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How many of the Israelites died of the piague for vielding to the temptation? Twenty-four thousand.

What became of Balaam? He was slain by the Israelites, Num. 31:8.

LESSON 11. How long were the Israelites in the wilderness? 40 years.

How did God lead them? By a pillar, that appeared like a cloud by day, and like fire by night, Ex. 13:21.

What was their principal food? Manna, Ex. 16:15. Where did they find it? On the ground.

How came it there? God produced it miraculously.

How often did they gather it? Every morning except the Sabbath.

How did the Israelites oehave in the wilderness? A

great part of them often re. belled against God, Deut. 9:

For what purpose did Moses ascend mount Nebo? To view Canaan, and die, Deut. 34:

Why was he not permitted to enter Canaan? Be cause on a certain occasion

he rebelled against the Lord, Num. 27:14.


Who was the leader of Israel after the death of Moses? Joshua.

Through what river did they pass on dry ground? The river Jordan, Josh. 3: 16,17.

On what occasion did the walls of Jericho fall down? At the shouting of the Israelites after the walls had been compassed seven days, Heb. 11:30.

Who of the people of Je



richo were preserved alive? Rahab and her father's family.

Who was slain for taking of the accursed thing, and for dissembling? Achan, Josh. 7:

Who deceived the Israelites, by pretending that they lived at a very great distance? The Gibeonites, Josh. 9:

At whose word did the sun and moon stand still? Joshua's, Josh. 10:

How long did Israel continue to serve the Lord, after entering Canaan? All the days of Joshua and of the elders who had seen the great works of the Lord, which he had done for Is rael, Fudg. 27.

What was the character of the next generation? They were very wicked, Judg. 2:10.

How did the Lord pun

ish them? He delivered them into the hand of spoi lers, Judg. 2:14.

What were those persons called, who were raised up, to deliver Israel? Judges.


Who delivered Israel from Chushan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia? Othniel, Fudg. 3:9.

Who delivered them from Eglon,king of Moab? Ehud, Judg. 3:15.

Who slew 600 Philistines with an ox goad? Shangar, Judg. 3:31.

Who drove a nail through the head of Sisera? Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, Judg. 4:21.

Who delivered Israel from the Midianites? Gideon, Judg. 7:

Who assisted him? 300 men, with trumpets, pitch ers, and lamps.


Who slew 70 sons of Gideon? Abimelech, their wicked brother.

Who made Abimelech king? The men of Shechem and the house of Millo, Judg. 9:6.

What became of Abimelecn? He was slain.

Who delivered Israel from the Ammonites? Jephthah, Judg. 11:

Who was the strongest man? Samson.

How many Philistines did he slay with a jaw bone? A thousand, Judg. 15:15.

How did he become weak? By having his hair shaved off, Judg. 16:19.

Who enticed him to tell

wherein his great strength lay? Delilah.

How did the Philistines treat him then? They put out his eyes, and cast him into prison.

When they were assem. bled to worship Dagon, for what purpose did they send for Samson? To make sport.

What did Samson do to the Philistines, after they had sent for him? He pulled down the house, in whichgreat multitudes were as sembled, and thus slew them, Judg. 16:

Who was greatly distressed for the loss of his gods? Micah, Judg. 18:


How did Samuel behave when he was a child? He served the Lord, 1 Sam. 2: 18.

With whom did he then live? With Eli, the priest and judge of Israel.

By whom was the ark of God taken captive? By the Philistines.

How was Eli affected at

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Why did they wish for a king? That in that respect they might be like other nations.

Whom did Samuel anoint for their first king? Saul, 1 Sam. 9:

How did Saul behave after he was made king? Well at first, and then wickedly.

Whom did he condemn to die for tasting a little honey? His son Jonathan, 1 Sam. 14:44.

Who rescued Jonathan from Saul? The people.

What nation was Saul commanded to destroy! The Amalekites.

Whom of them did he spare? Agag, their king.

What did Samuel do to Agag? He hewed him in pieces, 1 Sam. 15:

Why did the Lord reject Saul from being king? Be cause he rejected the Lord

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Whom did Samuel anoint for the next king? David, 1 Sam. 16:

For what purpose did David play upon a harp before Saul? To drive away an evil spirit, that troubled Saul, 1 Sam. 16:

LESSON 15. Who defied the armies of the living God? Goliath, a Philistine, 1 Sam. 17:

Who slew him? David. How? Slung a stone into his forehead, and then cut off his head.

Who often attempted to kill David? Saul. Who loved David as his own soul? Jonathan.

Who was David's first wife? Michal, Saul's daugh


How many times did David flee to Gath for fear of Saul? Twice.

the Lord in a day? Doeg, the Edomite, 1 Sam. 22:

What did Saul do, when he was greatly distressed on account of the Philistines? He consulted a woman who had a familiar spirit, at En'dor.

Why did the lords of the Philistines prevent David's going to war agsinst Israel? They feared he would turn against the Philistines in battle, 1 Sam. 29:

Where did Saui and Jonathan die? On mount Gil boa, in battle with the Phi listines, 1 Sam. 31:

How did David behave on hearing of the death of Saul and Jonathan? He wept, and lamented over them, 2 Sam. 1:11,12,17.


Where was David made king of Judah? At Hebron,

Who slew 85 priests of 2 Sam. 2:

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