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inculcated to you; that I chufe to live, and SERM.III. hope to die in that Perfuafion; that, after having read the most confiderable Books that have been written againft it, I do not know any Objection, but what has received repeated and fatisfactory Answers. A thorough Christian in Principle, I wifh I was as good a one in my Practice: and then I should, in fome Measure, deserve that Approbation, with which you have honoured


I heartily thank you, that you have candidly overlooked my numerous Defects; kindly accepted my well-meant Endeavours to ferve you, both from the Desk and from. the Pulpit; and, what is more, generously encouraged them. And, to your other Obligations, which you have conferred on me, be pleased to add this, which will be the greatest Obligation of all, viz. to make Me, in fome Degree, inftrumental to your Salvation, by deliberately weighing what I have laid down.

They are the last Words of a departing, though not a dying Friend; and let them therefore make a suitable Impreffion. Quit not your Religion, your Truft in God, your Virtue, for any Pleafure or Profit, which

SERM.III. this World can give, for the World itself.

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For all the Profit and Pleasure this World can give, this World itself may shortly be nothing to you: But Religion and Virtue will make you happy, when Life's idle Employments, and it's idler Follies, when the World, when Time fhall be no more. Falfe Friends will forfake you, and true Friends may either leave you through neceffary Avocations, or they may be divided from you by Death: Falfe Friends will ftand afar off in the Day of Trouble, and even true Friends can, in fome Cafes, ftand only looking upon your Mifery, afflicted indeed in all your Affliction, but without any Power to ease your Calamities: But God is a prefent Friend, infinitely powerful and good, in all Cafes, at all Times, in all Places; He is able to hear us, wherefoever difperfed; and to relieve us, howsoever diftreffed Almoft every Thing may separate us from other Friends; But neither Life nor Death, nor Principalities nor Powers, nothing but Sin, can feparate us from Him, and the bleffed Influences of his Prefence.


Some there have been here, and fome there are here, to whom I am in a parti


cular Manner indebted; from whom I have SERM.III. received Obligations much greater than my Expectations, and only not fo great as their enlarged Souls and generous Inclinations to do me Good. Some, of whom almost every one speaks well; and few or none can fpeak fo well as they deferve. It is a Plea fure even to be obliged to Perfons of their Turn, who give liberally, and upbraid not; a Pleasure only not fo affecting as that (which is beyond my Abilities) of obliging them.

Injuries I do not remember, that I have received any from any of this Place: And for whatever Kindneffes you have done me, may God reward you fevenfold into your Bofom. And I do not queftion but he will reward you: For they were defigned to cherish and countenance Worth and Learning; though bestowed on me. My Relation to you, as a Paftor and Teacher, is now upon the Point of expiring; but there is one Relation, which will always fubfif and that is, of your affectionate and fincere Well-wisher: Whatever Distance of Place may be between us, I fhall rejoice to hear of any Good that befals you, and be heartily forry for any Difafter that affects




SERM.III. you. My Prayers, my best Wishes (alas! what can I fay or do more ?) fhall always be youre For I am fill yours fincerely in all good and Chriftian Offices.

Finally, Farewel, my Brethren; To God's Grace I commend you. May he grant you everlasting Welfare, and as much Health and Profperity, as are confiftent with your everlasting Welfare! May your Souls, while you live, improve in every Chriftian Grace; and when ye die, may they be prefented without a Spot before the Throne of Grace! May God protect you by his Power, guide you with his Counfel through the feveral Stages of Life, and after that receive you into Glory!


The Nature and Duration of future Punishments confidered; and the Goodness of God fully vindicated; as to that Article against the principal Objections of fome late Wri



It had been good for that Man, if he had not been born.


HESE Words are spoken of Ju-SERM.IV. das Iscariot, but they are applica

ble to every unrelenting Criminal; and the Senfe of them is, Whoever lives abandoned, and dies impenitent, shall find his Mileries in the whole Extent of his Being to overbalance the Enjoyments he has had fo far, that it had been happy for him not to have been at all; it being better not to be at all, than to be fo miferable as he fhall

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