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may God be with you! May | sermons, letters, and writings God unite and help you! May may serve as indisputable proofs, his approbation be infinitely that, to the last, he continued to more in your esteem than mine, avow, in the most open and posor than that of the whole world!itive manner, his unshaken be-My son, may the God of thy lief in Christ, and his most sinfather be thy God! He who has cere and fervent attachment to been so often my hope, my re- the system of the Bible. A few fuge, and my confidence when I extracts from his writings will stood on the brink of an abyss, sufficiently illustrate this point :where I could not move one step forward ;-He who, in answer to my prayer, has helped me when every prospect of help had vanished-that God who has safely conducted me, not merely through flowery paths, but likewise across precipices and burning sands ;-May this God be thy God, thy refuge, thy comfort, as he has been mine! Let the world laugh me to scorn, I rejoice in the God of my salvation! Let Ignorance and Infidelity mock, I enjoy that which the world cannot enjoy ;-I receive that which infidelity will never receive! I say with St. Paul, "Is he the God of the Jews only, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob only?" By no means! Assuredly, he is my God also. I say with Luther, "If I have the faith of Abraham, I am Abraham!"

"Klopstock's Messiah," says he, in a letter to a friend, «is my favourite. Though I cannot equally approve or relish every part of this excellent poem, yet it is the only book which I can read repeatedly in connection with the Bible: the Bible, I say, which you seemingly forgot to mention; for in whatever point of view I may consider myself, as a clergyman, as a Christian, or as a man, my Bible is ever to me a most dear and precious book, which I can never sufficiently study, for it is full of unsearchable riches. Read, I beseech you, my friend, this sacred volume, as if you had never read it before. Read it without a commentary. Leave alone the obscure passages, just as you leave the clouds in the sky, or the mist on a mountain. Enjoy that which is clear as the light; and the thickest mists will appear to you venerable. The first book of Moses, the History of Elijah and Elisha, the first chapters of Daniel, the Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, are more especial

Mr. Lavater was exceedingly grieved at the vain objections of late so commonly made against the inspiration of the Scriptures; and especially against the person, the character, and the work of our blessed Lord. Some of the modern anti-Christian wri-ly my delight,-more valuable ters took great pains to draw than all the treasures of the him over to their party; but all whole globe!" their united endeavours proved in vain, he stood firm like a rock; neither flattering promises, nor frowning threatenings could move him; and all his

In another letter, dated Nov.

*Klopstock is, among the Gerthe English. His most celebrated man poets, what Milton is among work is entitled, "The Messiah,"

24, 1794, he thus declares some the talents of his mind, and exof his religious principles to a erted all the powers of his elofriend, in contradiction to a re-quence to assuage the fury of an

unruly passion,-to advise the mildest and most conciliatory measures on the part of the government, and to exhort the people, in the most impressive language, to the strictest observance of due respect and obedience towards their lawful magistrates.


port, that he had adopted the modern rational system of divinity" I assure you, in the most solemn manner, that I entertain, to this very moment, the fullest conviction that the Bible contains a true record of the revelations of God. More especially, I believe in the supreme divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. When the total subversion of Him I regard with daily renewed Swiss constitution took satisfaction, and joy, as the im- place, in the year 1798; and mediate object of our religious soon afterwards that free and worship:Him I revere as the happy country, which, for cenutmost perfection which human turies, had enjoyed the blessings nature can exhibit, and as the of peace, was involved in all the express image of the Godhead. dreadful calamities of war,I believe, with increasing in- Mr. Lavater's character shone tuitive knowledge, that no man forth with peculiar lustre.can come unto the Father, but Without attaching himself to by and through him. I believe, any party whatever, his constant that, thro' his person and medi- aim appeared to be to lessen, as ation only, the human race can much as possible, the sum of be conducted to its proper desti-human misery at this awful penation, restored to its original riod ;-to promote, by all the dignity, and attain to the complete purpose of eternal love. is he on whom I am daily more and more constrained to place an entire dependence. As a mortal man, as a helpless sinner, as a philosopher, I stand in need of him. The more I examine all the different systems of philosophy, the more I am led to adore Jesús Christ as my Lord and my God. Christ, or despair, is my only alternative. His incarnation,-his sufferings, death, and resurrection,-his close affinity to mankind, serve to dispel all my darkness, to supply all my defects."

means in his power, mutual unItion, concord, and peace ;-to prevent still greater mischief; -to instruct and comfort his people from the word of God;

When, in the year 1795, the first revolutionary movements appeared in the canton of Zurich, Mr. Lavater employed all

to impress their minds with the necessity of genuine repentance, of a firm and unshaken belief in the gracious promises of the gospel, of fervent and unremitting prayer, and of a due improvement of their present afflictions.

On the morning of the 18th of May, he was torn from the arms of his afflicted wife, and carried, by an armed force, to Basil; where he was detained as a prisoner, in the house of the Prefect. In this distressing situation he manifested the most manly and Christian character.

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this painful dispensation. His wound seemed to heal sooner than was at first expected; and, some months afterwards, he had the satisfaction to appear once more before his congregation, to whom he was attached in the most affectionate manner. He chose for his text, Psalm lxxi. 7, 8, " I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, and with thy honour, all the day."

His enemies accused him of having betrayed the interests of his country to the Russian government, for the sum of 100%.; but providentially, at the very time of his trial, a letter from Petersburgh arrived, which being opened by the Prefect, demonstrated, in the clearest manner, that the sum in question was merely the price of some paintings, which the Empress had purchased of Mr. Lavater; his enemies were thus constrained to set him at liberty. When he returned to Zurich, after a banishment of three months, he was received, as it were, in triumph, not only by his friends, but by his fellow-ry conspicuous in all the events citizens in general.

Towards the close of his discourse, he made the following application to himself:-" God has led me in the most gracious manner; his hand has been ve

of my life. O God! where Soon afterwards, however, a should I begin, were I to tell all far greater calamity befel him, the great and good things thou which ultimately proved fatal: hast done for me! I had hardly -On the 26th of Sept. 1799, entered upon my earthly course, Zurich was retaken. At this when my life was despaired of; crisis, Mr. Lavater was hu- but thou didst preserve it. Thou manely relieving some poor didst admit me by baptism to neighbouring widows from the the privileges of the church of importunities of the soldiery, Christ; thou didst early imwhom he accommodated in his plant in my heart a love of that own house with meat and drink, which is good, and an abhor-when one of these ungrateful rence of evil. Never was I wretches discharged his gun at destitute of salutary instruchis benefactor. The ball enter- tion, encouragement, and exed his body a little below his ample. All the pleasant, and heart, and went out on the right all the unpleasant, circumstanside. The blood rushed out from ces of my life, have had one each aperture. His wife, child- common end-to lead me to a ren, friends, and neighbours sur conviction of my entire depenrounded him,terrified,lamenting, dence on God; to confirm my weeping, and loudly exclaiming faith in Christ, to render his against the perpetrator of this gospel of growing importance atrocious deed; but he was re-to me, and to fill me with an hosigned; freely forgave his cruelly awe for every thing that,reenemy; and in the midst of ex-lates to Jesus. Whether I recruciating pains, adored the gard friends or enemies, a good chastening hand of his Heaven-report or bad report, comforts ly Father, whose unchangeable or afflictions, enjoyments or prilove he acknowledged even in Ivations,I cannot but every

Mr. Lavater continued to preach about two months longer; but was then obliged entirely to desist. His active spirit, however could not be unemployed; but in the midst of the greatest bodily pains, he continued to write and prepare works for the press; for instance, the Histo

where discern the wise over-rul sus ;" but this much I can say, ing hand of my heavenly Fa❝I bear the monuments of his ther-Three or four times he divine compassion and long-sufwonderfully preserved me in fering upon this my breast." most imminent danger; and when I direct my thoughts only to the last event, which so long detained me from this sacred place, I cannot but regard my self as a monument of the sparing mercy of God. O! thou adorable Preserver of my life, how near hast thou brought me to the very brink of the grave!ry of his Deportation, in two oc But one step further, and I could tavo volumes; a most excellent no longer have praised thee Prayer Book; and a small volamong my fellow-mortals. ume of letters, supposed to have Thou art my hope. It is no vain been written by the Apostle St. boast, but a profitable truth, Paul before and after his converwhich may be usefully applied, sion. At the same time he that though naturally I am one wrote several thousand "Fareof the most timid beings, yet well Lines," to be distributed my God has, by his parental among his friends after his guidance, filled me with unsha- death. He also took the most ken confidence. He has so con-active part in establishing a befirmed this by innumerable in-nevolent society for the relief of stances of his admirable conde- his numerous countrymen who scension to my most particular had lost their all by the calami wants and my boldest petitions, ties of war. especially during the present ve- No words can express how ry remarkable year, that I can- greatly Mr. Lavater suffered not but repeat these words, Thou during the last six months of art my hope. My reason must his life. Not only his wounds fail me, if my confidence should. left a very painful sensation, but -My heart and my spirit must a most violent cough, swimentirely be changed, and I be- ming in his head, and a soreness come another being, before I of his body, occasioned by long could renounce my hope in God. confinement to his bed, proved I never suffered so much as in so many additional afflictions. the course of this year; but my Here religion alone supported confidence in God was never so him; and here it was that his strongly confirmed. O thou Christian patience, resignation, most worthy of confidence, fortitude, and hope of a blessed whose very marks of kindness I immortality shone forth in the bear upon my breast, could I brightest lustre. Even in the but encourage all who are weak, darkest moments he was not seen and fill their drooping spirits with desponding, nor casting away new confidence! I cannot say, his confidence; but his secret in the sense of St. Paul," I bear sighs ascended to a throne of about the dying of the Lord Je-grace; his Bible was the sweet

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then suffered himself to be removed, addressing his sister thus:" May Jesus Christ, whose consolations are inexhaustible, be with thee and with thy spirit to redeem it!" On Christmas eve he said to his wife and daughter,-"My dears, do you know what burdens me most at present? My inability to meditate upon the greatest of all the wonders of grace,-the incarnation of Christ,"-Yet even whilst slumbering, this great mystery of godliness so enraptured his soul, that he composed a verse in this state, with which he awoke,-but could only recollect a part of it :


"Complete redemption on his wings;

companion of his restless nights when he often broke out in loud hallelujahs, and by his cheerfulness revived the drooping spirits of his distressed family. He was very thankful for the least comfort administered to him, and never ceased most fervently to pray for his murderer. He once said to a friend," I do not wish to know him who wounded me with the fatal ball; but this I wish to let him know, that I forgive him with all my heart; for, believe me, I owe very much to these wounds, and to my present severe pains." He tenderly sympathized with all fellow-sufferers upon a bed of sickness; and hearing of a pious woman, who, for sixteen years, continued under the af-"Jesus from Heav'n descends, and flicting hand of God, he addresed some lines of consolation to her. Only a week before his dissolution, when informed that his sister-in-law was at the point of death, his love was so fervent, that nothing could restrain him from seeing her. Being brought in a chair to her house, he sat Only two days before his death down at her, bed-side, and thus he dictated a thanksgiving-hymn, addressed her "Here we sit to be read to his congregation. together, both dying; but love It became now exceedingly diffinever dies, nor the gratitude cult for him to speak; but his which I owe to you, my dear last expressions were prayers sister. May God reward you and blessings pronounced upon for all the kindness you have his family; and after a most seshewn me!" After fainting vere struggle, in which he nevaway for some moments, he ertheless remained sensible, and continued," O! what joy stedfastly looking up to the must there be in Heaven, when Lord, he was delivered from the they see another weary tra- body of sin, and triumphantly enveller approaching the shore!tered the realms of endless bliss! Rejoicing, they exclaim, " Another is coming, who has safely escaped the storms of yonder mortal life he is just here-He exclaims, The land! the land!"Exhausted, and in agony, he

Unmingled grace his right hand bears;

"Life, at his glance, eternal springs,

"And ev'ry trace of mis'ry disappears."

His mortal remains were committed to the grave amidst a vast concourse of people of all ranks and descriptions, and amidst the tears and lamentations not only of his family and

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