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4. Beware of murmuring and repining when thou art delay- Eligat ofpored. Learne to wait Gods time: His convenient time is the best, tunitatem, qui He helpes in the most needfull time. Let him (faith Augustine) libere dat michase the opportunity who so freely gives the mercy.


5. What ever thou wantest, be fure to be more thankfoll then ever, for what thou haft received before. I hankfulneffe is a cun pro Candidaning way of begging: Put thy selfe in other mens cafes, and confi- to rogandi geder how thou aboundest in comparison of them. Look into Pri- nus eft gratias fons, Poore mens cupboards, and how oughit thou to pitty them agere. Plin. in their wants, and be thankfull for what thou enjoyest.

Pan. Trajano dictus.

6. Sixtly and lastly, be still renewing thy title and clearing up thine evidences for heaven: for the more thou securest that, - the more secure thou mayeft be of this speciall diftinguishing Providence. For though I believe not (but abhorre that opinion) that Dominium temporale fundatur in gratiâ, and I am farre from the Anabaptifticall opinion of thinking wicked men ufurpers, as having no right of Creatures to outward things: yet I am fully affured, that only the Godly have outward things sanctified through Chrift. With Christ they have all things: And having Chrift, is that which makes a mercy to be a mercy indeed: All Rom.8.32. of the world Cor.3.20, things are Yours Apostle.) have outward things ex largitate, by common Povidence and 21. bounty, the godly have all ex promiffo by Promise and Covenant. Wherefore here lyes the great duty to get affurance, that what ever we have, we injoy as a Covenant mercy, streaming to us through the blood of Jesus Chrift: for it is Chrift alone that swee

the (faith

tens what ever we injoy, without him all is bitter: with him every thing is sweet.

[blocks in formation]



Sermon 4. Preached at St. Marye's Oxon. Jan.





Upon Ifaiah 62. verf. 6,7.

Ye that make mention of the Lord keep not filence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

ສັດສັດPON perufall of the 1, vers. We shall find that

felfe same thing put into practice, which is nestly charged upon us, as our grand duty in the Text for Zions fake, &c. Which words some learned expofitors understand to be spoken of the Prophet Isaiah, whose prayers were inceffant in the behalfe of Jerufalem: But I rather concurre with Scultetus, Musculus, &c. Who understand them spoken of God promiling, and not of the Prophet praying. For the words are a prophecy of Ifraels deliverance out of Babylon, and of the glory and happinesse that shall be put upon the Church of God. And Zion and Jerufalem are a Type of the Christian Church: So that God will neither let the world nor the Potentates therein rest, untill there be a full, cleare, and confpicuous deliverance, offered for the Church of God. Hence the Gentiles shall take notice of fuch wonderfull works of God. Verf.2. The Gentiles shall fee thy righteousneffe, and all Kings thy glory, &c. The Church that was fo much affii ted, and distressed, (hall be called by a new name, verf.3. No more termed defolate; but Hephtzibah, and Beulah, vers.4. And the moving cause of all this is Amor complacentia, For the Lord delighteth in





Verf. 2.

Verf. 3.

Verf. 4.


Verf. 5.

them. Which delight is amplified by a similitude, Vers. 5. For as a young man marryeth a Virgin: so shall thy Sonnes marry thee. And as the Bridegroome rejoyceth over the Bride: So shall thy God rejoyce over thee. For the accomplishment of this great work to make the Church a glorious Church, the Lord raiseth up eminent Instruments, Verf. 6. I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, Verf. 6. which shall never hold their peace day nor night, &c. Ferome under- Hieronym. stands Angells, Prophets, Princes, Teachers. And fome conceive that faithfull Governours, and faithfull Ministers are here meant by the watchmen of the walls: even all such as are in publick place and authority, who are diligent in their watch and importunate follicitors, such as will have no nay, and will never cease begging, but are constant day and night, as well in bad as good times in pouring out their hearts in prayer, in the behalfe of Jerufalem.

These things premised, I resume the words of the Text, wherein there's offered to our confideration, a charge of greatest concernment unto the watchmen: For the Lord having promised such eminently usefull Instruments, for the effecting these great things promised to Jerufalem, and the Lord having given a Character of their fidelity, that they shall never hold their peace: but thall be bufied. in praying for, or instructing of the people of God in their duty: Now the Lord by an Apostrophe directs his speech to those watchmen, and chargeth them with the maine duty of the Text, Ye that make mention &c.

I, Wherein are three things to be observed..

1. The perrsons described by a note of distinction, to whom the charge is given yee that &c.

2. The substance of their charge set down Negatively in two


1. Keep not filence.

2. Give him no rest.

3. The main end and defigne intended, that Jerusalem should

be made a praise in the earth.

4. The duration and continuance of this charge, or employment of these persons that make mention of the Lord: keep not fi lence till Jerusalem be establisht, (i. e.) Their prayer must so long continue, and they may not cease till Jerufalem be establisht, and the gracious promises accomplisht, in behalfe of the glorious condition of Jerufalem.

Liiii 3





Before I give you the Doctrines, I shall for explication of the words, resolve a few Queries.

1. What is meant by those that make mention of the Lord? Calvin understande them of the Minifters that Preach the Word

of God. The 70. renders the words μιμνησκόμενοι Κυείr. And Qui at me the vulgar edition renders it verbatim Qui reminiscimini domini: moriam revs-So Ferone, Vatablus, Ofiander. And our Marginall note in our Engcatis Domi- lich tranflation is, Te that are the Lords remembrancers: fome connum, Tigur. ceive this speech to be an Allusion to that standing office in Kings Tran. Courts of Remembrancers: Corn. A. Lapide upon the place tells us

Corn: A. Lap: in Loc.

that the Kings of Judab had Maskirim, Admonitores whose office was to put the King in mind of weighty affaires. Junius renders the words, Qui commemoratis Jehovam. Rememorantes Dominum, So Vatablus and he gives a marginall note Qui reminisci facitis Domini.

I shall not peremptorily determine, which is the best of these translations. Neither shall I confine the duty of the Text only to Ministers. They in an eminent manner are the Peoples mouth unto-God, and Gods mouth unto the people. And this duty of

being the Lords Remembrancers belongs to them: not that God * Quamuis needs any putting in mind or remembrance, but that he would hac fententia have us do our duty by affiduous supplications: Yet we may not ad pios omnes exclude any of Gods children from practising the duty of the pertineat: ta- Text, in presenting prayers, making diligent addresses unto the men pracipue Throne of grace. Though it belong unto all godly men, yet in a attingit. Cal. more speciall manner to Ministers. So * Calvin on the place.






2. What's meant by not keeping filence, giving God no rest? These two come to one and the fame effect, implying that they ought to speak, and continue importunate in speaking: They should speak aloud, and never give over speaking. The words are Metaphoricall took from those who are indefatigable follicitors, and will take no deniall. Here's a Character of fervent prayer, which gives the Lord no reft. (i.e.) earnestly and inceffantly plyeth the Throne of grace, and will take no repulse. Of this more


3. What is meant by Jerufalem?

For Answer, Jerusalem is either taken litterally for the place and Metropolis of Judea, or rather by a Metonimia continentis, as it signifies the whole body of the Inhabitants there: or else Mi



ftically for that Jerufalem which cometh down from above. And this is either univerfall or particular. The universall Church is the whole body of believers, dispersed through the whole world. The particular Church is that wherein we live: And this according to judicious Cartwrights division, is of one Nation, or of a narrrower compaffe. And the fame Learned Author gives diftinct definitions of them both. A Church (faithhe) of one Nation is that which is gathered inder one politick civill government. Av. Carthw. Church of a more narrow compasse, is fuch a particular Church or Parrish, that dwelling in one place, may conveniently at one time, be taught by the mouth of one Minister. Now both for the Churcli in generall, and for the particular Church especially wherein we live we ought to pray, and make frequent fupplications to the Throne of grace. For the whole body of Christ (i. e.) the universall Church we must pray: for the Nationall Church wherein we live, under the visible Ministry and dispensation of visible Ordinances, and where there are vifible Professours. We may not ftraighten our prayers, nor confine the Church of Christ (as the Donatists did of old) only to a narrow compasse in Africa. Although in a true Church, where are true Minifters, true Sacraments, and God hath bleft the Ministry with converting of Soules, yet there may be many rotten professours, many formalifts, many hypocrites: yet we must labour to reforme what we can, and pray inceffantly for amendment of what is amiffe, but we may not seperate from a true Church: We must separate from Heathens, and from Antichrift. We are to come out from amongst them, but we may not gather Churches out of Churches, that were to make a schisme between the members, amongst themselves, and to subdivide the body of Christ, and make a separation, where we ought to endeavour an union.


4. What is meant by establishing Jerufalem a praise in the To make the Church a praise is all one (as Calvin observes) as to make it glorious, for that the Lords remembrancers must pray that Jerufalem may be the subject, and matter of praise, that Christ may rule and fettle his Ordinances there, fill it with knowledge, make it eminent for graces, that as verf. 1. The righteousnesse thereof may go forth as brightnesse, and the Salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. Then may Jerufalem be said to be a praise



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