First Day of the KING'S HOUSE Acting after the FIRE.
O shipwreck'd passengers escape to land,
So look they, when on the bare beach they
Dropping and cold, and their first fear scarce o'er,
Expecting famine on a desart shore.
From that hard climate we must wait for bread,
Whence e'en the natives, forc'd by hunger, fled.
Our stage does human chance present to view,
But ne'er before was seen so sadly true:
You are chang'd too, and your pretence to fee
Is but a nobler name for charity.
Your own provisions furnish out our feafts,
While you the founders make yourselves the guests.
Of all mankind beside fate had fome care,
But for poor Wit no portion did prepare,
'Tis left a rent-charge to the brave and fair.
You cherish'd it, and now its fall you mourn,
Which blind unmanner'd zealots make their scorn,
Who think that fire a judgment on the stage,
Which spar'd not temples in its furious rage.
But as our new-built city rises higher,
So from old theatres may new afpire,
Since fate contrives magnificence by fire.
Our great metropolis does far furpass
Whate'er is now, and equals all that was :
Our wit as far does foreign wit excel,
And, like a king, should in a palace dwell.
But we with golden hopes are vainly fed,
Talk high, and entertain you in a shed:
Your prefence here, for which we humbly sue,
Will grace old theatres, and build up new.