for Exhortation, ib. Use 3. of Examination: five Notes of Triall, ib. Do&. 2. Those that have Interest in Chrift, have crucified the flesh with the affections and lufts, p. 93. Method propounded. 1. What's meant by flesh? p. 93. 2. What's meant by affections and lufts? ib. 3. What's meant by crucifying the flesh? p.94. 4. The Dodirine prooved by three Reasons, p. 95. Use 1. for Information, p.96. Use 2. for Reproofe of three forts, p.96,97Use 3. for Exhortation, pressed by three Motives,p. 97. Use 4. for Examination, foure Properties of a Crucified person, p. 98, 99. Use 5. for Direction. 1. What we are to Crucif), P. 99. 2. What duties are to be put in practise, Ans. in 7 Duties, p. 100, 101. Use 6. for Confolation, An Objection answered in fix particulars, P. 101, 102. SERM. R SERM. VI. Om. 5. 8. But God commendeth his love towards in that whil'jt we were yet finners Chrift died for us, p. 103. The Context opened, p. 103, 104. Doct. That the death of Christ for Inners is an Evident Demonstration of the Love of God the Father, and of the Lord Jesus Chrit, p. 104. Method propounded. 1. Był xplication. 21. Wherein confits the love of God the Father? Ans. p. 105. 2. 2. Wherein confits this love of Chrit? ib. and p. 116. 2. 3. Did not Heathens dye, where lyeth the difference, Anf. p.109. fix Prop fitions, p. 109, 110, 111, 112, 113. Three Objections answered, p. 113, 114, 115. Use 1. for Information in five Particulars, p. 115, 116. Ufe 2. for Examination, fix fignes given oʻthose that have Interejt in this distinguishing love, 116, 117, 118. Ufe 3. for Exhortation, branch ed into fix particular Duties, p. 118, 119. Uje 4. for Comfort, foure Benefits of this speciall Lve, p.19,120.. the Profession of Christianity, there ought to be a Godly life and Converfation, every way Jutable and correSpondent therewith, p. 124. The Doctrine handled. 1. By Scripture Testimony, p. 125. 2. Confirmed by foure Reasons, 125, 126. 3. Applied in foure Uses, 1 for Information, p. 127, 128. Use 2. for Examination, foure Characters, p. 129, 130, 131. Use 3. for Exhortation in three Motives, p. 131, 132. Use 4. for Direction, 1. How we must depart from Iniquity? Ans. foure waies, p. 132. 2. What meanes must be u fed? Anf. 6 Meanes directed, p. 133. 131 finnes, p. 135. Context opened, p. 135, 136. Do&. That of all finnes, Infidelity especially is a grand-damning finne a gaint the Gofpell. Method, propounded. 1. What Infidelity is? Ans. in five particulars, p. 137, 138, 139, 140 2. The Aggravations of unbeleefe in 6 particulars,p.141,142. 3. By 5 Arguments the Docirine is confirmed, p. 142,143. 4. The Doctrine is applied in 6 Ufes. 1. For Reproofe, p. 145. 2. For Caution in 4 particulars, p. 146, 147. 3. For Exhortation in 2 Motives. Motives. 1. Drawne from the Benefit of faith,p.147. 2. From the mischiefe of unbeleefe, p.147,148. 4. For Examination 5 fignes of faith, p. 148,149. Three signes of unbeleefe,p.149. 5. For Direction, 4 directions, p.150. 6. For Confolation in 5 particulars, p. 150. Objections of unbelievers answered, p. 151, 152, 153. Objections of Misbelievers answered, p. 153, 154. ObjeEtions of Weak-believers answered, p. 154, 155, 156. SERM. IX. Ab. 3. 18. Yet I will rejoyce in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my falvation. The Context opened, p. 157,158. Doct. Amidjt all forrowes, lossesse, and crosseffe, joyes, Supplies and comforts are to be found in the Lord our God, p. 161. 4. Arguments in the Text explain. ed, p. 163, 164, 165. 5. Demonstrations added for Confirmation, p. 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175. Three Ujes, 1. For Confolation, p. 176, 177. 2. For Exhortation. 1. To make God our joy,p.178. 2. To make God our Treafure,p.179. 3. To make God our Refuge, p. 179, 180. Use 3. For Direction. 4. Impediments to be removed, p. 181, 182. 3. Duties to be practiced, p. 182, 183. Remy SERM. X. Om.12.2. But be yee transformthe renewing of the mind. Doct. Every Person who is really Converted, is transformed and changed in the renovation of his mind, p.184 Method propounded. 1. Whats understood by transformati. on: Anf.p.185,186. 2. Whats meant by the renewing of the mind, p. 187. 3. The Doctrine by Scripture prooved, P.188,189. 3. Cautions premised,p. 189,190. 4. The Dočirine applied in 4 Uses, 1. For Information, p. 190. 2. For Examination wherein are 6 False glasses discovered, p. 191, 192, 193, 194, 195. Three fignes of Reall Conversion, viz. Univerfality, Sincerity, and Perpetuity, p. 196,197. Ufe 3. For Exhortation, 3 Motives prefSed, p. 197. Use 4. For Confolation, 3 Priviledges of such as are really converted, p. 198. ERRATA. Pag. 4. Marg.r Calvin: In the same margent r delet i. p. 124. Marg. r. nominet credens verum difcedat. p. 125.1.14. r. implied. p.127. 1. 20. r. Angell. p.185.1.7. r. then. p. 186.1.10.r. foever. p. 186.1.16r. which is. p. 135.1. 3. r. v.3. p. 141. 1. penult. r. they. p. 155. 1. 12. r. interpose. p. 166. 1. 26. r. even. p. 180. 1. 14.г. wounder. p. 182.1.21.r.vigour. p. 189. 1. 19. г. every man. Other Errataes the Reader is entreated to amend. 1 2 Cor. 5. vers 20. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Chrifts stead, be ye reconciled to God. W at S. Maries Oxon July. 11th 1658. Sermon. t. Ithout controverfie, great is the mystery of Godliness, being Act declarat parilent qui peter Every one of these taken severally is a transcendent mystery, as bus verbis lo we readin Ezekiel, There was a wheel in the middle of a wheel: So qui, ut is fo here is one mystery involved in another. Now forasmuch as we find tibus affent the Well deep, and have not wherewith to draw, fince we are not able untur. Beza to fathom the depths of such mysterious things, let's all as one in Luc 22. man stand astonish'd with an holy admiration of the wonderfull Ezek. 1. 1 counsels of God, lay afide all curious disputations and learn to believe. feen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world Ad verbum received up to Glory. However so far forth as we can meet with a Scripture Clue, we may not be wanting in our best endeavoures to wind our selves Aaaaa out |