Bible, English, China. 1311 SACRED HISTORY, SELECTED FROM THE SCRIPTURES; : WITH ΑΝΝΟΤΑΤΙONS AND REFLECTIONS, PARTICULARLY CALCULATED TO FACILITATE THE STUDY OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES IN SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. SIXTH EDITION. VOL. II. BY MRS. TRIMMER. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, F. AND C. RIVINGTON, ST. PICCADILLY. ( ECT. I. The Israelites worship the golden calf. Moses Sect. II. Moses desires to behold the glory of Gon. The Sect. V. The first service in the temple. Sect. VI. Of the solemn festivals. The political laws of the Sect. IX. The prince's offerings towards the tabernacle ser vice. Sect. X. The passover kept, The Lord in a pillar of a cloud Sect. VII. Nadab and Abihu use strange fire in the sacrifices, and are destroyed by the Lord. Sect. VIII. The wonderful increase of the people of Israel. 33 Sect. XII. Aaron and Miriam murmur against Moses. Mi- 56 |