A S 0 N G. H IGH state and honors to others impart, But give me your heart: So gentle a love, so fervent a fire, That treasure, that treasure alone, Your love let me crave; Give me in poffeffing So matchless a blessing; So real a flame, I'll die, I'll die, So give up my game. RONDELAY. I. HLOE found Amyntas lying, CHLOE All in tears upon the plain; Sighing to himself, and crying, II. Sighing to himself, and crying, : To reward your faithful fwain: Kiss me, dear, before my dying; Kifs me once, and ease my pain! III. Ever scorning, and denying To reward your faithful swain: Chloe, laughing at his crying, : Told him, that he lov'd in vain : Kiss me, dear, before my dying; Kiss me once, and ease my pain! IV. Chloe, laughing at his crying, Told him, that he lov'd in vain : But repenting, and complying, When he kiss'd, the kiss'd again : Kiss'd him up before his dying; Kiss'd him up, and eas'd his pain. G O tell Amynta, gentle swain, Thy tuneful voice with numbers join, The gods ordain this kind relief; II. A figh or tear, perhaps, she'll give, But love on pity cannot live. J RONDELAY. C HLOE found Amyntas lying, Sighing to himself, and crying, II. Sighing to himself, and crying, : To reward your faithful fwain: Kiss me, dear, before my dying; Kifs me once, and ease my pain! Ever scorning, and denying To reward your faithful swain: Chloe, laughing at his crying, Told him, that he lov'd in vain : Kifs me, dear, before my dying; Kifs me once, and ease my pain ! IV. Chloe, laughing at his crying, Told him, that he lov'd in vain : But repenting, and complying, When he kiss'd, she kiss'd again : Kiss'd him up before his dying; Kiss'd him up, and eas'd his pain. *X*X*X*X* A S ON G. G I. O tell Amynta, gentle swain, Thy tuneful voice with numbers join, II. A sigh or tear, perhaps, she'll give, But love on pity cannot live. J |