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triumphs over the Pelagians, that all without exception being dead, either in original or actual fins, infants must be fo; and Chrift dying for all that were dead, muft die for them. So de civit. Dei 1. 20. c. 6. p. 1202. Ed. Bafil. contra Julianum Pelagianum, 1. 6. c. 4. p. 1109. c. 1, 5. p. 1121. P. C. c. 5. p. 1121. P. c. 13. p. 1142. B. See above forty places cited by Dally, from St. Auftin, to the fame effect, from p. 829, to P. 843.

thly. As for profper Aquitanus, that he afferted copiously the fame doctrine, Dally proves by teftimonies contained in his works from p. 854 to p 879: And in particular, whereas, fome Gallican divines had objected as matter of reproach to St. Auftin, that he maintained, quod non omnes homines vult Deus falvos fieri, fed certum numerum prædeftinatorum, et quod non pro totius mundi redemptione falvator fit crucifixus, item quod non pro totius mundi falute, et redemptione Dominus nofter Jefus Chriftus fit paffus, that is, that he held the fame doctrine which Dr. Edwards does; as by objecting thefe doctrines as reproaches to him, these divines fufficiently fhew that in their judgments, the doctrine of the church was contrary to thefe fentiments: So profper by declaring fo exprefsly that thefe accufations were unjust reproaches, invented to blaft the memory of St. Auflin, that they were prodigious and blafphemous lies, that they objected to him impious and profane opinions, not one of which ever came into the heart of St. Aufin, fufficiently fhews that neither he nor St. Austin ever held any of thofe doctrines, and that he looked upon them as impious and profane opinions. See Dally, p. 856.

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Laftly. As for the article of the faints final perfeverance, the doctor had not the confidence to cite one father for it, Vof fius having fo exprefsly told him, that all antiquity impugned the indefectibility of the faints, and that they only could deny the contrary to be the common dodrine of antiquity, qui in anti quitate planè funt Hofpites, who are mere frangers to it, Hift. Pelag. 1. 6. p. 566. Now from what hath been thus eftablished, two things do evidently follow, viz.

ft. That all the members of the church of England, are o. bliged, by the exprefs precepts of the church of England not to teach or propound to the people, as an article of faith, any of thofe Doctrines which Dr. Edwards hath fo zealously maintained in his late book upon thefe five articles, they be ing fuch as (o) the Catholic Fathers and Ancient Bishops did

of Imprimis vero videbunt (Epifcopi) ne quid unquam doceant pro concione (concionatore:) quid a populo religiofe teneri, et eredi velint, nifi quod confentaneum út Doctrinæ veteris et novi Teftamenti; quodque ex illa ipa Doctrina Catholici Patres, et veteres Epifcopi collegerint. Canones, Edit. A. D. 1571. Cap. Concionatores.

never gather from the holy fcriptures; for that the generality of the fathers taught the contrary to thefe doctrines from the holy Scriptures, hath been fully proved.

2dly. Whereas it hath hitherto been thought, and by the divines of the church of England religiously maintained, and to have been the glory of the church of England, that both in her doctrine and difcipline the kept clofe to the fentiments of primitive antiquity; if thefe doctrines, which I have fhewed to have been the common fentiments of the church of Chrift, do contradict her avowed doctrines, it must be owned that in thefe doctrines the hath departed from the common fentiments of the beft anitquity.

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GENESIS, Chap. vi. 5. page 244. Geut.7.6~10.16-p.326.

PSALMS, Chap. li. 5. page 243;

- PROVERBS, Chap. xvi. 4. page 24, 25, 82.

ISAIAH, Chap. liv. 10. lix. 21. page 336, 337, 339.

JEREMIAH, Chap. xxxii. 39, 40. page 217, 218, 336, 339:
EZEKIEL, Chap. xviii. 24, 26.XXXII. 13, 18. page 295,
.-XXXVI 25, 27. page 219.

MATTHEW, Chap. vii. 18. page 212.xx. 28. page 96, 20:16-22:14,497.- -xxiv. 12, 13.—xxiv. 24. page 304, 321. MARK, Chap, iv. 11, 12. page 29, 30.

LUKE, Chap. viii. 9, 10. page 29, 30.-X. 20. page 34. -xviii. 7. page 47.

JOHN, Chap. iii. 3, 4, 6 page 207, 245.-iv. 14. vi. 35. page 340.- vi. 33. page 110.-vi.

37. page 53, 57, 44. page 211, -28. page 341.

vi. 39, 40. page 323, 325.
212.-X. 15. page 97, 98.-
xii. 39, 40. page 24, 25.-
xvii. 9. page 106, 107.

-xv. 5. page 210.

Acrs, Chap. x. 34, 35 page 373.xi. 18. page 213, 214.

-xiii. 48. page 57, 58.xiv. 16, 17. page.

374- -xvi. 14. page 214, 215-xvii. 24, 26, 27. page 375.

ROMANS, Chap. i. 18. page 377, 378.ii. 6. p. 380.-
Rom. v. 18. page 99.-19. page 96.vil. 17, 19.
21. See p. 86. page 246.viii. 28, 29. page 52, 58, 63, 327.
-32. page 123, 124 34 page 123.
35. page 329, 330.xi. 2. page 325, 326.

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xi. 5. page 48.-29. page 321.-xiv. 15. page 113.
CORINTH. Chap. ii. 14. page 209.iv. 7. page 221, 222.
viii. 11. page 113, 114-X. 11, 13. page 314.
2 CORINTH. Chap. iii. 5. page 210, 211.v. 15. page 99.
17. page 206. -19. page 111.
GALATIANS, Chap. vi. 15. page 206.

EPHESIANS, Chap. i. 3, 4. page 50, 51.-19, 20. page 206.
-8. page 213.iv. 30.


ii. 2. page 209.-

page 330-333-

PHILIP. Chap. i. 6. page 344.

THESSA. Chap. v. 23. 24. page 345.
THESSA. Chap. iii. 3. page 345.


1 TIMOTHY, Chap. i. 19. page 302, 303.-


ii. 1-6, page

2 TIMOTHY, Chap. ii. 19. page 63, 64.ii. 18. page 333.
TITUS, Chap. ii. 11, 12. page 101, 102.
HEBREWS, Chap. ii. 9. page 102.-


vi. 4, 5, 6. page 298.
ix. 28. page 96, 97.x. 26. page 114.38
xi. 6. page 376.- -xill. 21. page

page 300.

220, 221.

1 PETER, Chap. i. 5. page 115.ii. 7, 8. page 30, 31.

9. page 45, 46.

2 PETER, Chap. ii. 1. page 115, 116.-18-21. page 301.

-111. 9. page 104..

JOHN, Chap. ii. 2. page 109.19. page 333, 334-
iii. 9. page 334, 335-

JUDE, Chap. iv. page 32, 33.


Either God foresaw who would be

be damned before. or at the precise the Deeners of individual, personal, bation, or he did not. If God hr sehin certainly & infallibly what need con't no right mental Decrees in order to make those thing Christi God did not forger who would be fave ready pa fore he made those Decrees, then to an before his knowledge; and knowledg bui essential attribute of

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existed in him till after he made in disp And who can affiron that God antice rightion the wills of men to hate & blaspheme & is widely foresees that they will do so ] & not mar fest. I

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of those sins. It is widently imsicht. & chem consequently, a great & vignal differences New Me fore knowledge this Decrees. (11.356.). i known i ledge fee somethings are in their own mater foreknowledge renders no actions recession consigue necessity on omen's actions, it won manie on the actions of deity, too. If God's for to talk a the necessity on himself to act & does not a of God – own freedom, why should it lay any neceftian, in 1 ons?... God not only foresees what will come p Greening after what manner. He foresees that fre Jay done freely. Consequently his facknow Fishey establish than takeaway the freedom women effect & On the this heard the sash, hid Denus inn

the end but the means. Election prente non sibility Grace. The operation deltimines my will the cit dist it's and the Deeren opprepustation withate should ting, ir resistible grace; for want of this dis the cut. perish.

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The Scriptures a sout God, forknarledge. karmei
liberty to do or refuhe & sorbere om die on thing
knowledge in God is – how he fachenous fir actions
is to us inferutable. So, likewise, are his a
cable attributes; his self existence, his att
presence. (p. 358.)

The divine farten owledge has alway
all Christians, till the days of Sreine d
The Doctrine of the Resurrection, a ques
Faith. Let the difficulties of apprctu



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