The ministers had resolved to aim a vigorous blow at the southern provinces, because they had persuaded themselves, and not without reason, that the friends of England were more numerous there than in those of the north. They had no doubt that they would all show themselves so soon as the troops of the king should appear in force upon the coasts, or should have become possessed of some important post. They hoped, with the succor of the loyalists, to re-estab lish the ancient order of things in these provinces, and they calculated that thence they might afterwards attack in flank those of the middle and north; which, being pressed in the rear, on the part of Canada, by a strong army, and in front on the part of the sea, by forces no less formidable, would thus be deprived of all power of resistance. The ministers already saw America returned to its ancient submission. They determined to turn their arms at first against North Carolina, as the weakest part, and to add to this conquest that of South Carolina and of Virginia, according to the success of operations. For this reason the fleet, having on board the troops destined for this expedition, had sailed from the ports of England and Ireland before the others. General Clinton, who, at the head of another considerable corps, was to come from New York to join the new re-inforcements, was already arrived at Cape Fear, not having been able to execute his design of attacking Virginia. But, on the one hand, the impatience of the loyalists of North Carolina had caused the miscarriage of the expedition, and their own ruin; on the other contrary winds and storms had so retarded beyond all expectation the passage of the fleet which, under the command of admiral Peter Parker, was bound for Cape Fear, that it could not reach that point until long after the calculated term, nor until the loyalists were already put down, and the inhabitants of the two Carolinas were not only apprised of the menaced attack, but had even already made all their preparations for resistance. It is certain that if the loyalists of North Carolina had delayed for some time longer to declare themselves, or if the sea had been more propitious to the English, the affairs of congress might have taken a disastrous direction in the south. The squadron of admiral Parker arrived at Cape Fear about the beginning of May, with many land troops, and with generals Cornwallis, Vaughan, and several others. Here they made their junction with general Clinton, who, from seniority, took the command in chief. The obstinate resistance of the Virginians, and the disasters of the partisans of England in North Carolina, precluded all hope of success in these two provinces; there remained therefore no other advisable procedure but that of turning against South Carolina; which expedition offered also this advantage, that the reduction of Charleston secured the conquest of the entire province. Its inhabitants, struck with consternation at the loss of their capi tal, would never even think of attempting to defend an open country, exposed to the inroads of an active and disciplined enemy. Nor could the taking of Charleston be considered a difficult operation, this city being situated upon the very coast. The plan being decided, the English prepared themselves for the execution. But the Carolinians had neglected nothing to secure themselves the means of defending their province, and particularly their capital. The chiefs of the people, as we have already related, had taken particular care to fortify Sullivan's Island, situated on the part of the sea, at the distance of six miles from the point of land formed by the confluence of the two rivers, Ashley and Cooper, and upon which the city of Charleston is built. This island so commands the channel which leads to the port, that the vessels which would enter it must pass under the cannon of fort Moultrie. It had recently been armed with thirty-six pieces of heavy cannon, and twentysix of inferior caliber. The fort itself was constructed of a species of wood of the country, which the inhabitants denominated Palmetto, and is so spongy and soft, that the ball is deprived by it of its impetus, and lodges within it without causing splinters. The militia of all the province were called in haste to the defense of the city. In the space of a few days the garrison amounted to six thousand men, if not perfectly disciplined, at least full of ardor. The regiment on pay, of South Carolina, was sent to guard fort Johnson, situated in James Island, three miles from Charleston, and which commanded the whole breadth of the channel. The second and third regiments occupied Sullivan's Island. William Moultrie, who commanded the second regiment, was charged with the defense of the fort, which afterwards, from his gallant defense of it, was called by his name. The rest of the troops were distributed in the most important posts; the roads which led to the sea were obstructed by abattis, the warehouses of the coast demolished, and intrenchments erected upon the shore. There was not an inhabitant who had not in hand either arms or the spade, or the pick-axe. The blacks, who had been called in from the country, admirably seconded the whites in all the labors of fortification. The chief command belonged to general Lee, who possessed the entire confidence of the troops and of the people; none rivaled him in devotion to the common cause. The hatred he had long borne towards the English government, the love of glory, and the desire of answering the universal expectation, continually excited his natural ardor. Rutledge, a man of great influence in the province, also manifested the most active zeal in animating the inhabitants to defend themselves. His example and his exhortations obtained the most happy results. Every one was at his post, expecting the enemy with intrepid confidence. Meanwhile, the British fleet appeared, and cast anchor to the north of Sullivan's Island. The ships of war were the Bristol and Experiment, of fifty guns; four frigates, the Active, the Acteon, the Solebay, and the Syren, of twenty-eight; the Sphynx of twenty, the Friendship of twenty-two, two smaller vessels of eight, and the Thunder, a bomb-ketch. It was very difficult, especially for the large ships, to pass the bar, which is found at the entrance of the channel of Charleston. It was not without extreme fatigue that the English succeeded in crossing it with the Bristol and Experiment, even after they had lightened them of their artillery and a great part of their lading. They struck, and it was thought they would bilge immediately; but the skill of the officers and the efforts of the sailors at length preserved them. The intention of the English was to reduce fort Moultrie, in order, afterwards, to attack the city without obstacle. General Clinton issued a proclamation, which he sent into the city by a flag; he therein reminded the inhabitants of the subversion of all laws, of the tyranny established in the hands of the congress, the committees, and other unconstitutional authorities; he gave them a last admonition, before proceeding to extremities; he exhorted them to avert from their heads, by a prompt return to obedience, the vengeance of a powerful and irritated nation. He offered pardon, at the same time, to all those who should lay down arms and submit immediately. This summons produced no effect whatever. The English generals had arranged their attack in the following manner. The ships were to cannonade fort Moultrie in front, while a corps of troops landed for this purpose in Long Island, to the east of Sullivan's Island, should cross the narrow arm of the sea that separates them, and which was believed fordable. This corps would then have pressed the fort on the part of the land, which was much less strongly fortified. This plan offered them so fair a prospect of success, that general Lee himself, having doubts whether the fort could be defended, recommended that it should be evacuated, and that all efforts should be concentrated for the defense of the city. But the inhabitants, who dreaded bombs out of measure, resolved to attempt, by all means, the defense of the fort |