notes, placed for convenience at the bottom of each page, will be found full explanations of difficult or uncommon words, not only by their appropriate synonyms, but, wherever necessary, by an extended paraphrase. Biographical sketches of noted persons whose names occur in the reading exercises, and explanations of classical, historical, and other allusions, are also given in the notes. The improvements made in the revision of this work are many and important. The two general divisions of Elocution, Orthoëpy and Expression, are recognized, and all the subdivisions under each introduced, thus involving the addition of a thorough, though simple, orthoëpical and orthographical Analysis of Words and of Phonetic Exercises, as well as the introduction of new sections on Slur and Monotone, and many new and apt examples for illustration. In order to afford pupils opportunities to exercise their judgment, taste, and discrimination, in determining the use and application of these examples, several of them are left unmarked under each section. The collection of Reading Lessons has been greatly improved by judicious omissions, and by the introduction of a number of the most interesting and deservedly popular recent productions, both in prose and verse. The classification of the Lessons is more systematic and thorough than that ever before attempted in any corresponding work. The pieces are divided into formal sections in each of which only one leading subject is treated, or one important element of Elocution rendered prominent. It is confidently believed that all practical AIDS are furnished by the orthoëpical notation, the index to words defined and words pronounced, the copious notes, and, for temporary purposes, the index to editions. NEW YORK, March, 1866. 59. A Challenge to America. Punch. 170 61. War..... Robert Hall. 174 62. Battle Fields, or Vultures' Shambles .Dr. Johnson. 176 152. Crime its own Detector... 153. Spartacus to the Gladiators at Capua. 162. Last Hours of J. Q. Adams. 168. The Restoration of the Union. II. PIECES IN VERSE. 41. The Stormy Petrel. 42. The Falcon... 43. To the Skylark.... 44. To a Waterfowl. ........... .Park Benjamin. 138 |