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GENESIS vi. 5.

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

W E have seen what man was, as God made him; a lovely and happy creature: let us view him now, as he hath unmade himself; and we shall see him a sinful and miserable creature. This is the sad state we were brought into by the fall; a state as black and doleful as the former was glorious; and this we commonly call, the state of nature, or, man's natural state, according to that of the apostle, Eph. ii. 3. "And were by nature the children of wrath, even as others." And herein two things are to be considered; first, the sinfulness; second, the misery of this estate, in which all the unregenerate do live. I begin with the sinfulness of man's natural state, whereof the text gives us a full, though short account; "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great," &c.

The scope and design of these words is, to clear God's justice in bringing the flood on the old world. There

are two particular causes of it taken notice of in the preceding verses. (1.) Mixt marriages, ver. 2. The sons of God, the posterity of Seth and Enos, professors of the true religion, married with the daughters of men, the profane cursed race of Cain. They did not carry the matter before the Lord, that he might chuse for them, Psal. xlviii. 4. but without any respect to the will of God, they chose not according to the rules of their faith, but of their fancy; they saw that they were fair; and their marriage with them occasioned their divorce from God. This was one of the causes of the deluge, which swept away the old world. Would to God all professors in our day could plead not guilty. But though that sin brought on the deluge, yet the deluge hath not swept away that sin; which, as of old, so in our day, may justly be looked upon as one of the causes of the decay of religion. It was an ordinary thing among the pagans, to change their gods, as they changed their condition into a married lot; and many sad instances the Christian world affords of the same ; as if people were of Pharaoh's opinion, that religion is only for those that have no other care upon their heads, Exod. v. 17. (2.) Great oppression, ver. 4. "There were giants in the earth in those days," men of great stature, great strength and monstrous wickedness, "filling the earth with violence," ver. 11. But neither their strength, nor treasures of wickedness, could profit them in the day of wrath. Yet the gain of oppression still carries many over the terror of this dreadful example. This much for the connexion, and what particular crimes that generation was guilty of. But every person that was swept away with the flood could not be guilty of these things; and "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Therefore, in my text, there is a general indictment drawn up against them all, "The wickedness of man was great in the earth," &c. And this is well attested, for God saw it. Two things are laid to their charge


First, Corruption of life, wickedness, great wickedness. I understand this of the wickedness of their lives;

for it is plainly distinguished from the wickedness of their hearts. The sins of their outward conversation were great in the nature of them, and greatly aggravated by their attending circumstances: and this not only among those of the race of cursed Cain, but those of holy Seth; "the wickedness of man was great." And then it is added, "in the earth :" (1.) To vindicate God's severity, in that he not only cut off sinners, but defaced the beauty of the earth, and swept off the brute creatures from it, by the deluge; that as men had set the marks of their impiety, God might set the marks of his indignation, on the earth. (2.) To shew the heinousness of their sin, in making the earth, which God had so adorned for the use of man, a sink of sin, and a stage whereon to act their wickedness, in defiance of heaven. God saw the corruption of life: he not only knew it, and took notice of it; but he made them to know, that he did take notice of it; and that he had not forsaken the earth, though they had forsaken hea


Secondly, Corruption of nature, "Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." All their wicked practices are here traced to the fountain and spring-head: a corrupt heart was the source of all. The soul which was made upright in all its faculties is now wholly disordered. The heart, that was made according to God's own heart, is now the reverse of it, a forge of evil imaginations, a sink of inordinate affections, and a store-house of all impiety, Mark vii. 21, 22. Behold the heart of the natural man as it is opened in our text. The mind is defiled; the thoughts of the heart are evil; the will and affections are defiled; the imagination of the thoughts of the hearts, (i. e. whatsoever the heart frameth within itself by thinking, such as judgment, choice, purposes, dcvices, desires, every inward motion,) or rather, the frame of thoughts of the heart (namely, the frame, make, or mould of these, 1 Chron. xxix. 18.) is evil. Yea, and every imagination, every frame of his thoughts, is so. The heart is ever framing something; but never one right thing. The frame of thoughts in the heart

of man is exceeding various; yet are they never cast into a right frame. But is there not, at least, a mixture of good in them? No, they are only evil; there is nothing in them truly good and acceptable to God; nor can any thing be so that comes out of that forge; where not the Spirit of God, but " the prince of the power of the air worketh," Eph. ii. 2. Whatever changes may be found in them, are only from evil to evil: for the imagination of the heart, or frame of thoughts, in natural men, is evil continually, or every day. From the first day to the last day in this state, they are in midnight darkness; there is not a glimmering of the light of holiness in them: not one holy thought can ever be produced by the unholy heart. O what a vile heart is this! O what a corrupt nature is this! The tree that always brings forth fruit, but never good fruit, whatever soil it be set in, whatever pains be taken on it, must naturally be an evil tree: and what can that heart be, whereof every imagination, every set of thoughts, is only evil, and that continually? Surely that corruption is engrained in our hearts, interwoven with our very natures, has sunk into the marrow of our souls, and will never be cured, but by a miracle of grace, Now, such is man's heart, such is his nature, till regenerating grace change it. God, that searcheth the heart, saw man's heart was so, he took special notice of it. And the faithful and true witness cannot mistake our case; though we are most apt to mistake ourselves in this point, and generally do overlook it.

Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, What is that to us? Let that generation of whom the text speaks see to that. For the Lord has left the case of that generation on record, to be a looking-glass to all after generations; wherein they may see their own corruption of heart, and what their lives would be too if he restrain them not: for "as in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man," Prov. xxvii. 19. Adam's fall has framed all men's hearts alike in this matter. Hence the apostle, Rom. iii. 10--18. proves the corruption of the nature, hearts, and lives of all men, from what the psalmist says of the wicked in his day, Psal, xiv. 1, 2, 3. Psal. v. 9. Psal exl. 3. Psal. x. 7. Psal. xxxvi. 1. and from what Jeremiah saith of the wicked in his day, Jer. ix. 3. and from what Isaiah says of those that lived in his time, Isa. lvii. 7, 8. and concludes with that ver. 19. "Now we know, what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God." Had the history of the deluge been transmitted unto us, without the reason thereof in the text, we might thence have gathered the corruption and total depravation of man's nature: for what other quarrel could a holy and just God have with the infants that were destroyed by the flood, seeing they had no actual sin? If we saw a wise man, who having made a curious piece of work, and heartily approved of it when he gave it out of his hand, as fit for the use it was designed for, rise up in wrath, and break it all in pieces, when he looked on it afterwards; would we not thence conclude the frame of it had been quite marred, since it went out of his hand, and that it does not serve for that use it was at first designed for? How much more, when we see the holy and wise God destroying the work of his own hands, once solemnly pronounced by him very good, may we conclude that the original frame thereof is utterly marred, that it cannot be mended, but it must needs be new made, or lost altogether? Gen. vi. 6, 7. "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart: and the Lord said, I will destroy man," or blot him out; as a man doth a sentence out of a book, that cannot be corrected, by cutting off some letters, syllables, or words, and interlining others here and there, but must needs be wholly new-framed. But did the deluge carry off this corruption of man's nature? Did it mend the matter? No, it did not. God, in his holy providence, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the new world may become guilty before God, as well as the old, permits that corruption of nature to break out in Noah, the father of the new world, after the deluge was over. Behold him, as ano

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