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suitable that I should have the responsibility of custodian of the funds of the Society.

I have brought with me the vouchers of the past year and my books, my reports and vouchers from the organization of the Society to this date, that they may all be examined by the committee appointed to audit my report, before they are handed over to my successor.



The President:-It is manifest to me that we are coming to the turning-point of our history. I guess we are going a little backward now; the receipts are below the expenditures. The question is on the adoption of the report of General Force.

General Belknap :-I hear with pain that General Force intends to refuse a re-election, but I suppose we have got to submit to the inevitable. I move that the report be accepted, and that that part of the report referring to the resignation of General Force be referred to the Committee on Nomination of Officers.

General Force :-The custom always was to refer to a committee to audit the report, but that has not been followed of late. I move to amend by referring to a committee to be audited.

The President:-If the Society is willing to receive General Force's report without audit, I see no reason why it should not be done. They have been made with great regularity and great precision, and I suppose they are final. We accept them as a matter of honor, of course. I think the motion as it now stands is right, that the report be accepted and printed, as usual, and if General Force wishes to make any written communication or appear before the committee for the selection of his successor, he can do so. The amendment of General Force to the motion of General Belknap not being seconded, the question was upon the adoption of the motion of General Belknap, and it was unanimously carried.

The President :-I think it is the universal sense of this Society that no man could have been more faithful to his trust than has General Force. I am willing to indorse, officially or otherwise, every act of his since he has been Treasurer of this Society.

There was a special committee appointed at our last meeting, of which General Raum was and is still Chairman, touching steps towards a monument to General Logan. Is that committee ready to report, in part or in whole, verbally, or in writing?

General Raum :-The committee will prepare a written report,

and submit it to-morrow. I can, however, state very briefly the action that has been taken since the appointment was made.

The President :-I think the Society would like to hear any verbal statement you may make on that point. Come to the front, General.

General Raum :-Mr. President, comrades: After the organization of the committee they took into consideration the question of securing a site for the location of this statue in Washington City, and also such aid from the Government as is usual on such occasions. In due time a joint resolution was prepared and introduced into the House, and this resolution will comprise a part of the written report that will be filed to-morrow. This resolution provides for the erection of a statue to General Logan at what is known as Iowa Circle, in Washington City. That Circle is at the crossing of Rhode Island avenue and Vermont avenue, and Thirteenth street and P. street. Those of you who are familiar with the city of Washington will recognize the position there. It is a large circular reservation in the heart of the populous portion of the city, and is regarded as one of the most beautiful spots for the location of this statue. The resolution also provides for the dedication by the Government of the necessary metal for the base and statue itself, and also for the erection of a pedestal, leaving to the friends and comrades of General Logan to raise the necessary funds for the actual construction of this statue. This resolution was referred to the appropriate committee, and the committee made a favorable report, which I hold in my hand. General Henderson, of this Society, now a member of Congress from Iowa, will secure the passage of this resolution through the House, and Senator Cullom, of Illinois, General Manderson, of Nebraska, and other Senators will secure its passage through the Senate, so that I have no doubt about the necessary legislation.

I might have preceded this statement by saying that last fall, very soon after our meeting adjourned, that I went to St. Louis and attended the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, and presented a memorial to the Encampment setting forth the action of this Society, and requesting the co-operation of the Grand Army of the Republic. That matter was referred to a committee. A very able and proper report was made, and a committee was appointed with General Alger as chairman. General Palmer and General Beaver, two other comrades of the Grand

Army, were placed on the committee. A few days ago I had the pleasure of meeting General Alger in New York, and, after conferring upon this matter, we both decided that the time had come for a movement for raising the necessary funds. I see, since leaving Southern Illinois yesterday morning, that General Alger has issued the necessary call for funds in pursuance of the resolution of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was a contribution of ten cents per capita. So that you see we have made progress— first, in securing the co-operation of the Grand Army of the Republic; second, in securing the introduction of this resolution and a favorable report (and I have no doubt of its passage) for the location, for the metal and money for the pedestal. This will constitute the report, and I suppose that General Leggett and I, and the other members who may be here, will, no doubt, join in requesting some action on behalf of this Society to aid in this work. I am happy to state that about $5,000 has already been raised for this work.

The President :- -You want $22,000?

General Raum :-Twenty-five for the pedestal and twenty-five for the statue. Thomas' only cost twenty-three or twenty-four. Of course, you can't tell precisely about the amount those things will cost.

The President :-You are right in naming $25,000. The Government, of course, will erect the pedestal.

You have heard the report. The Chairman asks time for further deliberation. With no objection, time is granted.

You imposed upon me, some five years ago, the duty of select ing one or two men, members of our Society, to read papers before us on interesting subjects, to be embodied in and form a part of our annual report. I, in my mind, selected General G. M. Dodge, who kindly and promptly consented, and, I am assured, is ready at all times to aid the Society in every way he possibly can. There is no better way than to put on record his valuable experience derived in the war and since the war, which I think quite as important as before Atlanta, where he was shot down. I also requested his surgeon, whose name I find on our register—Dr Hartshorn, of Cincinnati, Ohio-a modest gentleman, and one. who has the largest experience, to give us his recollections. He has begged off. I then tried Rumsey, to have him give us his experience with the artillery, because the surgeons and the artil

lery seem to think they have been overlooked, in considering the claims of the larger body of the infantry and the line. Only one consented. He is General G. M. Dodge. With your consent, having appointed our committees, and started the wheel in motion, we will invite General Dodge to read his paper.

General Dodge proceeded to read his paper as follows:



"Habit," says Carlyle, "is the deepest law of nature; it is our supreme strength."

Likewise, to use the words of a compeer of Carlyle: "In a great majority of things, habit is a greater plague than ever afflicted Egypt."

I hasten to add my endorsement to both these observations. Nothing less than the truth contained in the former, I think all here who know me will admit, could support one like myself, whose life-long pursuits unfit him for the role I have to accept, and subject him to the keen edge of the truth contained in the latter, in obeying such an order as the following:




No. 1 Broadway:

DEAR GENERAL:-The receipt this morning of the annual report of the proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, at Detroit, September 14th and 15th, 1887, reminds me that our next meeting will be at Toledo, Ohio, September 15th and 16th. 1888, and that it is my duty to name two "members" to read at that meeting papers of interest and value for future historic reference. After scanning the list of living members, with a full knowledge of what has gone before, I have settled on you and Surgeon Hartshorn, of Cincinnati. You can choose your own subject, and what I add is mere suggestion. The civil war which we shared was only a link in the great chain of our national development. Important events preceded that war which have plainly crystallized into history; the world did not stop, but went on, and you were directly an agent in the consequences. The Pacific States had to be brought into clear harmony with the older Eastern communities, and you did much to build up the Union and Central Pacific railroad, the pioneers, followed by four other trans-continental lines, now in full operation. On this subject you can say much that will have "historic interest."

I ask you to do this, and it will be printed and perused by thousands in the great future who cannot hear it read, but who will be edified long after you and I are gone.

Simply write me that you will be at Toledo, September 15th, and I will assure you of all else.

As ever, your friend,


But I derive encouragement to proceed when I reflect on the happy issue of the many seemingly desperate enterprises undertaken in the past at the bidding of our commander, to whose orders we all learned, a quarter of a century ago, to yield unquestioning obedience. More than a quarter of a century ago I learned to trust in his judgment, rather than my own, and my confidence is all the greater, since I know from experience and observation. something of his capacity for correct judgment in these matters, as well as in those that were dominant during the war.

I recall the fact that it was, in a measure, under his auspices, if not his orders, that I proceeded from my post in the army to that of which I am now required to make report. Let me read the documentary proof of this, as well as his words of approval, when the work was done :

ST. LOUIS, May 1st, 1866.


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DEAR GENERAL:—I have your letter of April 27th, and I readily consent to what you ask. I think General Pope should be at Leavenworth before you leave, and I expected he would be at Leavenworth by May 1st, but he is not yet come. As soon as he reaches Leavenworth, or St. Louis, even, I consent to your going to Omaha to begin what, I trust, will be the real beginning of the great road. I start to-morrow for Riley, whence I will cross over to Kearney by land, and thence come in to Omaha, where I hope to meet you. I will send your letter this morning to Pope's office, and endorse my request that a telegraph message be sent to General Pope to the effect that he is wanted at Leavenworth. Hoping to meet you soon, I am,

Yours truly,


After an interval of three years, when I telegraphed General Sherman that the tracks were joined, he answered as follows:

WASHINGTON, May 11th, 1869.

GENERAL G. M. DODGE:-In common with millions, I sat yesterday and heard the mystic taps of the telegraphic battery announce the nailing of the

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