CHRISTIAN CHARITY EXPLAINED; OR, THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION UPON TEMPER STATED; IN AN EXPOSITION OF THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER OF THE BY JOHN ANGELL JAMES. "Truth and Love are two of the most powerful things in the world; CUDWORTH. LONDON: FREDERICK WESTLEY AND A. H. DAVIS, AND SOLD BY B. HUDSON, BIRMINGHAM; JOHN BOYD, EDIN- 1828. PREFACE. A WORK which the Author published a few years since, on the Duties of Church Members, concludes with the following sentence:-"Let us remember, that HUMILITY and LOVE are the necessary fruits of our doctrines, the highest beauty of our character, and the guardian angels of our churches." To prove and elucidate this sentiment, and to state, at greater length than it was possible for him to do in that treatise, the nature, operations, and importance of CHARITY; he was induced to enter upon a series of Discourses on the chapter which is the subject of this volume: these Discourses, although, of course, very practical, were heard with much attention, and apparent interest. Before they were finished, many requests were presented for |