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The most important problem yet to be solved is that of the proper adjustment of the training to the double and often conflicting demands of general culture and practical affairs.


THE NEW CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. The foundation of a Catholic university at Fribourg, Switzerland, is an event of unusual interest in the educational world. In 1886, Mons. Python, Minister of Public Instruction for the canton, secured an appropriation of $482,500 as an initial fund for the project. The same official has at last secured from the cantonal assembly a vote in favor of the immediate opening of the university. At the beginning, its scope will be limited, comprising only the Faculty of Law, the germ of which already exists, and the section of letters in the Faculty of Philosophy. Singular to say, the creation even of the distinguishing feature of a Catholic university, viz., the Faculty of Theology, is surrounded with difficulties. By the constitution of the canton, all public superior institutions developed subsequent to the adoption of the same, that is, after 1857, must offer equal advantages to citizens of all creeds, consequently no cantonal funds can be applied to a sectarian faculty. The Swiss bishops have, however, pledged themselves to provide for the support of this faculty. Thus far, the liberal party of the canton have offered no serious opposition to the new institution, contenting themselves with mild protests against the expenditure. But it is probable that grave difficulties will arise in the future. At the present moment the cantonal government counts confidently upon receiving its share of the federal appropriation voted annually for the great academies of the several cantons.


SCIENCE TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The condition of science teaching in secondary schools was the subject of a special report at the annual meeting of the British Association. In the course of their investigations the committee addressed a letter of inquiry to the head masters of schools in which elementary chemistry is taught, for the purpose of ascertaining the general status of the subject, and the methods of teaching that have been found most effective. In the opinion of the committee, the replies show that much of the teaching of elementary chemistry is unsatisfactory; but at the same time they afford evidence that there is no more effective and attractive method of training the logical faculties than that which is afforded by a properly arranged course of instruction in physical science." The investigation having developed the fact that teachers, as a rule, not only recognize the necessity for the adoption of improved methods, but are:

anxious to receive advice and assistance in respect to the same, the committee interested themselves in meeting these requirements, having reached an agreement as to the general principles on which a scheme of elementary instruction in chemistry should depend, they accepted the offer of Professor Armstrong, to draw up a scheme in sufficient detail to serve as a guide to those actually engaged in teaching. The report embodying the scheme will be found in full in Nature of October 17.

The committee agree with the position taken by the "American Association for the Advancement of Science," namely, that instruction in chemistry should be commenced at an early age.

TECHNICAL EDUCATION. - The Technical School Act, Scotland, has so far yielded little practical results. Only five school boards have set in operation the necessary procedure to take advantage of the act. This, observes the president of the "Scotch Institute," is not surprising, since the "machinery was one required only for a population of a certain kind."

Russia is organizing a system of technical schools of a very complete form. The schools are of three classes, lower and middle technical, and upper, or as they are called trade schools. The first consists of three divisions, for mechanics, chemists and builders respectively. The second class is intended for assistant engineers and architects, foremen builders, and agricultural bailiffs. The courses of study cover four years, and the students must have completed their primary education before entering the schools. The superior trade schools are intended to produce skilled and intelligent workmen in wood and metal. The minister of instruction calculates that the cost of maintenance of a lower school will be about ten thousand dollars per annum ; that of a middle school fourteen thousand five hundred dollars; and that of a trade school about six thousand seven hundred.

The syllabus of the Manchester Technical School for 1889-90 shows the importance and magnitude of the work in which this institution is engaged. There are eight departments in the day, and ten in the evening school, beginning with a manual training school for boys. This school is not intended to teach boys a trade, but to provide them with a complete education of both head and hand. Among the new features for the present year is a special course on Saturday mornings for school teachers, in the use of wood-working tools. In commercial geography there is to be a special course of lectures of a practical character. Typewriting is another novelty. The school staff consists of 52 teachers, and the number of students is 3328, a gain of 133 per cent. since 1884.

Reports from India show that technical instruction is receiving much attention, especially in the Central Provinces.

FREE SCHOOLS IN SCOTLAND.-Under the provisions of the act authorizing the remission of school fees in Scotland, the elementary schools became practically free October first. This action has given a new impetus to the advocates of a similar measure in England, and Mr. Chamberlain is again posing as the great political champion of a free system of popular education.

A. T. S.


The following bibliography of current periodical literature includes articles upon education and other subjects calculated to interest teachers. Only articles from periodicals not nominally educational are mentioned. Articles of special importance to teachers will, as a rule, be mentioned in notes.

American Women, Types of. Hjalmar H. Boyesen. Forum, Nov.

Amérique, L', a l'exposition universelle. C. de Varigny. Revue des Deux Mondes, Oct. 15.

Arabian Brothers of Purity, The. Edward Hungerford. Andover Review, November.

Arnold, Sir Edwin, at Harvard. New England Magazine, Nov.

Bashkirtseff, Marie. Josephine Lazarus. Scribner's, Nov.

The Journal of this remarkable young woman-from which selections are made in this and the two articles mentioned below - must interest every psychologist.


Bashkirtseff, Marie, Journal de.
E. Gladstone. Nineteenth Century,

Bashkirtseff, Marie. Sophia Kirk.
Atlantic, Nov.

Behring Sea, American Rights in. Pres. J. B. Angell. Forum, Nov.

Birdnotes. W. Hamilton Gibson. Harper's, November.

Blind and Deaf, Education of the. C. E. D. Black. National Review, October.

Boston Symphony Orchestra, The. Louis C. Elson. New England Magazine, November.

Carlyle's Philosophy of History. Lewis G. James. Westminister Review, October.

Cathedral at Chartres, Building of the. Charles Eliot Norton. Harper's, November.

Catholic Education, Lessons of a Century of. Brother Azarias. Catho

lic World, November.

Catholic University, The Faculty of the. Chas. G. Herbermann. American Catholic Quarterly Review, Oct.

Scottish Universities Commission, The Work before the. Scotus Academicus. Westminster Review, Oct.

Children in Theatres. Mrs. Jeune. English Illustrated Magazine, October. Children, Mental and Physical Training of. Mrs. Jessie Waller. Nineteenth Century, October.

Civil Service, Public Opinion and the. E. L. Godkin. Forum, Nov.

Clark University, The Opening of. New England Magazine, November.

College Training. Does College Training Pay? D. R. Mc Anally. Lippincott's, November.

Colombia, The Republic of. Ricardo Becerra. Harper's, November.

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A. Mark Twain. Century, November.

Cooking, The Art of. Edward Atkinson. Popular Science Monthly, Nov. Coöperation, Industrial, in England. F. G. Peabody. Forum, November.

Darwinism and the Origin of Reason. T. B. Saunders. Scottish Review, October.

Democracy in the United States, Character of. Woodrow Wilson. Atlantic, November,

A thoughtful paper.

Dock Laborer's Strike, The: I.

The Labor Market of East London. E. M. Clerke. The Great Strike and the Social Question. C. S. Devas. Dublin Review, October. Educational Ideals in Miss Brigham's Life. Miss K. Shepherd Woodward. Our Day, October.

Electric Lighting, The Dangers of. Thomas A. Edison. North American Review, November.

Electricity in Relation to the Human Body. M. Allen Starr. Scribner's, November.

Emin. Where Emin is. H. G. Prout. Scribner's, November.

English Politics and Society. No. I. J. Ranken Towse. Chautauquan, November.

Ethical Movement Defined, The. Stanton Coit. Ethical Record, Oct.

Ethical Society, Aims of the. Felix Adler. Ethical Record, October.

Ethics in Cornell University. J. G. Schurman. Ethical Record, October. Ethics in Harvard College. Josiah Royce. Ethical Record, October.

Ethics in the University of Michigan. John Dewey. Ethical Record, October.

Ethics of the Drink Question, The. James Runciman. Contemporary Review, October.

[blocks in formation]

Girlhood, English. Mrs. Molesworth. English Illustrated Magazine, October.

Goethe's House at Weimar. Oscar Browning. Scribner's, November. Grolier Club, The. Brander Matthews. Century, November.

Hamlet, A Century of. Lawrence Hutton. Harper's, November.

Honor, A New Field of. James E. Pilcher. Scribner's, November.

Human Body. Is the Human Body a Storage-Battery? Hyland C. Kirk. Popular Science Monthly, November.

Human Nature, Traits of. I. J.M. Buckley. Chautauquan, November. Industrial Schools in Missions. Cyrus Hamlin. Our Day, October.

Intellect, The Origin of. Edinburgh Review, October.

A long review of Romanes' "Mental Evolution in Man," and Mivart's "On Truth."

Irish University Question. The. Justin M'Carthy. Contemporary Review, October.

Israelite and Indian.

Garrick Mal

lery. I. Popular Science Monthly, Nov. Keller, Helen, The Blind DeafMute. J. Clark Murray. Scottish Review, October.

Labor Problem, The. D. F. Schloss. Fortnightly Review, October.

An argument for profit-sharing. Land, National Administration of the. F. L. Loper. Westminster Re

view, October.

Landscape Art in America, Materials for. Charles H. Moore. Atlantic, November.

Latin, Small, and Less Greek. H. Arthur Kennedy. Contemporary Review, October.

Le Coute, John, Sketch of. W. Le Conte Stevens. Popular Science Monthly, November.

London, East, The Inhabitants of. Quarterly Review, October.

Lucayan Indians, The. W. K. Brooks. Popular Science Monthly, November.

Mental Disease, Responsibility in. Sir James Crichton Browne. Popular Science Monthly, November.

Mental Science. Experiments in Crystal-Vision. Science, Nov. 8. Very interesting.

Mental Science, New Experiments upon the Time Relations of Mental Processes. Science, Oct. 11 and 25.

A résumé of the important experiments recently reported by Doctor Münsterberg in his Beiträge zur Ex

perimentellen Psychologie, Heft. 1, 1889.

Missionaries, Cheap, and Mission Education. Prin. Miller. Contemporary Review, October.

Mitchell, Maria. Harriet Prescott Spofford. Chautauquan, November. Modern Society, The Problems of. Wm. Chauucy Langdon. Century, November.

Montchrétien. Son traité d'économie politique. (1615.) Th. Funck Brentano. Revue Bleue, Sept. 21. Müller, Max, on Natural Religion. London Quarterly Review, October. Municipal Control of Gas Works. Bronson C. Keeler. Forum, Nov.

Musik, Gedanken über, bei Thieren und beim Menschen. August Weismann. Deutsche Rundschau, October.

National Conceits, Our. Murat Halstead. North American Review, Nov. "Nationalism" in the United States. Nicholas P. Gilman. Quarterly Journal of Economics, October.

A criticism of "Looking Backward."

Newspapers, A Plea for Endowed Newspapers. Charles H. Levermore. Andover Review, November.

Owners of the United States, The. Thomas G. Shearman. Forum, Nov.

"The United States are practically owned by less than 250,000 persons, constituting less than one in sixty of its adult male population."

Oxford and its Professors. burgh Review, October.


Based on recent literature. Pain. The Comparative Insensibility of Animals to Pain. W. Collier. Nineteenth Century, October.

Parkman, Francis. George Willis Cooke. New England Magazine, Nov. Phillips, Wendell, as an Orator. Carlos Martyn. Forum, November. Philosophie. Introduction a la science philosophique. V. La géographie de la philosophie. Paul Janet. Revue Philosophique, October.

Philosophie. Wie studiert man am besten Philosophie? Eduard von Hartmann. Nord und Süd, October. Postmasters. How Postmasters are made. Fred. Perry Powers. Chautauquan, November.

Poverty and Charity in San Francisco. M. W. Shinn. Overland, Nov. Prison Law of New York, The New. Charles A. Collin. Andover Review, November.

Psychologie de l'enfant, La. A propos du dernier ouvrage de M.

Bernhard Perez. Henri Marion. Revue Bleue, Sept. 28.

Psychologie. Reserches psychophysiques: le contrast, le rhythme, la mesure. Ch. Henry. Revue Philosophique, October.

Pulpit, Modern Claims upon the. Archdeacon F. W. Farrar. Forum, November.

Roman Catholic University in Ireland, The Endowment of a. F. C. Conybeare. National Review, Oct.

Romance, The Domain of. Maurice Thompson. Forum, November.

Rome in 1889. Mrs. Henry Ady. Nineteenth Century, October.

Rome, Recent Discoveries at. Edinburgh Review, October.

II. E. B.

Russian Characteristics. Lanin. Fortnightly Review, October. Salamanca, A Student of. William Henry Bishop. Scribner's, November. School Question, Considerations touching the. Charles C. Starbuck. Yale Review, November.

Science. Association brittannique pour l'avancement des sciences: Le but et l'organisation des musées d' histoire naturelle. W. H. Flower. Revue Scientifique, 28 Sep.

Science. Conférences de la Société d' anthropologie de Paris: Le transformiste français Lamarck. Mathias Duval. Revue Scientifique, Oct. 5 and 12.

Scientific Advances, Some Recent. Alfred J. H. Crespi. Gentleman's Magazine, October.

Sejanus, The Story of. George Parsons Lathrop. Chautauquan, Nov. Sensitive Flames and Sound-ShadOWS. W. Le Conte Stevens. Popular Science Monthly, November. Shakespeare, William, Gentleman. Cecil W. Franklyn. Westminster Review, October.

Silver Coinage, The International, Proposed in the American Conference. Joseph Sheldon. Yale Review, Nov.

State Legislatures, The American. Albert Shaw. Contemporary Review, October.

Strike, The Great. Cardinal Manning and John Burns. New Review, October.

Tarry at Home Travel. II. Edward E. Hale. New England Magazine, November.

These delightful chats are in part upon educational topics.

Telegraph. Are Telegraph Rates too High? Norvin Green. North American Review, November.

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