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proaches and afflictions, they "took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing in themselves that they had in heaven a better and an enduring substance."

As long as this doctrine was received in all its scriptural clearness, and simplicity, it was felt in all its mighty energy. The admirable historian, of the church of Christ, mentions astonishing instances of its power. An uncertain hope of acceptance could never have enabled the Christians to endure such dreadful sufferings. He thus introduces the first general persecution of the people of the Lord.*

"Now it was that the Romans legally persecuted the church for the first time: and those who know the virulence of man's natural enmity will rather wonder that it commenced not earlier, than that it raged

* Milner's History of the Church of Christ.

"Their execu

with such dreadful fury." tion was aggravated by insult. They were covered with skins of wild beasts, and torn by dogs they were crucified, and set on fire, that they might serve for lights in the night-time.

Instances are then mentioned of faithfulness unto death in every rank of life, and under every trying circumstance. One scene I wish especially to recal to your memory. Many Christians had been committed to prison, and had been put in fetters after having been previously examined by the judge. On the following day he again summoned them before his tribunal; and after many fruitless endeavours to make them recant, he said to one of them, "Perseverest thou in being a Christian?" Speratus answered, "Yes, I do persevere let all give ear, I am a Christian;" which being heard by the rest, they said, "We also are Christians." The

judge replied, "You will neither consider your danger, nor receive mercy." They answered, "Do what you please, we shall die joyfully for the sake of Jesus Christ." The judge said, "I will give you three days to reflect and to come to yourselves." Upon which Speratus replied, "I am a Christian, and such are all those who are with me and we will never quit the faith of our Lord Jesus. Do, therefore, what you think fit." The judge, seeing their resolution, pronounced sentence against them, that they should die by the hand of the executioner. The sentence having been read, Speratus and his fellow-sufferers said, "We give thanks to God, who honoureth us this day with being received as martyrs in heaven, for confessing his name." "They were carried to the place of punishment, where they fell on their knees all together, and having again given thanks to Jesus Christ, they were beheaded."

This specimen truly describes the manner and spirit in which all the martyrs suffered; but in one instance the grace of God peculiarly shone forth.

At the same period was apprehended, with many others, Vivia Perpetua, a lady of quality, and of great beauty. She was 22 years of age; was married, and had a young child at her breast. While they were in the hands of the persecutors, the father of Perpetua, himself a pagan, importuned her to fall from the faith. His entreaties were vain. Her pious constancy appeared to him an absurd obstinacy, and enraged him so much as to induce him to give her very rough treatment. Perpetua's prayers were much directed for patience under bodily pains. They were put into a dark prison. To the rest, who had been more accustomed to hardships, this change of scene had not any thing in it very terrible. To her, who had expe


rienced nothing but the delicacies of genteel life, it was peculiarly formidable and distressing. Her concern for her infant was extreme. Two deacons of the church obtained, by money, that the prisoners might go out of the dark dungeon, and for some hours refresh themselves in a more commodious place, where Perpetua carefully recommended her infant to her mother. For some time her mind was oppressed by concern for the misery she had brought on her family; though it was for the sake of a good conscience; but she grew more composed, and her prison became a palace. Her father, sometime after, came to the prison overwhelmed with grief; which, in all probability, was augmented by the reflections he had made on his own rough and angry behaviour to her at their last interview.

Then follows the most moving and touching appeal to her feelings from her

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