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that, at the day of judgment,
they would be reckoned godly
that lived orderly and upright,
among whom I reckoned myself,
and all that were better than I
and that the profane and ungod-
ly, and all that were secretly
wicked and ill-designing would
be condemned. Indeed I had
always some fear that I was not
good enough; I did not know
how great a number would be
acknowledged righteous, but I
thought I stood a better chance
than many, or most that I knew.
M. You did not learn this
from the word of God.
what think you now?

P. I will do better, I will strive against sin, I will pray.

M. But all these duties, you say, have been heretofore mixed with sin; how then do you hope they will make you accepted now? Or could you do these things ever so well, all is your necessary bounden duty the good deeds you may do, cannot make amends for past offences. On all these accounts, "by the deeds of the law shall no man living be justified."

P. I see no way-If ever there was a lost soul, I am he But-What shall I do?

M."Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. (Acts xvi. 31.) This is the work of God, that ye be

P. I see that all depends upon my obtaining, while on earth, mercy and forgiveness of all that is past; and that, not on ac-lieve in him whom he hath sent; count of any thing done by me, but through faith in Jesus Christ. But what that faith is, I know not this I know, that I have been all along out of the way.

M. Indeed I think you have, and it is high time for you to awake, and to seek the Lord in earnest; lest he cut you off in the midst of your sins, and appoint, your portion where is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

P. Pray, Sir, tell me what I must do to be saved?

(John vi. 29.) And by him all
that believe are justified from all
things." (Acts xiii. 39.) Come
naked, sinful, and helpless as
you are, to God through Christ
for mercy.
"He is able to save
to the uttermost all those that
come unto God by him, seeing
he ever liveth to make interces-
sion for them." (Heb. vii. 25.)
He can wash you from the guilt
of all your sins, destroy the pow-
er and dominion of sin in you,

sanctify you thoroughly in body, soul, and spirit," and,

M. What think you of your" present you to the Father past life? without spot or blemish." P. I see that I have been P. I have no manner of doubt daily offending God, by break-of Christ's power to save, for he ing his commandments, and is the Son of God; but I fear pleasing myself, not him; and I am not a fit person to be saved. that now I stand under the guilt of thousands of sins, the least of which were enough to condemn me, if I had done nothing else.

M. And what do you intend to do?

M. In order to determine that, look into your bible. There is this declaration made: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." (1 Tim. i. 15.) Now what think you? Are you

of the number he came to save, | fail, let this be the language of or are you not?

P. But he will not, he does not save all sinners.

M. That is, because they will not come to him to be saved. Of this he complains, [John v. 40.]" Ye will not come to me that ye may have life."

your heart and life, as well as of the tongue. Not that, after all, any diligence or strength of yours is the thing which will gain acceptance; but when faith is true, lively, and saving, it will be attended by these and the like works.

P. This is what I fear, that my faith is not true faith.

M. If your faith be true faith, you will have confidence in noth

P. But I find certain conditions mentioned, necessary to qualify men, which I fear I have not. It is said, "Repent, and believe the Gospel ;" and, "heing in yourself, no works or that believeth, and is baptized,

shall be saved."

strength of your own; but you will rest solely in God's promise M. If you are weary with the of mercy made in Christ. A burden of sin, lothe it, and ear-true faith will also in some denestly desired to be saved from gree, be lively, shewing itself the guilt and pollution of it-ain a zeal for God and godliness, true repentance is begun in you. and a steady warfare against sin. And if for this purpose, you ap- And this will be also saving ; you ply unto Christ as held forth in will be thereby saved not only the gospel, this is the faith that from the guilt, but from the saveth. Come unto Christ, out power of sin, and the dominion of his fulness to receive the in- of your lusts; and this will give ward and spiritual grace, a death you a good hope and expectaunto sin, and a new birth unto tion, and by degrees a firm perrighteousness; for he alone suasion, of being saved from can give it. wrath in the great day of the Lord Jesus.

P. It is said, "Many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be P. I cannot find I have this able ;" and "not every one that faith; therefore dare not be saith unto me, Lord! Lord!lieve that God will forgive and shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." This makes me fear and keep at a distance.

M. To whom then do you intend to go?

P. I know not, for there is no other name under heaven whereby one may be saved.

receive me.

M. Then come unto Christ, embrace and depend on God's promises in him, that your faith may grow up to this. For this faith itself is " of the operation of the Spirit of God," and therefore to be sought of him by prayer, through the media tion of Jesus Christ.

M. Then apply to Christ; to escape the wages of sin, the curse of the law, and the wrath P. I dare not thus embrace of God, fly to him for pardon the promises, come to, and de and peace, grace and glory.pend on, Christ; for I am utter, And if secking to enter into the ly unworthy of the least mercy. kingdom be not enough, strive. M. When do you think you If many that say, Lord! Lord! | shall make yourself worthy?

P. Never.

M. Then come to him just as you are, to be made worthy.

world; for this, he labored, wept, and bled; for this he reigns and intercedes in heaven. He is so far from being unwil

P. May I dare thus to come to Christ, and depend upon himling to save, that he is offended for salvation?

M. Do not depend upon my word, but hear the word of God. He invites you to come: "Ho! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters." (Isa. Iv. 1.) He commands you to come: "This is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ." (1 John iii. 23.) He promises to receive those that come: "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." (John iv. 37.) He threatens, if you do not come: "He that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark xvi. 16.)

with those who will not come to him to be saved. When he was upon earth, he wept over Jerusalem on this account.'

P. I know not what to say. M. What do you intend to do? P. I am greatly afraid I shall never be saved. But I know there is no other way but God's free mercy in Christ. Therefore I will seek it as long as I live, and if I perish, it shall be at the foot of Christ's cross, calling for mercy.

M. Continue this resolution, and all the precious promises of the gospel are yours. But take heed that you do not suffer these impressions to wear away, or to

P. But to whom are these words addressed? M. To you, to me, and to ev-settle in a false peace. Do not ery one that hears them seek rest any where but in "Preach the gospel to every Christ. Beware lest worldly creature." (Mark. xvi. 15.) cares or pleasures divert your They are addressed to those in attention from the things of God, particular that see their want of and lest sin grieve the Holy salvation, because they alone Spirit. Remember it is said, will receive them. "Come" If a man draw back, my soul unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." (Mat. xi. 28.)

P. These arguments from scripture stop my mouth, But still I cannot believe Christ will

receive such a sinner as I am,

M. This is what I said before. Faith is not of man, but the gift

shall have no pleasure in him." [To be continued.]

Religious Intelligence. The great difficulty of Christiani

zing uncivilized people illustra, ted.



of God, wrought by the Spirit FROM THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNT in them that hear the gospel. Therefore seek this and every other grace of God by prayer in the name of Jesus. And to encourage you to pray and hope, consider that God gave Christ for this very purpose, to save sinners: for this he came into the

Serepta, near Astracan, Extract of brother Valen. Wendling's report of a school begun with the children of the German colonists

* In Asiatic Russia,

employed in the settlement; and of his endeavors to intruct some Kalmuc children at Serepta.

HAVING in 1800, been appointed by the elders of the

perceived some traces of the labor of the Holy Spirit in his heart. He had learnt several verses, and told me, "that when he lay down to sleep at night, he was accustomed to repeat them in prayer. But once he began

Brethrens'congregation at Serep-to doubt, whether what was con

tained in them were true, upon which he left off praying. However, it occurred to his mind, that he had not faith, and yet he knew, that he that believeth not, shall be damned. He therefore prayed the Lord to forgive him that sin of unbelief."

ta, to undertake the instruction of the children belonging to the German colonists, who were employed as servants in our settlement, and my situation affording me an opportunity of doing it without expense to the settlement, I began to keep school with about ten children, of from five to eleven years old, and gave them two hour's instruction eve-arrived here, who expressed a

ry day.

It pleased the Lord to lay a special blessing upon my labors, and I had the great satisfaction to perceive, that they not only gained improvement by learning to read, &c. but grew in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ, as their Saviour. Two of them departed out of this world, rejoicing in Him, and expressing their sense of his love and mercy, in the most fervent thanksgivings.

Towards the end of 1802, several other Kalmuc children

desire to learn German. They were from ten to fourteen years of age; their parents live in the vicinity of Serepta, and obtain a livelihood in the place, where likewise the bigger boys get work and earn something. As I can converse with them by means of Makush, who serves as interpreter, I was willing to admit them into the school. At Christmas, I asked them if they knew what festival we now celebrated? They replied, that it By means of this school, an was the same as their new year's opportunity was afforded me of festival. I informed them, that doing something in behalf of the the great God, who had created poor Kalmuc children, whose all things, had become man, and parents are generally hovering that the festival we now cele-about our neighborhood. Abrated, was that of his holy inKalmuc boy, called Makush, carnation. One of the boys anstep-sonto a Kalmuc prince, had [swered, that there were many been sent hither by his father to gods who had created all things, learn the German language.and that every man had his own He was first committed to the creator. I informed them, that care of brother Loos, who taught there was but one God, who had him to spell; and January 15th, created all things, and all men, 1801, sent to my school for far-and that mankind had sioned ther instruction.

Although at first he appeared very ignorant, yet by degrees, I

against him; in consequence of which, they deserved to be eternally punished, and were even

more frequently, and whenever they had spelt a little, I related to them something of the life

now under the power of the devil. But that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, out of compassion for them, took the resolu- of our Saviour, Makush being tion to be manifest, in the flesh, interpreter. Itwas evident, from and himself to suffer the punish-their questions and remarks, ment which they had deserved, to deliver them from the power of sin and death.

Being asked by one of them, whether our Saviour had been born in some great prince's house, I gave them a concise account of his birth and life upon earth; and added, that he would once come again, to receive all those, who believe in him, unto himself in heaven; but that, on the other hand, those who had not believed in him, but rejected his invitation, would have to suffer the punishment which they had themselves deserved. When I asked them, if they could believe all this? they replied: "It may be true, but we know little of that great God; we therefore wish to learn German, that we may hear more about him." I told them to come diligently to school, where it would be a pleasure to me to instruct them, and to tell them more about the true God. But

that they paid attention. They asked, for instance, whether our Saviour had also suffered for their sins, and when I told them that. he had, and that if they prayed to him, he would give them an assurance in their hearts, and forgive them their sins, they replied, " that their eyes were now so darkened by sin, that they could not see him." I explained to them, that although we cannot see him with our bodily eyes, yet we may pray to him, because he is present every where. Hereupon they promised, that they would pray for grace to know him.

Sometimes I perceived, that they did not understand what I said; as for instance, when I once spoke to them about our Saviour's sufferings, one of then replied: "What sort of a God. is this, that he suffers himself to be tormented, and does not deliver himself?" I replied, that Jesus had submitted to these sufferings willingly for us. Upon being asked, whether they believed that they were sinners? the same boy said: "If we did but know what sin is, we would not commit sin." I answered,”. that the Holy Spirit would ex

I soon perceived, that as they were in their whole manners given to be very unsteady, they were the same, as to their attendance at school. They are obliged to embrace every opportunity to earn their bread, and cannot therefore attend regular-plain to them the nature of sin, ly during school hours; and for but that mean while they should that reason at last they discon- pray to him to forgive their untinued all attendance. I knew known sins. at first no other way but to desire Makush to call and invite them to come, when I saw them at leisure, or running about the place. Upon this they camel sity of obtaining it, he said, "that

More pleasing were the expressions of Makush: Having once at school, learnt a verse treating of faith, and the neces

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