Encyclopaedia Perthensis; Or Universal Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, Literature, &c. Intended to Supersede the Use of Other Books of Reference, Volume 12

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John Brown, 1816

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Page 277 - Make up full consort to the angelic symphony. For, if such holy song Enwrap our fancy long, Time will run back and fetch the age of gold ; And speckled vanity Will sicken soon and die, And leprous sin will melt from earthly mould; And hell itself will pass away, And leave her dolorous mansions to the peering day.
Page 138 - ... even from such as are reserved for the cognizance of the Holy See; and as far as the...
Page 338 - Britain, on which connection the interests and happiness of both nations essentially depend : but that the kingdom of Ireland is a distinct kingdom, with a parliament of her own — the sole legislature thereof. That there is no body of men competent to make laws to bind this nation except the King, Lords and Commons of Ireland ; nor any other parliament which hath any authority or power of any sort whatsoever in this country save only the Parliament of Ireland.
Page 258 - Shall break into corruption:" so went on, Foretelling this same time's condition And the division of our amity. WARWICK. There is a history in all men's lives, Figuring the natures of the times deceased; The which observed, a man may prophesy, With a near aim, of the main chance of things As yet not come to life, who in their seeds And weak beginning lie intreasured.
Page 66 - But beauty, like the fair Hesperian tree Laden with blooming gold, had need the guard Of dragon watch with unenchanted eye, To save her blossoms, and defend her fruit From the rash hand of bold incontinence.
Page 206 - Wednesday. Doth he feel it ? No. Doth he hear it? No. Is it insensible then ? Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living ? No. Why ? Detraction will not suffer it : — therefore I'll none of it: Honour is a mere 'scutcheon, and so ends my catechism.
Page 328 - Britain; and that the King's Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, had, hath and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the Crown of Great Britain in all cases whatsoever.
Page 160 - He and his faithless progeny. Whose fault ? Whose but his own \ Ingrate, he had of me All he could have ; I made him just and right, Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall.
Page 41 - ... storms of fate, And greatly falling with a falling state. While Cato gives his little senate laws...
Page 152 - Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures; 'tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal; For it must seem their guilt.

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