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FÜRSTENWALDE, a small walled town of Prussia, in the province of Brandenburg, on the right bank of the Spree, 30 miles east-south-east of Berlin. It has a brick church of the 14th c., the Marienkirch, which contains a fine Gothic Sacramentshäuschen (or pyx for keeping the host), built of sandstone, and dating from 1510. F. manufactures linens and woollens, and carries on some trade by river. Pop. (1871) 8197.

German from the original, by himself, in conjunction on the British mountains, and often suffers from with other scholars; Der Orient; Berichte, Studien und the frost of severe winters; whereas in nild Kritiken für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur (The seasons its flowers may be seen all winter, so that East; Notices, Studies, and Criticisms in connection there is an old proverb, 'Love is out of season when with Jewish History and Literature, Leip. 1840); the furze is out of blossom.' It is scarcely known Die Jüdischen Religionsphilosophen des Mittelalters in any of the northern parts of Europe; and (The Jewish Religious Philosophers of the Middle Linnæus is said to have burst into exclamations of Ages, Leip. 1845); Geschichte der Juden in Asien grateful rapture when he first saw a common covered (History of the Jews in Asia, Leip. 1849); Biblio- with F. bushes glowing in the profusion of their theca Judaica (1849-1853); and Hebräisches und rich golden flowers. F. is sometimes planted for Chaliläisches Handwörterbuch (Hebrew and Chaldee hedges, but is not well suited for the purpose, occuManual, Leip. 1851-1854), preceded by a history pying a great breadth of ground, and not readily of Hebrew lexicography. He died in 1873. acquiring sufficient strength; besides, it does not, when cut, tend to acquire a denser habit. It is useful as affording winter food for sheep, and on this account is burned down to the ground by sheepfarmers when its stems become too high and woody, so that a supply of green succulent shoots may be secured. In some parts of Wales, F., chopped and bruised, forms the principal part of the winter fodder of horses. In some places, it is sown to yield green food for sheep or other animals, but is preferable to other green crops only on dry sandy soils, where FÜRTH, a flourishing manufacturing town of they could not be advantageously cultivated. It Bavaria, in Middle Franconia, is situated at the is most extensively cultivated in Flanders. It is confluence of the Rednitz and the Pegnitz, about chopped and bruised by means of a mallet, one 5 miles north-west of Nürnberg, with which it end of which is armed with knife-blades; or by is connected by a railway, laid out in 1835, and means of a simple machine, called a gorse-mill. —A the first that was completed in Germany. It has double-flowering variety is common in gardens. A numerous churches, synagogues, a town-hall, theatre, very beautiful variety, called IRISH F., because &c. It is the most industrious and most prosperous originally found in Ireland (U. strictus of some manufacturing town of Bavaria; its mirrors, chande- botanists), is remarkable for its dense, compact, liers, snuff-boxes, lead-pencils, its brass and wood and erect branches. A dwarf kind of F. (U. nanus) wares, and its articles of dress, are famous. The occurs in some places, and is perhaps also a mere making of metallic leaf, and the manufacture of variety; if so, there is only one species known. articles in bronze, are most important branches of industry. F. also produces pinchbeck rings, watch-account of the excellent cover it affords. It is also In fox-hunting countries, F. is encouraged on keys, brass nails, spectacles and optical instruments, in great abundance. An annual fair, lasting fourteen days, takes place at Michaelmas. Pop. 24,569. of whom 2500 are Jews, and the rest Protestants. F. first appears in history about the beginning of the 10th c., when it belonged to the archbishops of Bamberg. Subsequently it acknowledged the authority of the Burgrafs of Nuremberg. In 1634, during the Thirty Years' War, the Austrian Croats burned it to the ground. In 1680 a great fire almost laid it in ashes again. It first began to attain importance as a seat of manufactures in

the latter half of the last century.

FURY AND HECLA STRAIT, lying in lat. 70° N., and long. from 82° to 86° W., separates Melville

Peninsula on the south from Cockburn Island on the north, and connects Fox's Channel on the east with

the Gulf of Boothia on the west. It is of no value whatever as a means of communication, nor is ever likely to be so, its western entrance having been ascertained by Captain Parry, who discovered it, on his second voyage, to be impenetrably closed from shore to shore by the accumulated ices of many years. It is traversed from west to east by a strong current, which passes down Fox's Channel into

Hudson's Strait.

FURZE (Ulex), a genus of plants of the natural order Leguminosa, sub-order Papilionaceae, distinguished by a two-leaved calyx with a small scale or Bractea on each side at the base, stamens all united by their filaments, and a turgid pod scarcely longer than the calyx. The COMMON F. (U. Europaus), also called WHIN and GORSE, is a shrub about two or three feet high, extremely branched; the branches green, striated, and terminating in spines; the leaves few and lanceolate; the flowers numerous, solitary, and yellow. It is common in many of the southern parts of Europe and in Britain, although it does not reach any considerable elevation

a favourite cover for rabbits.

FUSE, FUSEE, a tube of wood or metal, perforated down the side with a vertical row of holes, and used for firing shells. The tube is filled with a composition of nitre, sulphur, and gunpowder, which will burn gradually. The distance between each hole representing a second, the range and time of flight are computed, and that hole is left open which will communicate the fire in the fuse to the loaded shell at the moment the latter touches the ground after being discharged. Of course, when combustion reaches this aperture, the shell is burst by the explosion of the contained gunpowder, and scattered around in numerous fragments. Fuses constructed on a similar principle are used in exploding military mines (q. v.).

FUSEL or FOUSEL OIL, known also as POTATO SPIRIT, is a frequent impurity in spirits distilled from fermented potatoes, barley, rye, &c., to which it communicates a peculiar and offensive odour and taste, and an unwholesome property. Being less volatile than either alcohol or water, it accumulates in the last portions of the distilled liquor. According to Liebig, it is principally formed in the fermentation of alkaline or neutral liquids, while it never occurs in acidulous fermenting fluids which contain tartaric, racemic, or citric acid. It mainly consists of a substance to which chemists have given the name of amylic alcohol, whose compo sition is now represented by the formula C5H120. It is a colourless limpid fluid, which has a persistent and oppressive odour and a burning taste. is only sparingly soluble in water, but may be mixed with alcohol, ether, and the essential oils in all proportions. Any spirit which produces a milky appearance, when mixed with four or five times its volume of water, may be suspected to contain it.


Fusel oil is principally sold in this country for the


purpose of yielding pear essence for the so-called jargonelle-drops; it has likewise been patented as a solvent for quinine; and according to Liebig, it is sometimes employed in lighting distillery buildings. FUSELI, HENRY, the second son of John Caspar Fuseli, or Fuessli, a portrait-painter, and author of Lives of the Swiss Painters, was born at Zurich in 1742. He studied in his native town and at Berlin, travelled with Lavater in 1761, and then went to England, where, by Reynolds's advice, he devoted himself to art. In pursuance of this object, he proceeded to Italy in 1770, where he remained for eight years, studying in particular the works of Michael Angelo, and in 1778 returned to England. In 1790 he was elected a member of the Royal Academy, where, nine years later, he became professor of painting. He died at Putney Hill, near London, 16th April 1825, and was buried beside his friend, Sir Joshua Reynolds, in St Paul's. His most remarkable works are The Ghost of Dion,' from Plutarch; 'Lady Macbeth;' 'Hercules and the Horses of Diomedes;' and his Milton's Gallery,' comprising 47 designs from Paradise Lost. F.'s imagination was bold, but coarse; he had more genius than art; and his execution was often spasmodic in the extreme. His art-criticism, however, strange to say, ranks among the best in the language. His literary works, with a narrative of his life, were published by Knowles (3 vols., London, 1831).

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We see from this table that alloys may have a fusing-point far below that of any of the metals which enter into their composition. Similarly, mixtures of various silicates fuse at a temperature far below that which is required to melt any one of them, and the same remark applies to mixtures of various chlorides, carbonates, &c.

FUSIBILITY. With few exceptions, all solids which can bear a high temperature without under- change at once into perfect liquids; but some-as, Most solids, when heated to their fusing-point, going chemical change, may be melted. Many sub-for example, platinum, iron, glass, phosphoric acid, tances which are popularly regarded as infusible -as, for example, platinum and flint-readily fuse before the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, or between the poles of a powerful galvanic battery; even carbon has been partially fused by the last-named means. There are many substances which cannot be melted because they are decomposed by the action of heat. Thus, wood and many other organic compounds are decomposed into certain gases, which escape, and into carbon and fixed salts, which are left. Simi

larly, carbonate of lime (chalk) is decomposed into carbonic acid gas and lime at a temperature below its fusing-point. If, however, we prevent the gas from escaping by confining the carbonate of lime in a hermetically closed gun-barrel, it can be melted

at a high furnace-heat.

A table of 'The Order of Fusibility of the Metals' is given by Miller in his Elements of Chemistry, 2d edition, vol. ii. p. 294.

FUSIBLE METAL. Fusible metal is composed of 2 parts of bismuth, 1 of lead, and 1 of tin. It fuses at 201 ́ F., becoming pasty before it completely melts. It expands in a very anomalous manner; its bulk increases regularly from 32° to 95°; it then contracts gradually to 131; it then expands rapidly till it reaches 176°, and from that point till it melts, its expansion is uniform. The faculty of expanding as it cools, while still in a comparatively soft state, renders the alloy very serviceable to the die-sinker, who employs it to test the accuracy of his die, every line being faithfully reproduced in the cast made of the alloy. The proportions of the three metals are sometimes varied, and another formula is given in the table in FUSING AND



the resins, and many others-pass through an intermediate pasty condition before they attain perfect fluidity, and, in these cases, it is difficult, if This intermediate condition is termed vitreous fusion, not impossible, to determine the exact fusing-point. because it is a characteristic property of glass. It is in this intermediate state that glass is worked, and iron and platinum forged.

As a general rule, the freezing-point is the same as the fusing-point-that is to say, if a substance in the liquid form be cooled below the fusing-point, it again becomes solid; but there are cases in which we can cool a liquid several degrees below its fusingpoint; thus, by keeping water perfectly still, we can cool it to 5, or even to 1°4 before it freezes.

If, however, we drop a solid body into water in this condition, or if we shake the vessel containing it, congelation begins at once, and the temperature rises to 32°. This phenomenon is exhibited to a still greater degree in viscid fluids, like the oils. It is well known that the freezing-point of water is depressed by the presence of salts. Thus, seawater freezes at about 26 6, and a saturated solution of common salt must be cooled as low as 4 before freezing. Despretz has given the freezingpoints of various saline solutions at different degrees of concentration in the fourth volume of the Comptes Rendus, p. 435.

FU'STIAN, a cotton fabric having a pile like velvet, but shorter, and which is manufactured in nearly the same manner as velvet-viz., by leaving loops standing upon the face of the fabric, and threads, which are afterwards smoothed by shearing, then cutting them through so as to form upright singeing, and brushing. See VELVET.

FUSIL (Fr. fusee, a spindle) is represented FUSTIC, a name given to two kinds of dye-wood heraldically as longer and more acute than a used for producing a yellow colour, and with chemiLozenge (q. v.). cal additions, other colours, such as brown, clive, FUSILIERS were formerly soldiers armed with and green. The name seems to be derived from the a lighter fusil or musket than the rest of the army; French Fustet, the name of the Venice Sumach but at present all regiments of foot carry the|(Rhus cotinus, see SUMACH), a shrub found in the


south of Europe; and to have been transferred to a very different plant, the Maclura tinctoria of Don, or Morus tinctoria, a tree of the natural order Moraceae, a native of the West Indies, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, &c. The fustic is a large and handsome tree, the wood is of a greenish-yellow colour, and is sometimes used in mosaic cabinet-work and turning, but chiefly in dyeing. About 10,000 tons are imported annually into Britain. The tree is particularly abundant in Campeachy. The wood contains a great quantity of colouring matter, which forms the most durable of vegetable yellow dyes; but as the colour is rather dull, it is more used for producing other colours. The name OLD FUSTIC is sometimes given to it, and YOUNG FUSTIC to the wood of Rhus cotinu 8. These terms began to be employed about the beginning of last century, from the mistaken notion that the one, in small pieces, was the wood of the young tree, and the other, in comparatively large logs, of the same tree in a more mature state. The OSAGE ORANGE (q. v.) of North America (Maclura aurantiaca) is nearly allied to old fustic, and its wood also affords a yellow dye.

a lamp, being suspended horizontally by a cord, its cavity containing the oil, and the wick passing through the canal. This mollusc is often dredged up with oysters. It is eaten by the poor, but is more generally used as bait for cod, skates, &c.

This genus makes its first appearance in the Oolite, in which 10 species have been noticed. The numbers increase to 35 in the Cretaceous rocks, to 100 in the Eocene, and to 150 in the Miocene aud Pliocene.

county of the Lower Bacs, is situated on the left
FUTA'K, a town of Lower Hungary, in the
bank of the Danube, in lat. 45° 15' N., and long
19° 42′ W. It has a beautiful castle and garden
and the inhabitants grow vegetables and tobaccc
extensively. F. has a great trade in corn, and has
Turkey, Greece, and Armenia. Pop. 4642.
a fair in November, frequented by merchants fron

FUTEHGU'NGE (in English, Victory Market is the name of two places in Rohilcund, the scenes respectively, as the name implies, of two battl gained by the British over the Rohillas.-1. Easte n F., a town of the district of Bareilly, is situated ne r OLD FUSTIC, or Yellow Wood, is employed for the right bank of the Bhagal, in lat. 28 4' N., and dyeing woollens yellow, and also to impart to them long. 79° 42′ E. The action, from which this spot is green and olive colours when mixed with indigo designated, was fought in 1774, giving to the Nawab and salts of iron. It furnishes a yellow colouring of Oude, then an ally of the English East India matter, which may be obtained in crystals by Company, a large part of Rohilcund; and it was, in evaporating its watery solution. This substance fact, to commemorate that event, that Eastern F. is termed moritannic acid, and its composition is was built by that prince.-2. Western F., a town represented by the formula C6H18020. The also of the district of Bareilly, is situated in lat. 28° bichromates of potash and of lead have to a great 28' N., and long. 79° 24′ E. The conflict that dis degree superseded the use of OLD FUSTIC. tinguished this locality occurred in 1796. The only eminence in the neighbourhood, the most hotly con tested point in the struggle, bears twotold testimony to the story, in the memorials of those who fell-a plain and simple monument of fourteen British officers, and a carved and minareted tomb of two Rohilla chieftains.

YOUNG FUSTIC is the wood of Rhus cotinus or Venetian sumach. It contains a yellow colouring matter, to which the name Fusteric has been given. It is generally used in combination with other dyes, in order to strike some particular tint.

FUSUS (Lat. a spindle), a genus of gasteropodous molluscs nearly allied to Murex (q. v.), having a FUTTEHPUR, a town of the Doab, on the spindle-shaped shell, with a very elevated spire, the great trunk-road between Calcutta and Delhi, stands first whorl often much dilated, and a straight elon-in lat. 25° 57' N., and long. 6 54' E., 70 miles gated canal. The whorls are not crossed by varices, as in Murex. The species were formerly, however, included in that genus. About 100 existing species have been described, and more than three times that number of fossil ones. The existing species are distributed over the whole world, living generally on muddy and sandy sea-bottoms at no great depths.

Roaring Buckie, as used by the Zetlanders.

F. antiquus is known in the south of England as the RED WHELK, and in Scotland as the ROARING BUCKIE, from the continuous sound-as of waves breaking on the shore--heard when the empty shell is applied to the ear. In the cottages of Zetland, he shell, generally about six inches long, is used for

north-west of Allahabad, and 50 miles to the southeast of Cawnpore. It is a thriving place, with (1871) 20,478 inhabitants. Besides the buildings belonging to the civil establishment of the district of its own name, it contains a small, but very elegant mosque.

FUTTEHPUR, the district of which the town of the preceding article is the capital, lies wholly within the Doab, and occapies its entire breadth from Jumna to Ganges. It extends immediately to the west of the district of Allahabad, in lat. from 25° 25′ to 26 13 N., and in long. from 80° 12 to 81° 23′ E., containing 1583 square miles, and 663,817 inhabitants. It yields large quantities of cotton, and by means of its bordering rivers, and a branch of the Ganges Canal, it possesses considerable facilities for inland navigation.

FUTTUHA, or FUTWA, a town of 12,000 inhabitants, in the district of Patna, and sub-presi dency of Bengal, stands at the confluence of the Punpun and the Ganges, in lat. 25° 30′ N., and long. 85° 22′ E. As the Ganges is here deemed peculiarly sacred, F. is, at certain seasons of the year, the resort of vast numbers of pilgrims.

FUTTYGU'R H, the military cantonment of Furruckabad, stands about three miles to the east of that city, on the opposite or left bank of the Ganges, being in lat. 27° 22′ N., and Jong. 79 41' E. Its name became peculiarly famous, or rather infamous, in the mutiny of 1857, less, however, for the outbreak that occurred on the spot, than for



the unparalleled sufferings of the hapless fugitives --men, women, and children. Pop. (1871) 10,335. FUTTYPU'R, a town in the district of Saugor and Nerbudda, and sub-presidency of the Northwest Provinces, stands on the Unjon, a tributary of the Nerbudda, about 20 miles from the point of junction, being in lat. 22° 38′ N., and long. 78 38 E It is a place of some importance, as being the residence of three Gond rajahs.

receive a dividend, deducting interest at 5 per cent. for the period which was to elapse before the date debts payable on a contingency might be valued, when the debt was payable in due course. By s. 56, and a dividend paid on the estimated value. Similar provisions were inserted in the 12 and 13 Vict. c. 196, ss. 172 and 177. By the last bankruptcy act, 24 and 25 Vict. c. 134, s. 153, it is enacted that a person having a claim for unliquidated damages, which are of the nature of a future debt, may have his claim assessed by a jury either in the court of equity, or before a common-law judge, or, in case of agreement between the parties, by the court without a jury.

By the common law of Scotland, the rule of the civil law, as to the rights of creditors having a future claim, has always been recognised. In the event of bankruptcy, creditors in both future and contingent debts are allowed to rank, but the latter only to the extent of receiving a security until the s. 53, which is now the ruling statute as to bankruptcy in Scotland, contingent creditors may have their debts valued, and may vote in the Sequestration (q. v.), and draw dividends proportionate to the valuation. It is also enacted, s. 14, that all creditors whose debts are not contingent may concur in the petition for bankruptcy. But the Scotch law affords to future debtors a further privilege, unknown to the system of the sister-country-viz., that of arrestment in security, whereby a creditor having a future claim is enabled, in case his debtor seem to be wilfully diminishing his means of discharging his debt, to attach the goods of the debtor as a security for the payment of his debt. See ARRESTMENT.

FUTURE DEBT is a debt wherein the obligation to pay and the time for payment is fixed and certain, but the day for performance has not arrived. Of such a debt, it was said in the civil law dies cedit etsi nondum venerit; and it was distinguished from a contingent debt, i. e., debt payable on the performance of a condition which was uncertain, in which it was said dies nec cedit nec venit. Thus, an obligation to pay six months hence is a future debt; an obligation to pay if my ship returns from Spain,' is contingent. In the event of the death or bank-condition is purified. But by 19 and 20 Vict. c. 79, ruptcy of a person having large commercial transactions, it is often of great importance that the right of the holders of such securities should be accurately fixed. In Rome, on the death or bankruptcy of a citizen, a creditor holding a claim for a future debt was entitled to payment, deducting a percentage proportionate to the date at which his debt was payable; but a contingent creditor only received a security for payment in case his debt should become payable. This general principle has been introduced into the legal systems of modern states. In Holland and in France, the rights of creditors having claims not immediately payable are based upon the rule of the civil law. In England, a future debt, in order to found a valid claim, must be in writing, but it may be constituted by bond, bill, or note or other security. By common law, such a claim could not be enforced until the actual time for payment has arrived; and formerly, in case of bankruptcy, a creditor on a debt of this kind was not all wed to insist in his claim. At the same time, the bankrupt's discharge was held not to release him from a debt which had not been admitted to clain in the process; and hence debtors were sometimes incarcerated for years on debts which they were wholly unable to discharge. See IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. This state of things was productive of manifest injustice on both debtor and creditor; on the latter, by excluding him from insisting in his claim at a time when he might have obtained a partial payment; on the former, by punishing him for his default when he was deprived of the means of making any return. The subject was frequently discussed in parliament before a remedy was applied. At last, by 6 Geo. IV. c. 16, s. 51, it was enacted that, in cases of bankruptcy, where a debt was not immediately payable, the credit or should be entitled to prove his debt, and

and north-east from the Sound of Bute, in the south FYNE, LOCH, an arm of the sea running north of Argyleshire, to beyond Inverary, in the north, and is bounded by the district of Cowal on the E., and by those of Argyle, Knapdale, and part of Cantire on the W. It is 43 miles long, 2 to 10 miles broad,

and 40 to 70 fathoms deep. Its shores are deeply indented, and bordered by low bare hills, which rise higher and are wooded near Inverary. On the the Crinan Canal. Loch F. is celebrated for its west side, it sends off a small branch leading to herrings.

FYZABA'D, a rapidly decaying city of Oude, stands on the right bank of the Ghogra, here a navigable river, in lat. 26° 47′ N., and long. 82° 10′ E. Originally an appendage, as it were, of Ayodha or Oude, the ancient capital from which the country took its name, F. became, in 1730, itself the seat of government. But in 1775, immediately after the annexation of part of Rohilcund (see FUTENGUNGE), it was supplanted by Lucknow, which lay about 90 miles to the west, in the direction of the newly acquired territory. Pop. (1871) 37,804.



THE seventh letter in the Roman | Nagy Karoly in 1811, studied at the college of alphabet, and in the modern alphabets Buda, and at the university of Pesth, and entered derived from it. For the history soon afterwards the administrative career, being of the character, see ALPHABET and attached to the Hungarian Council of Lieutenancy. letter C. The original and proper G. began writing early, and proved equally successsound of G (corresponding to Gr. 7) is ful when gossiping in the columns of Kossuth's that heard in gun, give, glad. But the famous Pesti Hirlap, and when engaged in translat same natural process which turned the ing a masterpiece of Cervantes, filling the periodicals k-sound of c before e and i into that of 8 with tales and novels, or furnishing original works (see C), produced a similar change on G, so for the National Theatre. The sketches of country. that before e and i it came to be pronounced life as it was, and as it still continues on the by the Latins like dzh. The sibilation of the vast plains of Hungary, are nowhere to be found letter g before i followed by a vowel, had begun as more vividly and more truly exhibited than in G.'s early as the 4th c. A. D., as is evident from the comedies and tales. The following are some of misspelling in inscriptions; in the case of c, the G.'s original compositions: Szirmay Ilona, a novel change can be detected much earlier. From the in 2 vols. (Pesth, 1836); Peleskei Notarius (The Latin, the dzh-sound of g passed into the Romanic Notary of Peleske, Pesth, 1838), a comedy in four tongues, and also into English. As a general rule acts-might be called the Hungarian comedy par in English, in words derived from the classical and excellence; Szvatopluk, a tragedy in five acts. Romanic languages, g has the hissing sound before Tales: Pusztai Kaland (An Adventure on the e, i, and y; it has its natural sound in all words Hungarian Prairies); Tengeri Kaland az Alfoel before a, o, and u; and it retains it in Teutonic doen (Seafaring Adventures in Lower Hungary); words even before e and i. Hortobágyi éjszaka (A Night on the Heath of Hortobágy). During the sojourn of the Hungarian Diet at Debreczin (1849), G. was editor of a journal combating extreme radical views.

G, in its proper power, belongs to the order of gutturals, or c, g, ch, gh; of the two bare' gutturals, g is the flat (or medial), and k the sharp; while gh and ch are the corresponding Aspirates (q.v.).

The following are some of the interchanges between g and other letters: Lat. ager, Gr. apros, Eng. acre, Ger. acker; Gr. triakonta, Lat. triginta; Gr. gonu, Lat. genu, Eng. knee; Lat. (g)nosco, Gr. gignosco, Eng. know; Lat. genus, Eng. kin; Gr. chen, Ger. gans, Eng. goose and gander; Lat, hesternus, Ger. gestern, Eng. yester (day); Lat. germanus, Span. hermano. The convertibility of g and y is seen in the old English participles in y, as yclad, corresponding to Sax. and Ger. ge-; in Ger. gelb, Eng. yellow; Ger. tag, Eng. day; Ger. mag, Eng. may; yate for gate; yard for garden, Lat. hortus. In Italian, gi is substituted for j, as Giulio for Julius; and in French, which has no w, that letter is represented by gu, as guerre, guarder, for Eng. war, ward or guard. G has been frequently dropt out, as Lat. nosco for gnosco; Eng. enough, compared with Ger. gerug; agone, with ge-gangen; Lat. magister, Fr. mais're or muitre, Eng. master. May, Lat. Maius, contra ted from Magius, is from A root mag, or (Sans.) mah, to grow: so that May is just the season of growth.

GAʼBBRO, the name given by Italian geologists diallage. It is equivalent to euphotide or diallage to a variety of greenstone composed of felspar and rock.

GABELENTZ, HANS CONON VON DER, a distia. guished German philologist, was born at Alter burg, 13th October 1807, and educated at the universities of Leipsic and Göttingen. In 1833, he published his Eléments de la Grammaire Mandschowe, a new grammar, in which the entire idiomatic character of that language was developed in concise rules. He had, moreover, a share in the estab lishment of a journal devoted to Oriental science (Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenland), and contributed to it some interesting papers on the Mongolian language. Along with J. Löbe, he also published a critical edition of the Gothic translation of the Bible by Ulfilas, with a Latin translation, and with a Gothic glossary and grammar appended (Leipsic, 1843-1846). G. was also the first philologist in Germany who undertook a scientific treatment of the dialects of the Finnish-Tartar stem. Besides a Syrjan grammar (Grundzüge der Syrjär G, in Music is the fifth sound of the natural ischen Grammatik, Altenburg, 1841), he furnished diatonic scale of C, and the eighth sound of the contributions to periodicals on the Mordvinian and chromatic scale. It stands in proportion to C as 2 Samoyed languages. He has since published soras to 3; is a perfect fifth above C, and the second contributions to the science of language (Beiträge harmonic arising from C as a fundamental note. zur Sprachenkunde). The first three parts were In the solmisation of Guido Aretinus, the note G issued in 1852, and the first volume of a collection was called Sol, Re, or Ut, according as the hexa- of his Philological Fragments (Sprachwissenschaft. chord began with C, F, or G. G major as a keyliche Fragmente) appeared in 1859, and a Disserta has one sharp at its signature, viz., F sharp. Gtion on the Passive Voice (Ueber das Passivum, Eine minor has two flats at its signature, viz., B flat and Sprachvergleichende Abhandlung) in 1860. GABELLE, a French word, derived from the GAAL, JOZSEF, a Hungarian author, was born at German Gabe, gift or tribute, and originally used in

E flat.

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