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THE print represents a caravan, or company of travellers, on one of the deserts of the East. The word caravan signifies a company or assembly of travellers, and more particularly of merchants, who, for their greater security, and in order to assist each other, march in a body through the deserts, and other dangerous places, which are infested with Arabs or robbers. As there are no inns like ours for travellers in Judea and the neighbouring nations, the people were obliged to carry every thing they wanted with them, and to wait upon themselves, or upon each other. For this reason, as well as to protect each other, they usually travelled in companies. The Jews did so when they went up to Jerusalem at the great festivals directed in Exod. xxiii. 17. It was in such a company as this that Joseph and Mary were returning home, when they missed Jesus'. The Psalms called the Psalms of Degrees, are supposed to have been sung by the devout Jews, while travelling to Jerusalem, on these occasions. When on their journeys, their clothes, which were long flowing robes, would be tucked up, or "their loins girded." They usually carried staves in their hands".

In the countries of the East there are still four regular caravans, which go yearly to Mecca, from Damascus, Cairo, from a place called Zibith, near the mouth of the Red sea, and from Babylon. Most of the inland commerce of the East is carried on by caravans. They consist of a great number of armed men, merchants, and travellers, with divers sorts of animals for the carriage of their provisions. That most generally in use is the camel, as it can carry great loads, and is most peculiarly adapted for this mode of travelling, as it can go for a long time without water. This is most providentially appointed, and makes the camel a very useful animal for crossing the vast sandy deserts of the East, where people

1 Luke ii. 42-44.


2 Psalm cxx. to cxxxiv.

3 Num. xxi. 18. Matt. x. 10.


may travel for many days without coming to a spring of water. It can also subsist with very little food of any kind. The driest thistle, and the barest thorn which the desert affords is all the food this useful animal requires, and even these, to save time, he eats while advancing on his journey, without stopping, or occasioning a moment's delay. As it is his lot to cross immense deserts, where no water is found, and countries not even moistened by dew, he is endued with the power, at one watering-place, to lay in a store, with which he supplies himself, some say for thirty days or more, but certainly for fourteen or sixteen days it is well known an ordinary camel will live, though he have no fresh supply of water. And thus be travels patiently and vigorously all day long, carrying a prodigious load upon him, through countries parched with hot winds, and glowing with burning sands.



CHRISTIAN FRIENDS,-Allow us to address you, as friends of the "Society for promoting a due Observance of the Lord's-day." We are making efforts to induce all tradesmen and shopkeepers to close their shops, and to transact no business on the Lord's-day. We meet with much to encourage us to proceed. They almost all hail with joy the prospect of a weekly day of rest, to which many of them are at present strangers. They are, the most part, willing, and even anxious, to cease from all Sabbath-day traffic. Their chief fear is that they may lose some of their present customers, who apply for goods, or expect goods to be sent home on that day. To you, therefore, their customers, we make an affectionate appeal. We feel convinced that you will approve our conduct, in endeavouring to obtain for all the full opportunity of using aright the Christian Sabbath; and that, if possible, without detriment to their worldly interests. In order to induce you to co-operate with us in this

benevolent effort, we deem it only necessary to remind you of the following weighty reasons for hallowing the Christian Sabbath-1. The plain command of God, "Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy." 2. The uniform practice and example of our Saviour, his Apostles, and the Christian Church in every age. 3. The importance of public worship for commemorating the resurrection of Christ, as on this day of the week, and the great benefits connected therewith. 4. The laws of this Christian land. 5. The necessity of a weekly day of rest and refreshment, especially to those laboriously engaged throughout the week. 6. The value of the Christian Sabbath for training up children and servants in the fear and love of God, the knowledge of Christ, and the practice of Christian duties. 7. The solemn responsibility which belongs to all for the use or abuse of the time, the opportunities, and the means of grace afforded.

These motives, duly considered, will, we are persuaded, suggest the questions, Is it not the part of justice, charity, and mercy, to give to all connected with us the full opportunity of using aright the Christian Sabbath? Is it not unkind, unchristian, and unjust, to ask a tradesman to continue in the neglect of this Divine and blessed institution? Our very earnest request, therefore, is, that, after receiving this, you will suffer no articles whatever to be purchased for you, or brought home to your house, on the Lord's-day; milk and medicines, of course, excepted. You will greatly oblige us also by giving a special charge to your servants on this subject, as it is believed that they frequently encourage Sabbath-day traffic without the consciousness of their employers. also you have work-people to pay, we entreat you to settle with them on the Friday, or so early on the Saturday, as to enable them, without inconvenience, to lay out their money on the Saturday evening. And in any other way in which you can co-operate in this great object, by moral influence, persuasion, or example, we most earnestly request your aid. Deeply as the friends of the Society feel on this subject, they can effect little without your cooperation; but on this they affectionately rely.



Address to Scholars in National and Sunday Schools.

As soon as you wake on the Lord's-day, reflect whose day it is, and why it is called his day; and resolve that, by the help of his Spirit, you will keep it as a day of holy rest.

Therefore, instead of lying in bed later than on other days, rise somewhat earlier; for laziness is not rest, and sloth is no help to prayer.

Scripture on this

Rise early, and wash and dress. Contrive to have more time for prayer and reading the morning, than on other mornings.

Finish your household work which could not be done on Saturday, and cannot be put off till Monday, as soon as you can; and then look over any lessons which you have to prepare for school. Find out the day of the month, and what Sunday it is, so that you may turn to the Psalms, Lessons of the Day, and Collect, without difficulty.

Be in good time at school, and take care to be very neat and tidy in your dress.

When you walk to church, think where you are going, and into whose presence.

When you have entered God's house, take your place quietly, without crowding or pushing. Put your hat in its proper place, and then kneel down and say your private prayer.

When Divine service begins, try and give your whole attention to it. Make the responses in the proper place. Always bow or curtsey reverently at the Blessed Name of Jesus. Never forget to say Amen.

Never laugh, never whisper, never play in church. Do not go to sleep; remember what happened to Eutychus.

Try and understand as much as you can of the sermon; if it is too hard for you, at least sit quiet, and be patient till it is over.

Be very careful to do nothing which can disturb anybody else. When church is over, return home to your dinner; and as you go, ask yourself how you have been

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