Under the Shadow of His WingsXulon Press, 2006 - 76 pages The Living God is real and wants to make Himself known. Hinderer explains to readers how to seek Him, and the transformation that will ensue. (Motivation) |
From inside the book
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Common terms and phrases
believe Bible says bless Butch ceases to amaze changed since 9-11 church cross Crystal daily David desire earth Egypt encourage enlarge my coasts eternal Exodus faith fellowship forever forgiveness Garden of Eden give God speaks God-Bumps God's grow spiritually hand hath hear God undeniably heard heart heaven Hinderer 1 Cor Hinderer Psalms 62:5 Holy Bible Holy Spirit hurt husband inquire Isaiah Job's so-called friends King James Version learned lines of ink listen Living Lord lost to worship marriage Merciful Father mustard seed never pebble perfect plague precious gift reality refuses Jesus Christ rejoice remember reward rippling effect salvation Satan Saul Savior they miss sins someone sorrow soul wait thou Spirit strengthened tears thank Thee Thine things thoughts torment of hell trials truly seek truth unto Uzza walk wings wisdom worship and praise write ye shall search ye shall seek