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continue his work of restoring peace to their country, and ensure freedom to all who dwell in it, undisturbed even by that temptation of vengeance to which I believe they will not yield, but which must beset them with a strength proportionate to the unparalleled atrocity of the crime which has provided it."

In view of sentiments such as have been above cited, and by comparing them with the utterances of the pulpit, of the press, and of popular assemblies in this country, we can readily perceive the similarity in the manifestations of humanity everywhere, and that there are chords in the nature of man which wherever and whenever struck by certain influences, will vibrate in unison.

In after years, when the memory of Abraham Lincoln shall remain as the most glorious recollection of the times which are now passing, and when his name shall have become inseparably linked in the minds of men with all that is grand in design and godlike in achievement, it may afford some slight gratification to our descendants to know that we, their ancestors, offered our modest but heartfelt tribute of praise to his patriotism, his integrity, his magnanimity, and his enduring worth.

Troy, November 14th, 1865.

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At a very late hour, persons connected with the telegraph and newspaper offices of the city, were the recipients of intelligence that an attempt had been made at Washington, early in the evening, to assassinate several of the officers of the government, and that Abraham Lincoln and William H. Seward had received injuries, which it was feared would prove fatal. Later messages contradicted these statements, and at midnight the few to whom the conflicting telegrams were known, could but surmise as to the real import of the news received.


Early in the morning, the details of the fearful tragedy enacted at Washington the evening previous, were received by telegraph, and before daybreak the worst fears suggested by the first contradictory reports were realized with an intensity of horror unparalleled.

The very minute account of the terrible transaction, given in the morning papers, left only the faintest hope of the recovery of the President and Secretary of State. As to the former, even this hope was dispelled, when a few hours later the news came that Abraham Lincoln had died at twenty-two minutes after seven o'clock.




The telegraphic wires convey to us this morning, from Washington, the startling and terrible announcement of the assassination of President Lincoln and Secretary Seward.

In the case of the President, it appears that he, with Mrs. Lincoln, last evening, attended Ford's Theatre, and while seated in his private box, and during a pause in the play, a man entered the box and shot him through the head, the weapon used being a common single-barreled revolver. As soon as the fact was discovered, the wildest excitement prevailed, and amid the tumult the brutal assassin escaped. The details are given in full in our telegraphic columns.

Gen. Grant, who it was expected would accompany the President to the theatre, left Washington during the evening for New Jersey.

In the case of Secretary Seward, the assassin went to his residence, and claiming to be a messenger from

the Secretary's physician, with medicine, demanded admission to Mr. Seward's chamber. Being refused, he used violence towards those who presented themselves, and forced his way into the Secretary's room. Mr. Seward was lying in bed, and the cowardly murderer inflicted several severe, and, it is feared, fatal wounds upon his neck and body.

This intelligence will cast a deep gloom over the country. The hearts of the loyal people of the north were centred in their President. His honesty and sagacity have made him the idol of the nation, and just when victory has perched upon our banners, and the storm of war is about subsiding, and just when the intricate and difficult questions relating to the reorganization of government in the rebellious states. called for his calm judgment and wise forethought, just at this time to lose his services to the country is a calamity which will be deeply felt. In this fiendish act the worst fears of many friends all over the country, who have watched his movements with intense anxiety, are fully realized. We have frequently heard the fear expressed that something of this kind might happen to him. Now the blow has fallen, and the nation is called to mourn.

We give the latest intelligence received down to four o'clock this morning. Should we get any further information by six o'clock, we will give it to our readers in a second edition. - Troy Daily Whig.


At the opening of the county court and court of sessions at the Court House this morning, Judge Robertson presiding, Martin I. Townsend, Esq., in a few brief and feeling remarks, called the attention of the court to the fearful intelligence, that during the last night, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, had been murdered by the hand of an assassin. On his motion, seconded by District Attorney Colby, it was ordered that in consideration of the profound respect which this court entertained for Abraham Lincoln, the late President of the United States, both as an officer and as a man, this court do now adjourn. On motion of Mr. Edwin Brownell, the clerk of the court, it was ordered that the Court House be appropriately draped in mourning. His Honor Judge Robertson then spoke as follows:

The news of the morning, which has been just announced, is sad indeed. It will deeply grieve every loyal heart in the land. It is painful beyond expression to contemplate the head of this great nation, stricken down in an instant by the hand of an assassin.

For four long years Abraham Lincoln has labored earnestly, prayerfully, as few men can labor, to carry this nation through a conflict such as the world has never before seen. For four long years he has endured the bitterest scorn and hate of the enemies of

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