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National Series of Standard School-Books.

Davies' National Course of Mathematics.


From L. VAN BOKKELEN, State Superintendent Public Instruction, Maryland. The series of Arithmetics edited by Prof. Davies, and published by your firm, have been used for many years in the schools of several counties, and the city of Baltimore, and have been approved by teachers and commissioners.

Under the law of 1865, establishing a uniform system of Free Public Schools, these Arithmetics were unanimously adopted by the State Board of Education, after a careful examination, and are now used in all the Public Schools of Maryland.

These facts evidence the high opinion entertained by the School Authorities of the value of the series theoretically and practically.

From HORACE WEBSTER, President of the College of New York.

The undersigned has examined, with care and thought, several volumes of Davies Mathematics, and is of the opinion that, as a whole, it is the most complete and best course for Academic and Collegiate instruction with which he is acquainted.

From DAVID N. CAMP, State Superintendent of Common Schools, Connecticut. I have examined Davies' Series of Arithmetics with some care. The language is clear and precise; each principle is thoroughly analyzed, and the whole so arranged as to facilitate the work of instruction. Having observed the satisfaction and success with which the different books have been used by eminent teachers, it gives me pleasare to commend them to others.

From J. O. WILSON, Chairman Committee on Text-Books, Washington, D. C. 1 consider Davies' Arithmetics decidedly superior to any other series, and in this opimon I am sustained, I believe, by the entire Board of Education and Corps of Teachers in this city, where they have been used for several years past.

From JOHN L. CAMPBELL, Professor of Mathematics, Wabash College, Inatana. A proper combination of abstract reasoning and practical illustration is the chief excellence in Prof. Davies' Mathematical works I prefer his Arithmetics, Algebras, Geometry, and Trigonometry to all others now in use, and cordially recommend them to all who desire the advancement of sound learning

From MAJOR J. H. WHITTLESEY, Government Inspector of Military Schools. Be assured I regard the works of Professor Davies, with which I am acquainted, as by far the best text-books in print on the subjects which they treat. I shall certainly encourage their adoption wherever a word from me may be of any avail.

From T. McC. Ballantine, Professor Mathematics, Cumberland College, Kentucky. I have long taught Prof. Davies' Course of Mathematics, and I continue to like their working.

From JOHN MCLEAN BELL, B. A., Principal of Lower Canada College.

I have used Davies' Arithmetical and Mathematical Series as text-books in the

schools under my charge for the last six years. These I have found of great efficacy in exciting, invigorating, and concentrating the intellectual faculties of the young

Each treatise serves as an introduction to the next higher, by the similarity of its reasonings and methods; and the student is carried forward, by easy and gradual steps, over the whole field of mathematical inquiry, and that, too, in a shorter time than is usually occupied in mastering a single department. I sincerely and heartily recommend them to the attention of my fellow-teachers in Canada.

From D. W. STEELE, Prin. Philekoian Academy, Cold Springs, Texas.

I have used Davies' Arithmetics till I know them nearly by heart. A better series of school-books never were published. I have recommended them until they are now used in all this region of country.

A large mass of similar "Opinions" may be obtained by addressing the publishers for special circular for Davies' Mathematics. New recommendations are published in current numbers of the Educational Bulletin.

The National Scrics of Standard School-Books.


Monteith's Youth's History,

A History of the United States for beginners. It is arranged upon the catechetic..I plan, with illustrative maps and engravings, review quesãons, dates in parentheses (that their study may be optional with the younger class of learners), and interesting liographical Sketches of all persons who have been prominently identified with the history of our country.

.$ 75

Willard's United States, Sch. ed., $1 40. Un. ed. 2 25 Do.


University edition,

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The plan of this standard work is chronologically exhibited in front of. the title-page; the Maps and Sketches are fouad useful assistants to the memory, and dates, usually so difficult to remember, are so systematically arranged as in a great degree to obviate the difficulty. Candor, impartality, and accuracy, are tue distinguishing features of the narrativo portion,

Willard's Universal History,

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The inost valuable features of the United States" are reproduced in this. The peculiarities of the work are its great conciseness and the prominence given to the chronological order of events. The margin arks each successive era with great distinctness, so that the pupil retins not only the event but its time, and thus fixes the order of history frmly and usefully in his mind. Mr. Willard's books are constantly revised, and at all times written up to embrace important listorical events of recent date.

Berard's History of England,

ly an authoress well known for the Luccess of her History of the United States. The social lie of the English people is felicitously interwove., as in fact, with the civil and military transactions of the realm.

Ricord's History of Rome,

Possesses the charm of an attractive romance. The Fables with which this history abounds are introduced in such a way as not to deceive the inexperienced, while adding materially to the value of the work as a reliable index to the character and institutions, as well as the history of the Roman people.

Hanna's Bible History,

The only compendium of Bible narrative which affords a connected and chronological view of the important events there recorded, divested of uil superfluous detail.

Summary of History, Complete

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American History, $0 40. French and Eng. Hist.

2 25

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1 75

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A well proportioned outline of leading events, condensing the substance of the more extensive text-book in common use into a series of statements so brief, that every word may be committed to memory, and yet so comprehensive that it presents an accurate though general view of the whole continuous life of nations.

Marsh's Ecclesiastical History,

Questions to ditto,

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Affording the History of the Church in all ages, with accounts of the pagan world during Biblical periods, and the character, rise, and progress of all Religions, as well as the various sects of the worshipers of Christ. The work is entirely non-sectarian, though strictly catholic.

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The National Series of Standard School-Books.


Beers' System of Progressive Penmanship.

Per dozen

This "round hand system of Penmanship in twelve numbers, com-
mends itself by its simplicity and thoroughness. The first four numbers
are primary books. Nos. 5 to 7, advanced books for boys. Nos. 8 to 10,
advanced books for girls. Nos. 11 and 12, ornamental penmanship.
These books are printed from steel plates (engraved by McLees), and are
unexcelled in mechanical execution. Large quantities are annually sold.

Beers' Slated Copy Slips, per set

All beginners should practice, for a few weeks, slate exercises, familiar-
izing them with the form of the letters, the motions of the hand and arm,
&c., &c. These copy slips, 32 in number, supply all the copies found in a
complete series of writing-books, at a trifling cost.




Payson, Dunton & Scribner's Copy-B'ks.P. doz.,2 25

The National System of Penmanship, in three distinct series-(1) Com-
mon School Series, comprising the first six numbers; (2) Business Series,
Nos. 8, 11, and 12; (3) Ladies' Series, Nos. 7, 9, and 10.

Fulton & Eastman's Chirographic Charts,*3_75

To embellish the school room walls, and furnish class exercise in the
elements of Penmanship.

Payson's Copy-Book Cover, per hundred

.*3 00

Protects every page except the one in use, and furnishes "lines" with proper
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National Steel Pens, Card with all kinds.

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Pronounced by competent judges the perfection of American-made pens, and
superior to any foreign article.

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Stimpson's Scientific Steel Pen, per gross .*2 00


One forward and two backward arches, ensuring great strength, well-
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gross in twelve contains a Scientific Gold Pen.

Stimpson's Ink-Retaining Holder, per doz. .*2 00

A simple apparatus, whic. does not get out of order, withholds at a
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Stimpson's Gold Pen, $3 00; with Ink Retainer*4 50
Stimpson's Penman's Card,

One dozen Steel Pens (assorted points) and Patent Ink-retaining Pen



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