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Copyright 1922


For permission to use copyrighted material grateful acknowledgment is made to The Mark Twain Company, the Estate of Samuel L. Clemens, and to Harper and Brothers for "How Tom Sawyer Whitewashed the Fence" from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain; to Everybody's Magazine and the author for "The Elephant Remembers," by Edison Marshall; to Macmillan and Company, Ltd., for "The Wonders of the World We Live In" from The Beauties of Nature, by Sir John Lubbock; to Fleming H. Revell Company for "America" from From Alien to Citizen, by Edward A. Steiner; to Small, Maynard and Company for "Trees" from April Airs, by Bliss Carman; to Colliers and the author for "The Citizen," by James Francis Dwyer; to the author for "1620-1920," by L. B. R. Briggs; to the Century Magazine and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt for "Working Together in a Democracy" from "Fellow-Feeling as a Political Factor," by Theodore Roosevelt; to Henry Holt and Company for "The Tuft of Flowers" from A Boy's Will, by Robert Frost; to The Macmillan Company and the author for "The Hemp Fields" from The Reign of Law, by James Lane Allen; to Charles Scribner's Sons for "Trees and the Master" from Poems, by Sidney Lanier; to Poetry and the author for "April-North Carolina," by Harriet Monroe; to D. Appleton and Company, Poetry, and the author for "On the Great Plateau" from The Wind in the Corn, by Edith Wyatt; to Doubleday, Page and Company for "Plowing on a Wheat Ranch" from The Octopus, by Frank Norris, and for "The Romance of a Busy Broker," from The Four Million, by O. Henry; to Amy Lowell for "Lilacs"; to Letta Eulalia Thomas for "What America Means to Me"; to Edwin Markham for "Lincoln, the Man of the People" and "Creed." "Opportunity," by Edward R. Sill, is used by permission of and special arrangement with Houghton Mifflin Company, the authorized publishers.

For permission to use copyrighted pictures our thanks are tendered to Small, Maynard and Company for the halftone copy (in With Stevenson in Samoa, by J. B. Moors, copyright 1910) from which the picture on page 83 was adapted; to Agnes C. Gale for the halftone copy (in The Children's Odyssey, copyright 1912 by the Public School Publishing Company) for the picture on page 210; to Joseph Pennell for the drawing (in Pictures of the Wonder of Work, copyright 1916 by J. B. Lippincott Company) for the picture on page 563; to Underwood and Underwood for the photograph on page 480; and to The International News Service for the photograph on page 514.

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