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So far was Christianity from narrowing SERM. VI.

our Views, that it alone has raised them, as high-as Heaven; and extended them as far as Eternity. A Man may look into his Bible, and see plainly there what will become of him, when the present Scene is shifted, as to his most important, I had almost said, his only Concern, a future State; who, if he were left to himfelf, the more he confidered the Point on every Side, the more he would find himself bewildered in Doubts, without coming to any Determination.

Happy are we, if we know our Happiness, who have a Revelation, like it's great Author, full of Grace and Truth.

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The intrinfic Excellency of the Scriptures, a Proof of their Inspiration.

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Be ready always to give an Answer to every
Man that asketh you a Reason of the
Hope, that is in you.


O affirm, as some have done, that SER. VIL. unenlightened Reason is absolutely sufficient, and that a Revelation is needless, is neither better nor worse; than to say, that Men either are, or may be, fo wise of themselves, that it is not in the Power of God himself to make them wiser; that their natural Abilities are so very confiderable, as to supersede the Ufe of any fupernatural Notices, even from the Father of Lights:

A Po

SER. VII. fition so shocking, that if it be not down right Blasphemy; it certainly maketh very near Approaches to it *.

But, you will, say, where was God's impartial Goodness in with-holding from others those Advantages, which he has afforded us? If a Revelation were wanted, why was not that, which was equally wanted by all, made equally known to all, at all Times ?

If we trace this Objection to it's Original, we shall find it stands on a wrong Foundation: It supposes the Deity to be determined by the Wants of Men, exclufively of all other Regards: Whereas what may be very fit, the Wants of Men fingly confidered; may be unfit upon the Whole, SER. VII. all Circumstances and Confiderations being laid together. Thus confider the Neceffities of a poor Man feparately, and you may think it proper he should be relieved: But if you know he will abuse your Charity in Drunkenness, or do himself or others some Prejudice, the Fitness-ceaseth. Here then the Fallacy lieth. We form our Judgment of what God ought to do upon one fingle View of the Neceffities of Men; where several other Particulars ought to be taken into the Account to make our Reasoning just and exact. We know not, for Instance, whether an Attempt to remedy the Disadvantages of those, who want a Revelation, might not be attended with greater Disadvantages to them: Whether they might not inflame their Account by rejecting it, if offered; or abusing it, if received. He alone, who fees through the whole Plan of the Creation, who knows before-hand the different Tempers and Dispositions of all Mankind, in all Ages and Nations, and the various Confequences that would arise from every poffible Manner of acting at every Period of Time; knew alone, at what Period of

* I would not be thought to depreciate Reason in general, which, rightly understood, as taking in all Helps and Evidences, whether intrinfic or extrinfic, is the only Facul- ty we have to difcern Truth from Falshood. It is no more a Disparagement to Reason to affert, it can do little in religious Affairs without the Help of Revelation; than to maintain, it would make a flender Figure without the Afsistance of Education: For what is Revelation but Affistances and Instructions from Heaven; as Education is Instruction communicated to us from our Fellow Creatures? Deduct those religious Truths that were discovered to us, and only place those down, that were discovered by us; and the remaining Sum of our Knowledge, at the Foot of the Account, will not be very confiderable.


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