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Arrhenius, S. Lärobok i teoretisk elektro-
kemi. Stockh. 1900. 8.

Balch, E. S. Glacières or freezing caverns.
Philadelphia 1900.



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The Fauna of South Africa ed. by W. L.
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A. C. Stark. The birds of South Africa.
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Geikie, J. Earth sculpture or the origin of land-forms. London 1898. 8.

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G. H. Stone. The glacial gravels of Maine and their associated deposits. 1899.

Vol. 35. J. S. Newberry. The later extinct floras of North America. A posthumous work ed. by A. Hollick. 1898. Vol. 36. J. M. Clements and H. L. Smyth. The Crystal Falls iron-bearing district of Michigan, with a chapter on the Sturgeon River tongue by W. S. Bayley, and an introduction by Ch. R. van Hise. 1899.

Vol. 37.
D. White. Fossil flora of the
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