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Lord." The third and fourth lectures were practically one lecture. The object of the first was to trace out by history and discovery the early character of revelation, and so to show the foundation on which rested the peculiar characteristics of the Bible as the Word of God. In the second lecture the laws of correspondence and representation were explained at considerable length, and many striking illustrations were given of the application of this mode of interpretation.

DERBY.-The annual meeting of this Society was held on Monday evening, February 17th. Tea was provided in the schoolroom, after which the chair was taken by the minister, Rev. Mr. Ashby. The greatest interest was manifested in the proceedings. After prayer the minutes of previous meetings were read and adopted, three new members were admitted into the Society, and three candidates proposed for membership. Reports relating to the various institutions of the Church were read and received; and it is gratifying to state that all (with the exception of the report of the Church Library) spoke of good work having been done, and of the healthful condition of the several departments of usefulness. The Committee reported that several members and friends, who had taken in past years an active and warm interest in this Society, have been removed from our visible presence. Seven new members have been added during the year, and three have been removed to the eternal world. It is sincerely hoped that the younger members of the Church will endeavour worthily to fill the vacant places. The Committee congratulates the Society upon the healthy appearance of its various institutions, and trusts that they may continue to grow and prosper.

HEYWOOD.-We abridge from the local papers the following account of a pleasant and numerously-attended meeting of the teachers of the Sunday school, which was held in the girls' schoolroom on Wednesday evening, March the 12th, when an enlarged, beautifully-finished, and elegantly-framed photograph of the late John Alfred Isherwood, Esq., was presented to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isherwood. After tea the chair was occupied by the Rev. R. Storry, who in

troduced the proceedings of the evening by a brief address, in which he dwelt on the relation of the Sunday school to the present state of popular education. The Sunday school at its commencement needed to combine secular with religious instruction. The progress of popular education now provided all that was required in the way of secular instruction. Our diversities of religious thought, combined with the requirements of the Government inspection, tended to remove religious teaching from the day school, and the Sunday school in the future must supplement the work of the day school by a more definite religious instruction. After a glee by the choir, the chairman called on Mr. Mason, who, in a humorous speech, narrated his experience of living in France. This was followed by the anthem "Blessed is the man who feareth the Lord." The chairman then rose to make the presentation. There were two ways, he said, of looking at death-one was full of gloom and sorrow from the apparent loss we had sustained; the other was one in which we contemplated the triumph of our departed friends who had departed in the life and hope of the Gospel. It was in this last sense he should refer to it to-night. During the past year the school had lost by the departure of Mr. John Alfred Isherwood, one of its most promising and esteemed young men. Wherever work was to be done, whether in the school, the choir, or other uses of the church or schools, he was prepared to undertake it; and it must ever be a source of satisfaction to his parents to look back upon his wellspent life. The present testimonial was a warm expression of the general feeling of the teachers of the school. Every one had a part in it, and all had joined heartily in its preparation. There is an inseparable connection between labour and its reward. Where labour is not rewarded by earthly remuneration, it has its reward in the consciousness of use to others, in the improvement and elevation of character which it invariably secures, and in the esteem to which it gives rise. And this was often manifest in the case of those who were placed in high social positions. It was an evident law of Divine Providence that there should be gradations of social life. This did not necessitate extreme poverty, and in a regenerate society no one would be

without the means of a comfortable subsistence. All classes of society were closely knit together and mutually dependent. A full-grown and beautiful tree that extended its branches and opened its blossoms to the sun, while sustained by the root and stem, was a thing of beauty, and filled the air with fragrance. But separated from the root it soon sunk into decay. It was the same with the upper circles of society. Their root was in the active usefulness of the humbler classes; and the more closely all classes were knit together by mutual sympathy, kind feeling, and mutual helpfulness, the better it would be for society at large. This testimonial was an evidence of the existence and wish to cultivate this feeling among all classes in this Sunday school. As such it would be received by Mr. Isherwood and his family, and as such he hoped it would tend to increase the spirit of love and esteem which existed among them. The following inscription, neatly engraved, is attached to the frame:

"Presented to Thomas Isherwood, Esq., by the teachers and senior scholars of the New Jerusalem Sunday School, Heywood, as a token of their love and esteem, and in grateful acknowledgment of his valuable services rendered as superintendent for a period of twenty years.-March 12th, 1879."

Mr. Isherwood said: "I can assure you there is nothing you could have presented me with which would have pleased me better than the token of your esteem and affection which is now before me. While sitting here my mind has been glancing back to the time when I first entered these schools about a quarter of a century ago. We then taught reading and writing in the schools, and of the friends who were engaged in the work there are not more than one or two left, Mr. Mason and Mr. Fairbrother, both of whom I am very glad to see here to-night. I am glad to see that the children and grandchildren of those who took an active part in the work then are represented here, and are taking an active part in this work, as did their predecessors. At that time the school was about half its present size. We enlarged it in 1860. And then when we found the schoolroom too small, we had friends who were ready to find the ways and means to enlarge, which was a great thing, seeing that we were nearly all poor people. I remember the time when I was almost forced

into these schools by our friends, Mr. Fairbrother and the late Mr. Walter Whitworth, by whom I was told I must do my best as a teacher. That I have done. I was soon afterwards forced into the superintendency, which I have held for over twenty years. I shall never forget the assistance which my friends gave me at that time. I was then new to the work, but I always found friends ready to give me their support, which I needed then, and which I need now. I can assure you I have spent many long and happy hours here, and my sole aim and object has been to stay with you in the school until I could leave you three teachers in the school, when I thought I might retire. But Providence has ruled otherwise, and to His decision we must bow. Let me appeal to you to work harmoniously together, to try and leave the school in that position in which you will have done some good, and you cannot do good to others without at the same time receiving greater benefit to yourself. I feel that I have tried to do that ever since I was connected with this school; and nothing has given me greater pleasure when we have been collected together, either here or at my house, than to see the kindly feeling which has prevailed. I hope the main object of all will be to improve the children connected with these schools, and to prepare them for that other world for which we are all intended."

Mr. Fairbrother followed by an address, in which he narrated some interesting particulars of progress which had followed a similar presentation to another member of the church many years before, and expressed a hope that similar use might follow the present occasion. Short addresses from other members of the school and pleasing music by the choir filled up the time of a most interesting meeting.

HULL.-During the winter a series of Sunday evening lectures have been given in the church on the Spring Bank by the leader, Mr. J. R. Boyle, which have been eminently successful in their results. They have extended over a period of seventeen weeks, commencing on the first Sunday in November, and concluding on the 23rd of February. The subjects have been chiefly doctrinal, using the word in its most comprehensive sense. The subjects were as diverse

as possible in order to exhibit the power KEIGHLEY. The annual tea and of New Church teaching to solve the general meeting of this Society was doubts and dissipate the difficulties held on Shrove Tuesday, when about which have gathered around some of the fifty members and friends were present. most vital questions of the Christian After tea Mr. James Clegg was called faith. Old and erroneous doctrines to the chair. The secretary having read were dealt with in an unsparing man- the Report, which showed that the ner, but the utmost charity and con- Society was in a fair position, the officers sideration shown to those who held for the ensuing year were elected, and them. Thus while many who attended Mr. Presland, the newly-appointed minthe lectures heard their long-cherished ister, duly acknowledged. The Society opinions demolished, they not only took hopes in future to be able to use someno offence, but were impelled either what more influence for good than through curiosity or conviction to re- hitherto. A singing class is formed in peat their visits to the church. In fact, connection with the school, from which one of the most pleasing and satisfactory it is hoped a sufficient number of voices features of the movement was the regu- will be added to the church choir to lar attendance of a large number of make it more complete and successful. interested listeners to the end of the A mutual improvement class has also course. Where conviction has not been been formed, which held its first meetproduced it has been manifest that ing on Tuesday evening last. The much of the misconception regarding evening was devoted to impromptu the teachings of the New Church has speaking, which proved very interesting been removed. The number attending to those present. It is hoped this will the lectures has varied according to the have a beneficial influence, and will be state of the weather, but on the average largely attended. A teacher's preparahas been nearly two hundred, the aver- tion class is held every Saturday evenage number of strangers being upwards of ing, under the leadership of Mr. Presone hundred. It may also be a matter of land, to consider and discuss the subjects interest to name that Mr. Boyle has also to be read in the school on the Sunday, given three addresses on Sunday evenings when the scholars are questioned by at a quarter past eight, after the ordinary Mr. Presland to see what they have reservices, on some of the religious aspects tained, and the practical lessons they of science. The first dealt with the have learned therefrom. law of heredity, the second with the theory of the survival of the fittest, and the last with the analogy existing between the laws which govern the operations of nature, and those which govern the physical and mental constitutions of man. Another address will complete the series for the present season.

IPSWICH.-On Sunday, March 9th, special services were held in the New Jerusalem Church, High Street, which were conducted by Mr. R. Gunton of London. In the morning Mr. Gunton delivered a very forcible address from the 23rd Psalm on "The Good Shepherd;" and in the evening his subject was the "Lord's Prayer," from Matthew vi. On Monday evening he delivered a lecture to a full assembly at the church, the subject being, "Where the millions who have died now dwell, and what they do." At the close of his discourse Mr. Gunton answered several questions which were put to him on the subject.

LONDON (DEPTFORD). The twentythird anniversary of this Society was held on Tuesday evening, February 25th.

The friends sat down to tea at six o'clock, and the usual public meeting, which was extremely well attended, followed. The presence of Mr. Rhodes, the leader of the Society, after an absence, through ill health, of more than four months, imparted peculiar interest to the proceedings. In taking the chair Mr. Rhodes expressed the great pleasure he felt in being in the Lord's good Providence again permitted to occupy his old position amongst them -a feeling which was heartily reciprocated by all present. The treasurer, Mr. Gray, read his report, from which it appeared that after the payment of incidental expenses, and the payment to Conference of the sum of £24, there remained a balance in hand of £8, 18s. 2d. The treasurer, however, reminded the friends that a sum of £153 still remained due to the Conference Building Fund.

The receipt of several liberal donations was announced, and it was mentioned that further help might probably be expected from other generous friends. After the reception and adoption of the treasurer's report the meeting was addressed by Mr. Gunton, who, in his usual kindly manner, urged upon the members the duty of availing themselves to the fullest extent of the advantages afforded by the Society. He also referred to the simplicity of the New Church doctrines, and their striking adaptation to the wants of the age. Mr. Howe followed with a few remarks on "The Uses of a New Church Society." The pleasure of the evening was much enhanced by a well-chosen selection of music very creditably rendered by the ladies and gentlemen of the choir. A dialogue on Leaving School," given with much spirit by two of the elder scholars, also gave great satisfaction.

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PENDLETON.-On February 27th, and March 6th and 13th, the Rev. William Westall delivered three lectures in the Pendleton Club, Pendleton, on the subjects of "What think ye of Christ?" "Christ's Mission in the World," and "Christian Blessedness." The lectures were fairly attended, the audiences being composed of about one-half friends and the other half strangers. Marked attention was given to the unfolding of the subjects, and several private inquiries were made after the lectures by persons who were altogether strangers to our views. An additional charm was given to the effort by accompanying the instructions from the table with devotional exercises, the devotional service consisting of hymns, prayer, and the reading of the Word. The psalmody was a great help, the singing being very much enriched by the assistance of several members of the Salford choir. The aim of these lectures was to draw together a number of New Church friends who have come from various towns and have now settled down in Pendleton, but as yet have not connected themselves with either the Manchester or Salford Society. The aim, however, was only partially realized, and it is hoped that the next effort will be more successful. Would it not be well if means could be devised by which our friends who are drawn to these large centres of

population could be kept in connection with New Church society, and they and their children continue under the elevating influences of New Church faith and worship? Surely the work is not impossible.

RAINSOUGH.-The village which bears this name is about one mile and a half from Prestwich, and about three miles from Besses. Several New Churchmen live in the place, and one, Mr. James Taylor, is very anxious for the spread of New Church truth. He always has a number of tracts on hand, and he has a quantity placed in his shop window. He is also a regular attendant at Besses. Now it was thought that the efforts of the Manchester Missionary Society might with profit be extended to this village. Arrangements were accordingly entered into, with the sanction of the secretary of the Missionary Lecture Committee, the Rev. P. Ramage, for the delivery of two lectures in the Liberal Club Room. The Rev. I. Tansley undertook to deliver the lectures. The first lecture was delivered on March the 10th, the subject being the "Resurrection of the Dead." The chair was taken by George Benson, Esq. There was a good audience, and the lecture was listened to with attention. Several questions were asked at the close of the lecture, to which the lecturer replied. One gentleman considered that if the body did not rise justice would not be done, as it was the body that sinned, and therefore the body ought to be punished. At the second lecture the audience was better than at the first. The room was nearly filled, eighty or more being present. Nicholas Haworth, Esq., took the chair. The subject was,

"Does God condemn to Hell?" On both occasions the audience has been very attentive. A little discussion took place after the lecture, in which our good friend Mr. Benson took part. The lecturer treated his subject under three heads: 1. God is Love; 2. God's Relation to Man, and Man's Views of God; 3. Man condemns himself to Hell, and God seeks to save him from Hell. He appealed to nature for evidences of the love of God, and adduced Scripture to prove the same proposition. Hell was shown to be simply an assemblage of those spirits who have acquired to themselves a corresponding condition

of mind and heart while here on rity; touching upon many related points, earth.


such as the nature of Hell and Heaven, Human Freedom, in passing; and concluding with the Second Advent and the New Church now being established. Frequent applause testified to the approval and delight of the audience, as subject after subject was so clearly and pointedly elucidated. Several questions were publicly asked and ably answered, the meeting being brought to a close at half-past ten o'clock by a hearty expression of thanks to Mr. Rodgers and Mr. J. Bragg. The opportunity was taken to lay on a table for acceptance by the company a quantity of catalogues of the works published by the "Swedenborg Society," also catalogues of Mr. Speirs' publications. A few copies of the new edition of Mr. Hyde's little book about Swedenborg, sent down for sale, were immediately taken, and many more would have been sold had they been there. Friends well able to judge of the general impression produced upon the meeting by this statement of the New Church views and the claims of Swedenborg consider it to have been most favourable.


A NOVEL PRECEDENT. At the "Church of the Saviour," Birmingham, where the late George Dawson, M.A., was the minister until his death, a series of meetings is being held called "Conversation Meetings.' They take place in the lecture-room monthly, and are managed somewhat in drawing-room fashion, with interesting books and objects to look at, music to hear, and light refreshments of which to partake. But the novelty just introduced is, that at each meeting some ministers of another denomination than their own is invited to give an account of the distinctive doctrines and church polity of his denomination. Afterwards questions are asked, and general conversation turns upon that topic for the evening. One evening it may be a Wesleyan, another a Jewish Rabbi, another a Baptist, another a Christadelphian, etc. On the 19th ult. the first of this new series was held, and the topic duly announced and placarded was the doctrinal tenets taught by Swedenborg. An unusually large number of the "Church of the Saviour" congregation assembled, and the Rev. R. R. Rodgers was the minister invited to give the address in explanation of the subject. The earlier portion of the evening was devoted to examining a collection of Swedenborg's works, scientific and theological, earliest and oldest editions, and foreign translations, and some of At Ramsbottom, on Monday, February the best collateral works. These 24th, Rachel Berry, widow of the late covered three large tables, and on a John Berry, departed this life in the fourth were displayed MSS. and photo- seventieth year of her age. The deceased graphs of Swedenborg. The portrait was connected with the New Church of Swedenborg, considered to be Society at Ramsbottom from early life, the only one in this country taken and took a warm interest in its welfare. from life, was also shown. At the For many years she occupied a house request of the chairman, the more adjoining the church, and frequently interesting points connected with them had the happiness of entertaining minwere briefly described by Mr. John isters, missionaries, and others who Bragg, from whose collection they came to conduct or attend the services. were lent. Mr. Rodgers afterwards In this way she became well known to gave his address, which occupied many New Church friends, who will reabout an hour, and was listened member with pleasure what pains she to with most profound attention. would take to render them every comfort Of course each separate topic was very in her humble but hospitable home. briefly treated, but considering the She kept an open house for the memdifficulties to be overcome, the address bers of the Society, and was never more was most successful. Outlines were pleased than when there was a large asgiven of the New Church doctrines of sembly and their conversation turned the Sacred Scriptures, the Lord, the upon the doctrines. Next to the Bible, Trinity, Redemption, Faith, and Cha- the "Heaven and Hell" was her fa

On March 6th, at 26 North Villas, Camden Square, London, the wife of Robert Jobson, of a daughter.


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