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Give formula for chloroform, and state how it is prepared.
Give source and preparation of I.

State process of etching on glass.

How is CaCl, prepared? What incidental product results?

State the difference in the composition of calomel and corrosive sublimate.




State the composition of the different vitriols.

Explain the theory of isomerism.


Name four important differences between animals and plants? Name the different departments of Botany?

2. Define embryo, cotyledon, shrub, thorn and tendril ?

3. How is the embryo nourished? What organs of vegetation has the plantlet ?


Name some bi-ennial plants useful for food? What is a culm ? Give instances of leaves as store-houses of food?


Name the parts of a leaf? Describe the principal kinds of veining? How are leaves arranged on stems?

6. Give familiar examples of the following: raceme, umbel, spadix, cyme, and panicle. Name the essential organs of a flower.

7. Describe a typical flower. What is the office of the pollen ? What is the fruit ?

8. Distinguish between endogenous and exogenous stems, and give an example of each? What are the living parts of a tree?


What elements must enter into a plant's food? How is plant food prepared for plant growth?


How is a plant named by botanists? Say something about systems of classification of plants?


[The candidate may omit either the odd (1st, 3d, etc.) or the even (2d, 4th, etc.,)


I. Name three of the great classes of rocks, and give the characteristics of each.

2. State briefly the theory of deltas.


How are the relative ages of rocks determined?


What is the difference between silurian and carboniferous rocks? What is the origin of coal? The difference between bituminous and anthracite coal ?


6. What is the origin of limestone? What is the difference between chalk and marble?

7. What is meant by drift? By what agencies is it formed? 8. What are fossiliferous rocks?


Name several of the fossils which characterize the coal measures. 10. What is meant by a mineral vein or lode? What is its origin ?


I. What does the study of Zoology embrace? Define Comparative Zoology.


How is the Animal Kingdom naturally divided? What animals most nearly approximate to man in appearance and intelligence? 3. Compare the nervous systems of the radiates, mollusks and articulates.

Name the classes that

4. Name the three classes of articulates. make up the vertebrate branch of the Animal Kingdom.

5. To what order of birds does each of the following named belong: vulture, parrot, humming-bird, pigeon, crane, and albatross ?

6. To what class of animals do turtles belong? Describe the characteristics of turtles.

7. Describe the digestive organs of birds, and the respiratory organs of fishes. Say something about the habits of the trout and the herring.

8. Name and describe the three stages in the life of an insect. What is the largest moth found in North America?

9. Describe a community of hive-bees. To what hemisphere is the hive-bee indigenous ?

IO. Compare the animal life of Brazil with that of India. What impulse to this study was given by the labors of Linnæus, Cuvier, Pliny, Buffon and Agassiz?



(Let the answers to these questions be clear and succinct.)

Define Physiology. What advantages are likely to accrue from its study?

2. What is the difference between an organic and an inorganic body? Between an animal and a vegetable?

3. What is an Organ? What is meant by its function ?

4. Name the organs of digestion. Why should we eat slowly? Which should be masticated most thoroughly, animal or vegetable food?

5. By what means is the animal heat of a body kept up?

6. Why does a muscle grow in size by exercise? Which do you think most exhausting, mental or physical exertion?

7. Why is pure air so essential to health? To what means do you resort to supply your school-room with such air?


Name some of the physiological effects of alcoholic stimulants. What constitutes the nervous system? Name some of the signs of excessive mental exertion.



Do you think it practicable to teach elementary physiology to. pupils of grammar schools without the use of a text-book? Give the reasons on which your answer is based.

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2. Name the planets, distance from the sun, time of revolution, and density?

3. Give the different means by which the distance to the sun can be ascertained? What is the mathematical principle involved through the transit of Venus?

4. History of the different discoveries leading to a knowledge of the composition of the sun.

5. Explain the precession of the equinoxes?

6. Discuss solar time, mean time and standard time.


1. What men composed Washington's first cabinet? What were the political tenets of the Federalists?

2. Why were the "Alien and Sedition Laws" passed? Who were the best known leaders of the Whig party? In what national elections was this party successful?


Who were the most distinguished men in Congress when the "Missouri Compromise" was under discussion? Give the purport of this measure.


What claims had the United States to Texas before the ai nexation scheme was under consideration? By what treaty were these

claims relinquished?

5. Outline our title to Oregon prior to the boundary treaty. Were Aaron Burr's operations in the Southwest treasonable? (Give reasons for your answer.)

6. What relations did Burr, Van Buren, Tyler, Benton, and Johnson finally sustain to the party which first gave them prominence ? (Give full explanations.)

7. What acts gave fame to Gen. George Rogers Clark? Who were the governors of Virginia during the Revolutionary War?

8. Give an account of the boundary dispute between Ohio and Michigan. What part of Ohio is known as the "Western Reserve ?”

9. Name some of the provisions of the "Ordinance of 1787." What important body was in session at Philadelphia when Congress passed the act for the government of the North-Western Territory?



Make some statement about the Koran, the Hegira, the Exodus, the Vedas, the Edda, and the Talmud.

2. Who were the Druids? The Puritans ? The Huguenots ? The Albigenses? The Crusaders? The Cavaliers?

3. For what is each of the following named persons noted: Pliny, Galileo, Bacon, Newton and Fulton?


Of what nationality is each of the following named persons, and for what is each noted: Goethe, Guizot, Carlyle, Rossini, and Prescott?

5. Say something about the "Great Charter," the English "Revolution of 1588," and the American "Declaration of Independence.'

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Who were Vasco da Gama and Magellan? What of the inventions of the mariner's compass, printing, and gun powder?

7. Who were the most powerful monarchs of Europe during the first half of the 16th century? Who was Martin Luther? Cardinal Wolsey?

8. Locate Zutphen, Navarre, Fotheringay Castle, Waterloo, and Pultowa. Name an important event connected with each.

9. When and by what nations was Poland seized and divided? Give some historical events suggested by the names of Marlborough, Nelson, and Wellington.


Name some of the most important events connected with the reigns of Louis XIV. and George III.




(Let the answers to these questions be clear and succinct.) What is Government? What a Nation, or State?

What is a Constitution? Which do you deem best, a written or unwritten constitution? Why?

3. In what way may the President of the United States influence legislation ?

4. What is the process by which a bill becomes a law in Congress? 5. What different views did Webster and Calhoun entertain as to the powers of the General Government ?


What is an ex post facto law? For what reason is the passage of such a law prohibited?


What is meant by the right of habeas corpus? When may this right be suspended? Why is such importance attached to the right? 8. What powers, under the Constitution, are reserved to the several States?

9. Which in your judgment is the most important of the amendments to the Constitution? What is Treason?

10. What value do you attach to the giving of instruction in Civil Government in the Common Schools?


I. What are the general classes of sounds of the English language? Define each.


How are the letters of the alphabet divided: (1) in respect to form; (2) in respect to the sounds they represent; (3) in respect to their application to these sounds?

3. What are cognate letters? Give examples.

4. Name the liquids, and. state why they are so called.

5. Illustrate your method of orthographic parsing, using the words concentrate, telegraphic, enough.

6. Give your method of analyzing words according to their significant parts, using the words orthography, trifoliate, retrospect.

7. By using diacritic marks, indicate the proper pronunciation of

the following: Criticise, medicine, orchestra, meningitis, pneumonia. 8. State and illustrate three principles of accentuation.


(Let the answers to these questions be clear and succinct.)

I. State the distinction between Etymology and Syntax. Which of these do you deem of most practical value in teaching language, and for what reason?

2. What is a Sentence? What an Abridged Sentence? Write two abridged sentences.

3. Which do you deem of most value, parsing or the analysis of the sentence? For what reason?

4. For what is the Subjunctive Mode used? Write two sentences, each having a verb in this mode, used without the sign.

5. What is the difference between a finite verb and an infinitive? 6. What is a Dependent Clause? What kind of elements may

such clauses be?

7. Analyze the following:

"He that filches from me my good name,

Robs me of what ne'er enriches him,

Bett. And makes me poor indeed."

(Who is the author of this selection ?)

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8. What is your view as to the value of technical grammar as a means of training into the use of good English ?


What difficulties have you encountered in teaching grammar? What means have you employed to make grammar interesting to your classes?



[The candidate may omit either the odd (1st, 3d. etc.,) or the even (2d, 4th, etc.,) questions.]

I. Define perspicuity, purity, and terseness, as applied to style.




What is a figure of speech? What are its uses? Give at least

Name three figures of speech that are based on similarity? What is the distinction between a simile and a metaphor? Give an example of each.


5. Define climax and hyperbole, and give an example of the latter.

6. What is an allegory? Name three of the best allegories in English literature.

7. What is a parable? A fable?


Name the figures of speech in the following sentences:

"Justice is more glorious than the evening star." "Athens is the eye of Greece." "The dews shall weep thy fall to-night." "The waves rolled mountain high.”


"Sweet Memory, wafted by thy gentle gale,
Oft up the stream of time I sail."

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