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your own, temporal welfare; as well as for the hope and affurance of both their, and your own eternal happiness.

Are you in health my brethren?

And here, let me clafs every fingle individual; as every fingle individual is pofting on his way to an eternal state of existence-and that they may be guided by an infinite wisdom, is my earneft defire; and be at last received into glory! welcomed thither by their dear Redeemer!

In this city he hath laid his hand upon one, and upon another. He hath preferved many from the pollutions that too frequently reign in the world; and hath mercifully induced fome to look early into the law of liberty, into the counfel of his will, who thereby learn the things which belong to their peace.

"Art thou in health, my brother " Art thou not only called from a state of darkness, into this marvellous light; but, obedient to the call, and entered upon the road to eternal glory? Art thou in health my fellow pilgrim?

A fense of the want of that food which Chrift gives, is at least a symptom of life.

I believe it may be faid concerning fome among you, as was faid formerly to Chrift; Lord, he whom thou lovest is fick. The decay of health in many, has been owing to foul feeding; to their daily feeding upon the fpirit, maxims and manners of the world; upon exterior appearances, upon comparative righteousness, upon a comparison of their present, with their former ftate; whofe minds are relaxed with the love and fpirit of vanity. Some have relapfed into evil, and are now become too much unacquainted with God and his law; which, to holinefs, and to that only, annexes happiness. Many of thefe might have gone on from one degree of ftrength to another, had they not too much regarded the things of time, and fed too greedily upon the temptations and pleasures of this life; not enough confidering, that the difeafes and disorders of the mind thus fed, muft certaily at laft bring death, even the death, though not diffolution, of the foul. They might have been clothed, if not with a perfect heart, yet with a certain degree of ftrength; and been more advanced on their way to the regions of blifs.

I beseech you, continue in your love to the gospel of Chrift: that, day after day, you may feed on the holy facrifice, and on that eternal fruit with which he nourishes the foul that hungers and thirfts after righteousness. And I cannot help, while I am speaking, preffing you in a more immediate manner, if poffible, that, not relying on your own wifdom, and your own ftrength, but in a full dependence and leaning upon the breaft of the beloved Jefus, you all,

patiently, with a holy foundness, proceed in the highway to the city of God; that you may be crowned at laft with glory, honour, and immortality!

I find in me (at least) one qualification of a gospel minister: even that of a strong and ardent love, which witheth well to all mankind: and in particular that you who are prefent, may enjoy fuch a state of perfect health, as I have been at this time enforcing to your ferious confideration: may it fpread through every class; may you all increase in the stability of righteoufnefs, through this life; and may it carry you into the boundless joys of eternity, into that glorious city, not one of whofe inhabitants, can fay, "I am fick."


The writer could not be present in the morning, nor at the immediate beginning of the following difcourfe but was affured by many prefent that the preacher had proceeded but a little way.

The Subject taken from the Parable of the Unjust Steward, viz. this Question.


19th Day of the Fifth Month, in the Afternoon.

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F we are befide ourselves, it is unto God: If we

are fober, it is for your fakes." + If, with the ftrength of love, and a zealous fervency of mind, we labour in and for the church, and for the good of those to whom we are fent; if rifing early and lying down late; if being willing to spend and to be spent, difinterefedly, without any lucrative motive, or receiving any thing but mere food, from thofe amongst whom we labour; if miniftering to our own wants, and to the wants of others, carry any kind of evidence to the

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confiderate mind, of a disinterested gospel miniftry; we have, fo far, a valid claim to it.

"We preach not ourfelves, but Christ Jefus the Lord; and ourselves your fervants, for his fake." *

If we

"If we are befides ourselves, it is unto God. are sober, it is for your fakes." Having known the terrors of the Lord for fin; having experienced a gradual progreffion from the pit of pollution, from the mire and clay; "having," in fome measure," tasted of the good word of life, and of the powers of the world to come," we apprehend we have authority, more than any human laws or ordination of men can give us, to tell to others, what God hath done for our fouls. I may proceed yet further with truth and fincerity, having the fanction of him, who is the fearcher of hearts; "for the love of Chrift constraineth us." + The foundation of the gospel miniftry is this constraining love of Christ.

We enter not into the ministerial office, with any application of this fort, viz. "Put me (I pray thee) into one of the priests offices, that I may eat a piece of bread." We think higher of the gospel ministry; fo that no temporary emolument can poffibly be an adequate inducement to us, to enter upon it; for "the love of Chrift constraineth us." We fpeak with reverence and a feeling heart; and we believe the Chrif

2 Cor. ix. 5.

† 2 Cor. v. 14.

1 Sam. ii. 36.

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