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I. A. Ernesti Specimen castigationum in Wetstenii edit. N. T. in Opusce. phil. et crit. p. 326. ss.

Libri historici N. T. græce, Pars prior sistens Synopsin Evangg. Matthæi, Marci et Lucæ. Textum ad fidem codd. verss. et patrum emendavit, et lect. var. adiecit. Griesbach, Hal. 1774. (Eiusd. ed. secunda emend. et auct. Hal. 1798. S.) Pars posterior, sistens Joh. Ev. et Acta App. 1775. 8. Nov. Test. græce, Textum ad fid. codd.-adjecit Griesbach, vol. I. Evangelia et Acta App. complectens, Hal. 1777. 8. Vol. 11. Epistolas et Apocalypsin complectens, 1775. 8. Novum Test. græce. Textum-recensuit, et lect. var. adjecit J. J. Griesbach. Vol. I. Quatuor Evangelia complectens. Editio secunda emendatior multoque locupletior, Hal. et Lond. 1796. 8. mai. J. J. Griesbachii Curæ in historiam textus græci Epp. Paull. Specimen primum. Jenæ, 1777, 4.

Symbolæ criticæ ad supplendas et corrigendas VV. N. T. Lectionum collectiones. Accedit multorum N. T. codd. gr. descriptio et examen. Tomus prior. Hal. 1785. 8. Tomus posterior 1793.

Commentarius criticus in textum gr. N. T. particula I. Jena 1798. 8. mai. (XX. Capp. Matthei.)

Novum Test. XII. Tomis distinctum, græce et latine. Textum denuo recensuit, varr. lectiones numquam antea vulgatas collegit-Scholia græca-addidit, animadverss. criticas adjecit et edidit Cph. Frid. Matthaei, Rigæ 1788. 8. (Singulæ partes separatim inde ab a. 1782, prodierant, cf. Eichhorn. Bibl. II, p. 305. ss.) Novum Testam. ad Codicem Vindobon. græce expressum. Varietatem lect. addidit Tr. Car. Alter. Viennæ, Vol. I. 1787; Vol. II. 1786. 8. cf. Eichhorn. I, 1. II, p. 102. ss.

Quatuor Evangelia græce cum variantibus a textu lectionibus codd. MSS. Bibl. Vat. Barb. Laurent. Vindob. Escur. Havn. quibus accedunt lectiones verss. syrarum— edidit Andr. Birch, Havn. 1788, 4. (Eichhorn II, 116. ss.)

Variæ Lectiones ad textum Actt. app. Epp. Cathol. et Pauli e codd. gr. MSS. Bibl. Vat. Barber. etc. collectæ et. editæ ab Andr. Birch, Havn. 1798, 8. (Griesbach in Neuen theol. Tourn. XIII, (1799) p. 396. ss.)

Varia Lectiones ad textum Apocalypseos-collectæ et editæ ab Andr. Birch, Havn. 1800, 8.

Varia Lectiones ad textum IV. Evangg.-collectæ et editæ ab A. Birch, H. 1801, 8. (Gabler Journ. f. theol. Litt. III. 71. ss.)

V. Smaller critical editions.

Novum Test. post priores Steph. Curcellæi tum et Oxoniensium labores, quibus parallela Scr. loca nec non varr. lectt.-collectæ exhibentur ; accedit-crisis perpetua, qua singulas varientes-ad XLIII. Canones examinat G. D. T. M. D. (Gerh. van Mastricht) Amst. 1711. 8.

The New Testament in Greek and English, containing the original text corrected from the authority of the most authentic MSS. with notes and various readings, Lond, 1729. 11. 8. (auct. D. Mace.) See,

Leon. Twells examination of the late N. T. Lond. 1732. 8.

Novum Test, græcum ad fidem græcorum solum Codd. MSS. nunc primum expressum. Accessere in altero Volumine emendationes coniecturales V V. D D. undique collectæ Lond. cura typis et sumt. G. B. (Guil. Bowyer,) 1763. II. 8.

The New Testament collated with the most approved Manuscripts, with select notes in English; to which are added a Catalogue of the principal Editions of the Greek Testament, and a list of the most esteemed commentators, by E. Harwood, Lond. 1776. 1784. 11. 8. min.

Editiones Leusdenii inde ab a. 1693. plures-Reineccii inde ab a 1725. sæpius-Chr. Schoetgenii L. 1744, Vratisl. 1781. 8. Bengelii Stullg. 1734. 8. et sæp. Ed. quinta (mendis typogrr. obsitæ) accedit Spicilegium lectt. var. auctore Ern. Bengelio, Tub. 1790. S.

Testamentum D. N. J. C. novum in usum studiosæ juventutis edidit Laur. Sahl. Havniæ, 1787. 11. 8.

Novum Test. græce. Recognovit atque insignioris lectt. varietatis et argumentorum notationes subiunxit G. C. Knappius, Hal. 1797. 8.

VI. Critical editions, with annotations.

Novum Test. græce. Perpetua annot. illustratum a J. B. Koppe, Vol. I. compl. Epp. Pauli ad Gal. Thess. Eph. Gött. 1778. 8. Second edition by T. C. Tychsen, 1791. 8. Volumen IV. complectens Ep. Pauli ad Rom., Gött.

1783. 8.

Volumen VII. compl. Epp. Pauli ad Tim. Tit. et Philem. continuavit J. H. Heinrichs Gött. 1792. Volumen IX. compl. Epp. Jacob. et Petri-continuavit, Dav. Jul. Pott.

Volumen VIII. compl. Ep. Pauli ad Ebræos continuavit. J. H. Heinrichs. Vol. X. complec. Apocal. continuavit, J. H. Heinrichs.

Pauli ad Corinthios Epp. græce. Perpetua annot. illustratæ a F. A. Gu. Krause. Vol. I. complec. Ep. priorem Fr. f. ad M. 1792.

Pauli Ap. Ep. ad Philipp. gr. ex. rec. Griesbach. annot. perpetua illustrata a M. J. G. am Ende, Vit. 1798. Epistola Judæ gr. Commentario critico et annot. perpetua illustrata a H. C. A. Haenlein, Erl. 1799.

H.E.G. Paulus, Philologisch-krit. und histor. Kommentar, über das neue Test. in welchem der griech. Text nach einer Recognition der varianten etc. bearbeitet ist. Erster Theil der drei ersten Evv., erste Hälfte, Lüb. 1800. 8. Zweiter Th. der drei ersten Evangelisten, zweite Hälfte 1801. 8 Dritter Theil, 1802. 8.

Michaelis in his Introduction, after giving the character of the various editions, which were then published, states the objects which it is still desirable to obtain, in a critical edition of the N. T. See also, Haenlein Handbuch, II. 292.



I. If the origin and nature of the readings of the N. T. be understood, it will be perceived, that besides the laws, which all interpreters of ancient authors, ought to follow, in examining ancient documents, in selecting from their various readings-in detecting and expunging interpolations, in filling up chasms, and restoring depraved passages-there must be others, peculiar to the Sacred Volume.

J. H. ab Elswich Diss. de recentiorum in Novum Fœdus critice, Vit. 1711.
J. C. Klemm Principia Criticæ Sacræ N. T. Tub. 1746. 4.
Jo. Geo. Richter Exerc. de arte critica Scripturæ interprete, L. 1750. 4.
J. L. Frey Comm. de varr. lectt. N. Test. Bas. 1713.

C. B. Michaelis Tractatio crit. de var. lectt. N. T. caute colligendis et dijudicandis, in quo cum de illarum causis-tum de cautelis agitur, simulque de codicibus, versionibus antiquis et Patribus partim curiosa, partim utilia afferuntur, Hal. Magd. 1749. 4.

Fr. Ant. Knittels neue Gedanken von den allgemeinen Schreibfehlern in den Handschr. des N. T. Braunschw. 1755. 4.

J. J. Breintingeri Diss. crit. de examine dubiæ lectionis N. T. rite instituendo, Mus. Helv. XVIII. See also, the works of Semler, Wetstein, and Griesbach, already frequently referred to.

Criticism is divided, although not very properly, into higher and lower, and each into grammatico-historical and conjectural.

I. Lower or verbal criticism.


S. G. Wald diss. de eo, quod incertum est in critica verbali N. T., Regiom. 1795. 4.

The general rule is, that the reading which bears, as it were, the impress of the author's hand, and from which it may be seen, how the other readings might easily have


arisen, is probably genuine. Hence, it is proper, that even the obvious errors of transcribers, should be noted, as they often furnish indications of the correct reading.

The common laws which are of authority, in the criticism of profane authors in general, are,

1. That reading, which rests upon the testimony of decidedly the greatest number of witnesses, is to be esteemed genuine. Yet all the readings of the smaller number of witnesses, are not at once to be rejected.

2. That reading, which is found in the best copies, unless other reasons forbid, is to be preferred to that which rests upon inferior copies, although these copies be the more numerous. The antiquity and intrinsic excellence of a reading, do not, of themselves, prove it to be genuine.

3. That reading, which is the more harsh, obscure, difficult, and unusual, if it have besides, competent testimony in its behalf, is to be preferred to the perspicuous, the obvious, and the usual. Difficulty is sometimes in the style and connexion, sometimes in particular words and phrases, sometimes it is grammatical, historical, or doctrinal.

4. That reading, which is most consistent with popular and familiar usage, if supported by external testimony, is to be preferred to that which is more artificial or abstruse.

5. The shorter reading, caeteris paribus, is to be preferred.

6. That reading, which furnishes the best sense, is to be selected. But in deciding upon this point, the nature of the passage, and character of the writer, and not our own opinions, are to be regarded.

7. That reading, which gives an unmeaning, or incongruous sense, is to be rejected. Care, however, must be taken, that we do not hastily decide that a sense is false, which a more thorough examination, may show to be probable, and perhaps correct.

8. The reading, most consistent with the author's style,

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