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fellow-citizens, but even of time, or 1260 years; in other words, French officers and soldiers ; | till the commencement of the reign and some of his very enemies could not but bear testimony at his grave, "Truly a great and good man is buried here!"

of the saints, or the millennium; when the beast will be slain for sanctioning 'the great words spoken by his little horn, and, together with it, will be given to the burning flameBut the other three beasts, the Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, and

Abstract of Faber on the Profthe- the Macedonian, though their do


No. II.

(Continued from p. 91.)

minion will be taken away, with respect to the church, yet will have their lives, or idolatrous principles prolonged for a season and a time; or during the reign of the saints, and at the close of the thousand years, for their open attack on the beloved city, and daring impiety, will be consumed by the fire of the Lord. It seems generally agreed that Daniel's fourth beast is the Roman empire; and his ten horns, ten independent kingdoms within the limits of that empire. There is some diversity of opinion, of late especially, respecting either the character of the little horn, or the three kings whom it was to subdue. The opinion of Mr. Kett that the little horn symbolizes the whole

THE HE dream of Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel's vision of the four beasts alike predict, that from the era of the Babylonian Monarchy to the commencement of the Millennium there should be four empires, universal, so far as the church is concerned. Accordingly four, and only four, have existed; the Baby lonian empire, the Medo-Persian empire, the Macedonian empire, and the Roman empire. The Author confines himself to the history of the fourth empire, symbolized by the feet of the image, and by the ten-horned beast. The follow-history of antichrist, who, according will exhibit the main features of his scheme. The fourth empire is represented as being strong as iron, as breaking in pieces the three preceding empires, as divided into ten kingdoms, answering to the ten toes of the image, as incapable of co-revolutionary France, that the three hering together though perpetually years and an half are literal years, contracting alliances with each and that the three kings subdued other, and as being succeeded by a by it were France, Holland and spiritual empire which should stand Switzerland, the author here states for ever. The second prophecy of and confutes at considerable length, the ten-horned beast, under the and then proceeds to state his own symbol of a little horn, exhibits an opinion on that point, as follows: eleventh power, as springing up among or behind the ten horns or kings, which should subdue three of them, should make war with the saints and prevail against them, for a time, times and the dividing of VOL. I. NO. 4.

ing to him, is a triple monster compounded of Popery, Mahommedanism, and Infidelity; and that in all its three forms it will depress three kingdoms: and also, that of Mr. Galloway, that the little horn is

represents both temporal and spiritThe same symbol, as before stated, ual objects. Thus a star symbolizes either a prince or a minister of religion: the one being in the state, what the other is in the church. So


1st. Because the actions ascribed to the little horn were never performed by the Pope as the Sovereign of St. Peter's patrimony; but as an ecclesiastical power.

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a beast means an empire either from the year 727, that is, his reign secular or ecclesiastical ; and a moun- commenced 28 years before he betain denotes a kingdom either tem- gan to exist. On these grounds the poral or spiritual. So a horn sig-author concludes, that the little horn nifies a temporal or ecclesiastical symbolizes not the temporal, but kingdom. Sir Isaac Newton, Mr. the spiritual kingdom of the Pope; Mede and Bh. Newton suppose the and conceives that the little horn little horn of the Roman beast to and the two-horned beast of the mean the temporal kingdom of the Apocalypse symbolize the same Papacy, which bears the name of power. The one describes its rise St. Peter's patrimony; and that and growth, till its look was more it became a horn by the subversion stout than his fellows; and the of the three horns which were des- other describes it when grown up tined to fall before it. From this into an empire having had the saints opinion the author disserts. delivered into his hand. The little horn was already in existence when the saints were delivered into his hand; before that time indeed he was harmless, he was not then apostate. The spiritual kingdom. 2d. Because the little horn must of the Pope sprung up after the emhave arisen before the eradication of fire had become Christian, and the three horns, as he is said to sub-during the time that it ceased to due them; but the scheme in ques-exist as a beast, or was not, it was therefore harmless, but when the tion supposes the papacy became a horn by such eradication; and that beast as such revived, as it did in it existed and acted previous to the the year 606, when it set up a spiritsupposed date of its existence. ual tyrant by creating Boniface the third Universal Bishoft, then were the saints delivered into the hands of the little horn, then did the 1260 years of the universal spiritual emhire of the Pope commence, and then did the little horn assume a look more stout than his fellows. We are to date the commencement of this period from the time the Pope had the power of persecution, and not from the time that he began actually to persecute. Now this power was not conferred by the downfall of the western_empire, by the revolt of the Pope from the Greek Emperor, or by his acquisi

3d. The little horn was to reign 1260 years; Mr. Mede seems to suppose this reign commenced as early as the year 365, or 410, or 455, and yet he supposes that the first of the three horns was plucked up in the year 727, when the pope caused the Italians to revolt from the emperor Leo; and consequently, must, according to him, then begin to exist; that is, he began to exist near three centuries after he began to reign. Bp. Newton rejects these dates because they are confuted by the event; still he falls into the same inconsistency: for he supposestion of the Exarchate. We disthe first of the three horns was plucked up in the year 755, when the Pope became master of the Exarchate of Ravenna: when of course, according to him, the little horn must begin to exist; and yet he is inclined to date the 1260 years

cover nothing in these events like delivering the saints into his hand, but we plainly discover it, in the grant of Phocas, usurper of the throne of Constantinople, in the year 606, constituting Boniface the third Universal Bishop and su

preme head of the church; this made this even after it had acquired a the ecclesiastical kingdom a great | temporal principality, otherwise it empire. But if the saints were then appears, in no respect different delivered into the hand of the little from others. horn, the spiritual kingdom of the 2d. The little horn had eyes like papacy must be symbolized by it, the eyes of a man. This symbolizes and not his temporal kingdom, which a spiritual not a temporal kingdom. did not exist till long after. It is By its eyes, according to Sir Isaac manifest the little horn must have Newton it was a seer, ExICKOTOS, arisen prior to the apostacy, and or Bishop in the literal sense of the Daniel teaches us it must arise word, and this church claims the among the ten first horns, into Universal Bishopric; and by its which the empire should be divided, mouth speaking great things, and by the inroads of the Northern na-changing times and laws, it was a tions. Now the first of these, prophet. that of the Huns, arose about the year 356, and the last of them, that of the Lombards, about the year 526, in Hungary. Within these two

limits we are to look for the rise of the little horn. The temporal kingdom of the Pope, as Bp. Newton himself allows, did not come up among the ten first horns; and so, he constructs a catalogue of ten kingdoms adapted to the eighth century, very diverse from the true. The temporal kingdom of the Pope, then, cannot be intended by the little horn; but the spiritual kingdom of the Pope arose in fact, at this period. And the voice of history proclaims this truth that the power of the church of Rome augmented, as fast as that of the Roman empire declined. The little horn, indeed, was to acquire temporal dominion by the successive eradication of the three horns; still, it must have existed as a horn before this, and so could not symbolize the papacy considered as a secular principality. This will appear still more evident by adverting to the particular traits of the character of the little horn.

1st. The little horn was, at its first rise, not only to be a small kingdom, but different from all the other horns, or kingdoms. This is true, if we suppose the first to be a spáritual sovereignty, and the others temporal sovereignties, and

3d. The little horn had a look more stout than his fellows. The Popes have assumed an unlimited superiority over other bishops, their equals, and have affected greater authority, in temporal matters, than even sovereign princes, and have prewhole earth belonged to them, tended that the dominion of the assigning all new discovered countries, to Spain, the western, and to Portugal, the Eastern Hemisphere.

4th, The little horn spake great words, by the side of the Most High, affecting an equality with God. So the Popes claim infallibilof God, and are not offended at ity an incommunicable attribute being styled, Our Lord God the lords. Nor do they refuse, on the Pope, king of kings and lord of day of their election, to receive the adoration of their Cardinals, on the altar. very

5th. The little horn thought to Popes have perpetually changed change times and laws. So the the calendar, by the canonization of new saints; have introduced an infinite number of superstitious laws, instituting new modes of worship, and imposing new articles of faith, daring to strike the second commandment out of the decalogue, and reversing, at pleasure, the laws both of God and man.

6th. The little horn was to wear out the saints of the Most High

who were to be given into his hand by a formal grant of the secular power during the space of three years and an half, or 1260 prophetic days: While the two witnesses should prophecy, in sackcloth, and the per

secuted church should be nourished in the wilderness. Accordingly since the Pope was created Universal Bishop, by the Emperor Phocas, the saints have been formally delivered

into his hand, they have been the spiritual vassals of the man of sin; and have been worn out under his cruel tyranny. It has not, at all times, indeed raged with equal violence, and has been greatly checked by the reformation; still the witnesses are prophesying in sackcloth, and will continue so to do, in one part or other of the world, to the end of the 42 months.

and certainly not two of the first ten horns of the beast. The scheme of Sir Isaac and Bp. Newton are equally objectionable; because, the Exarchate of Ravenna never was a horn or independent kingdom but a mere dependent province of the Greek empire. If any of the original ten horns of the beast were independent kingdoms, we have rea

son to conclude all were so; the description of all is the same, and it would completely violate the harmony of symbolical language to suppose some of the horns represent sovereign states, and others, mere provinces of sovereign states.— Again, allowing the Exarchate to be a horn, neither it nor the state of Rome are part of the ten primary kingdoms. Sir Isaac's list of 7th. The little horn was to subdue the ten kingdoms does not even inthree out of the ten kings. Mr, clude all those powers which he Mede supposes that the three kings supposes to be the three horns. And or kingdoms marked in the prophe- the Bishop justly censures this incy were that of the Greeks in Italy consistency; but he seems chargeawhom the Pope caused to revolt ble himself with a mistake of a simfrom the Emperor Leo Isaurus-ilar nature. The three horns are that of the Longobards, whose certainly to be sought for among the kingdom he caused, by the aid of ten original kingdoms into which the Franks, to be extirpated, there- the Roman empire was divided.-— by to get the Exarchate of Ra- We ought then first to enquire venna for his own principality, and which they were; secondly whether that of the Franks itself. Sir Isaac three of them were in fact ever and Bp. Newton incline to the opin-plucked up before the little horn. ion, that the three eradicated powNot surely first to fix upon three ers were the Exarchate of Ravenna, states which we conceive may be the kingdom of the Lombards and the state of Rome.

the three horns; and then contrive a list of ten kingdoms, as the Bishop The author thinks these opinions does, which may include them.untenable on the following grounds: Certain it is, that neither the ExarIf, on Mr. Mede's plan, the Greeks chate of Ravenna, nor the state of and Franks are taken for the Con- Rome, is among the ten primary stantinopolitan and Carlovingian kingdoms, and yet the Bishop inempires neither of them ever was cludes them in his list of ten kingflucked up by the roots before the doms, to give an air of probability, little horn: and if they are taken to his scheme; though he confesses for Greek and Germanic provinces the list he gives is calculated for in Italy, they cannot be esteemed the eighth century, and not for the horns or independent kingdoms:period when the Roman empire


of Ravenna. The Exarchate however was scarcely established, when the Lombards began to meditate the conquest of Italy for themselves, Norses was engaged for the settlement of that country under the Em

was originally divided. Having | standing in the way of papai aggranconfuted these opinions the author dizement, equally with the former, observes, It is said in one passage, was destined also to fall before the that the three horns were plucked up papal horn; for, after it had subbefore the little horn: in another sisted in Italy its allotted time, it that they fell before the little horn: was attacked, at the instigation of and in a third, that the little the Pope, by Bellisarius, and utterly horn should subdue or depresseradicated by Norses, Lieutenants the three horns or kings: but of the Eastern Emperor, aided by whether the little horn should effect the Lombards. this directly, or by the instrumental3d. Italy now became a province ity of others, is a point which his- of the Constantinopolitan empire, tory must decide; the words of the and was governed by an imperial prophesy do not determine it cx-officer, who bore the title of Exarch pressly. To discover these three kings we must ascertain the ten primary kingdoms. These, according to the historian Machiavel, and that eminent chronologer Bp. Lloyd, were 1 The Huns, 2 The Ostrogoths, 3 The Visigoths, 4 The Franks,perors from the year 554, to the year 5 The Vandals, 6 The Sueves and Alans, 7 The Burgundians, 8 The Heruli and Rugii, 9 The Saxons, 10 The Lombards. These, then are the ten first horns of which we are in quest. The three horns or king-| doms, then, must be of this number. Accordingly, we shall find, that the kingdom of the Heruli, the kingdom of the Ostrogoths, and the kingdom of the Lombards were successively eradicated before the little papal horn; in consequence of which, it became a temporal no less than a spiritual power.

1st. In the year 476, Odoacer king of the Heruli put an end to the Western empire, and caused himself to be proclaimed king of Italy. He now stood before, or in the way of the papal horn, and must be plucked up to make way for the expansion of it. This was effected,in the year 493, by Theodoric king of the Ostrogoths who made a complete conquest of Italy from the Alps, to the extremity of Calabria.

2d. This second of the three horns,

568. Eut in the year 567 Alboin king of the Lombards undertook the subjugation of it; he succeeded; and became master of Italy, from the Trentine hills, to the gates of Ravenna and Rome. The Exarchate, however, still feebly subsisted, but at length, in the year 752, it was completely subdued, by the Lombards, under the reign of Aistulphus. This third horn, however, was destined soon to fall before the papal horn, as the two former had done. Alarmed at the growing power of Aistulphus, the Pope applied for assistance to Pepin king of France; he listened to the Pope's overtures, and, in the course of two expeditions into Italy, wrested from that prince the whole of the Exarchate, and bestowed it in perpetual sovereignty upon the Bishop of Rome. After this, the Lombards languished about twenty years, when Charlemagne, who had succeeded his father Pepin, assumed the character of the champion of the church, and, at the re

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