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חבלי שאול סבבוני

V.5. The Sorrows of Hell compaffed me about ; Rather THE CORDS (or BANDAGES) OF THE GRAVE INCLOSED, OF GIRT ME IN. is rendered Cords in the Margin, which Sense it bears with reference to Nets or Snares in feveral Places, fee P. CXL.5. Job. XVIII. 10. Prov. V. 22. And, to avoid the Repeti→ tion of compassed in two contiguous Verses, where the Hebrew ufes two diftinct Words, I vary the Expreflion.

V. 6. and my Cry came before him, even into his Ears. ny

Rather [לפניו תבא באזניו

AND MY CRY TO HIM ENTERED INTO HIS EARS: for " is here a pleonaftic Form for the Dative 1. See Nold. 13. In the parallel Place this and the next Word an have been omitted through Negligence.


מוסדות השמים

[מוסדי הרים

the Foundations of the Hills-01] In the parallel Place we read - DEN 01 The Foundations of the Heavens: but this appears to be the true Reading, when compared with the Verfions in both Places.

V. 10. — yea, he did fly upon the Wings of the Wind.

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and be - וירא we have in the parallel Place וידא Inftead of [רוח :

was feen. But the Reading in this Place appears to be the true one; because it is more immediately connected with the Context, and more countenanced by the Verfions.

V. 11. He made Darkness his fecret Place; en ne] The parallel Place is very corrupt; for D is there omitted; D is writ

[ישת חשך סתרו

a Word which exifts חשרת you find חשכת and inftead of ,סכו ten

only there. The Hemiftics do not feem to be rightly divided in our Verfion, for 'ap belongs to the firft; which I would thus render --- HE MADE HIS COVERT DARK ROUND ABOUT HIM.

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- Thus [סכתו חשכת מים עבי שחקים:


bis Pavilion round about him were dark Waters, and thick Clouds of the Skies. PAVILION DARK WATERS, THE THICK CLOUDS OF THE SKIES. For the latter Clause is not a diftinct Idea; but is in Appofition, or exegetical.

V. 12. At the Brightness that was before him his thick Clouds paffed,

מנגה נגדו עביו עברו - ברד וגחלי אש: .Hail-tones and Coals of fire



which is doubtlefs clearer : but as the Hemiftics are deficient by the Omiffion of the Words may yay, I would retain them, and adopt the other Reading, viz. -- and thus render the. Verse in both Places AT THE BRIGHTNESS BEFORE HIM HIS BLACK CLOUDS SWEPT ALONG'; BOLTS OF FIRE WERE KINDLED. For the Verb ay implies a conftant progreffive Motion without ftopping, which does not feem fufficiently expreffed by the Word paled: and as is fometimes rendered Coals, and fometimes Thunderbolts, why may not the fame be done by here, and Pf. CXL. 10?

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Hail-ftones and Coals of Fire. :

p¡ny] Rather

772] Thefe Words.

seem to have been copied by Miftake from the preceding Verfe: for they are, at best, but redundant: they are not found in the parallel Place; and the LXX, Æthiopic, and Arabic, omit them.

V. 21.

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ולא רשעתי

and have not wickedly departed from my God. ny

Rather [מאלהי :

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MY GOD. For y never fignifies to depart. Our Translators seem, to have been led into this Mistake, from not attending to the Force of the Prepofition. See Lev. IV. 2. Deut. XXXIII. 7. Jer. LI. 5. &c. The old Verfion is to the fame Effect.

V. 22.

and did not put away his Statutes from me. srpn

לא וחקתיו

וחקתיו לא אסור ממנה - The parallel Place [ אסיר מני :

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ought to

be corrected from this; for there is in it a very great Solecism.

V. 7. 30. As for God, his Way is perfect: 177 ] Rather GOD is PERFECT in HIS WAY.


39. Thou haft girded me dropped by Negligence.

the is ותזרני .In Sam [ ותאזרני


V. 42.

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fignifies to דקק for אדיקס feems to be a Miftake for אריקם [אריקס:

pound as in a Mortar. In the parallel Place we have PT, but this alfo wants the in the middle. And we alfo find there the Word Dy, which the Metre, as well as the Senfe, fhews to be redundant.. 2. Sam. XXII. 43.

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-a People whom I have not known fhall Jerve me.

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] As in this Pfalm of Thanksgiving the Future has been: throughout tranflated by the preterperfect, it fhould I think fo continue here, and in the two following Verfes; there being no Reason for an Alteration.

V. 45. The Strangers shall fade away] Or HAVE DECAYED: for the Root may be as well as . and be afraid out of their clofe Places.


[ויחרגו ממסגרותיהם :

Rather AND HAVE BEEN AFRAID IN THEIR PRIVY CHAMBERS, (as in the old Verfion) or IN THEIR PLACES OF RETREAT. In the parallel Place we read 11, the Letters being transposed: but this Lection is preferable.

Rather [האל הנותן נקמות לי - וידבר עמים תחתי:

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V.47. It is God that avengeth me, and fubdueth the People under me. THE GOD WHO HATH AVENGED ME, AND HATH SUBDUED THE PEOPLE UNDER ME. This Verse seems put in Appofition to the latter. Part of the preceding one; at the End of which the Punctuation should be. altered.

[מפלטי מאיבי - אף מן קמי תרוממני

V. 48. He delivereth me from mine Enemies: yea, thou lifteft me up above thofe that rife up against me. Rather --- MY DELIVERER FROM MINE ENEMIES, SURELY THOU WILT EXALT ME &c.


V. 2. Day unto Day uttereth Speech, and Night unto Night Sheweth

ולילה ללילה יחוה דעת: .Knowledge

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,That is [ יום ליום יביע אמר

by obferving and contemplating on the Heavens, whether by Day or by Night, the Wisdom of God, who made them, will become daily "more manifeft; each Day adding to the Inftruction of the former."

V. 3. There is no Speech or Language, where their Voice is not heard.

Rather - Though they [אין אמר ואין דברים - בלי נשמע קולם:

have NO SPEECH NOR LANGUAGE, YET THEIR VOICE IS HEARD. So Noldius, who gives this Senfe to the Verfe, and it is truly a fublime one for whether we confider the Heavens as the Seat of the Metcors, whofe awful Sound is often heard; or confine the Idea to their ad


mirable Structure; which will draw forth Praise and Admiration from him that contemplates on them, the Thought is truly poetical.

בכל הארץ

V. 4. Their Line is gone out through all the Earth, ay panga If op is not a Mistake for p, it should, at least, have the Arabic Signification given to it, viz. THEIR SOUND; from, To cry out: thus all the ancient Verfions, excepting the Chaldee, render the Word. What farther confirms this Senfe is the Expreffion, their Words, in the next Hemiftic.

V. 5. Which is as a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber; and rejoiceth as a frong Man to run a Race.

והוא כחתן יצא מחפתו - ישיש - Rather [כגבור לרוץ ארח :

HE GOETH FORTH AS A BRIDEGROOM OUT OF HIS CHAMBER; HE REJOICETH &c. Among the Jews it seems to have been customary on the Marriage Day for the Company, who were affembled on that Occafion, to receive the Bridegroom with Flambeaus, Songs, and other Demonftrations of Joy, when he brought forth the Bride towards Midnight. Matth. XXV. 6. The Comparison therefore of the Sun rejoicing to perform his daily Tafk, (conscious as it were of the Bleffings he diffufes around him) to the Bridegroom is very appofite: neither is it lefs fo, in respect to a tried Racer, who vain of former Victories, and elated with the Idea of being fuperior to his Antagonist, fets out with Exultation, and is received at the Goal with joyful Acclamations.

V. 8. The Commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the Eyes. : BUY MIND 1 min 13] Rather- IS CLEAR, (PLAIN, or MANIFEST,) "fo has it Power of teaching Men true Wisdom.”

מצות יהוה ברה מאירת עינים:

V. 9. The Fear of the Lord is clean; ] Ratheris PURE: "free from all bafer Mixture of corrupt Affections," and when it is such, "it will affuredly stand the Teft, and endure for ever.

[שגיאות מי יבין

V. 12. Who can understand his Errors? — ] This Word feems corruptly written for ' or ': fee the Roots

.שגג and שגה

cleanfe thou me from fecret Faults. :p ] Rather FROM DISGUISES; that is, from falfe Appearances, or Hypocrify. See Job. XXIV. 15.

13. Keep back thy Servant alfo from prefumptuous Sins: 7737] Rather-FROM THE PROUD, or PRESUMPTUOUS: which is the constant Signification of this Word.

[חשך עבדך

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Rather [מפשע רב:


—and I shall be innocent from the great Tranfgreffion. ''p AND I SHALL BE EXEMPTED FROM SINNING GREATLY: for yw feems to be the Gerund, as Ifa. LIX. an Adverb.




V. 3. - and accept thy Burnt-facrifice. :] Our Verfion by Accident gives its proper Signification in this Place; for it refers to the Margin for the received Senfes, viz. turn to Afbes, or make fat. But o fignifies to give, and to receive, whence comes ✪ in Arabic, and lo in Perfic, a Gift, an Offering upon the Altar. in Chaldee, and, in Syriac have the fame Signification. be will bear him from his holy Heaven, with the faving

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יענהו משמי קדשו בגבורות ישע ימינו: .Strength of his right Hand

Each of thefe Hemiftics conveys a different Sentiment, and ought I
think to be thus distinguished


V. 7. Some truft in Chariots, and fome in Horfes: but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God.

אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסיס There is no Occafion to fupply a [ואנחנו בשם יהוה אלהינו נזכיר :

different Verb in this Place from that which occurs here. affects every Member of the Verfe; which ought to be thus rendered SOME are mindful of CHARIOTS; AND SOME OF HORSES: BUT WE WILL BE MINDFUL OF THE NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD: i. e." think of them as the only Means of Safety. The Jews "were not allowed to ufe either Chariots or Horfes; but, inftead of "them, were to truft in Jehovah for Affiftance." Deut. XX. 1. The fame Word, t, is ufed Pf. XXII. 27. and should also be rendered in the fame Senfe.

V. 9. Save, Lord, let the King hear us when we call.

יהוה הושיעה Rather - LET JEHovAH THE KING [המלך - יעננו ביום קראנו :

SAVE; LET HIM HEAR US WHEN WE CALL. The Divifion of the Hemistics points out this Sense; ny may as well be the 3d. P. pret. Hiph. as the 2d. Imp. with paragogic; unlefs perhaps it be a Mistake for ywm, let him fave us.


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