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and Seth Smith, jun. for thirty weeks cach, in the destitute towns and plantations of the District of Maine, where their best discretion shall guide them. Their mission began on the last of February. They have enter

and joyful reception, and good hopes of success.

have been hopefully blessed in | Messrs. David H. Williston, bringing home some poor sinners to Christ. While the zeal of the Society has been commendable and exemplary, in providing and employing means for spreading, diffusively, the knowledge of Christ, merciful have been the tokens, that God hath accepted]ed on their labors with a welcome and approved their work, in the fruits of his grace, and in the operations of his Spirit, as well! among the favorers and pat-] rons of this missionary institution, as among the people in the new settlements. God hath rewarded his own grace in the hearts of his people here, and has extended the benefit to remote and far distant parts. He has put the song of Zion into the mouths of those who have long sat mourning and solitary in a wilderness land.

Messrs. Jolin Woodbridge, and Ebenezer Wright, set out about the middle of May, on a mission of twenty weeks each, to be performed partly in the country lying between Black River, and the lakes Oneida and Ontario, and partly in the county of St. Lawrence. They have performed the first part of their mission with much acceptance. Mr. Woodbridge, through bodily infirmity, has been necessitated to return. Mr. Wright has gone forward into the county of St. Lawrence--Mr. Woodbridge states, That on his mission he has met with a friendly

expressed their gratitude to the Society for their liberal kindness, and with diligent and solemn attention listened to his ministrations.

Rev. Gardner Kellogg, of Bradford, Vermont, for

Encouraged by former success and furnished by the liberalities of the pious and charitable, the Trustees have extended their operations the present year.They have enlarged their ap-reception from the people, who propriations for missionary labors, and for sending the gospel to the pagan nations of this land: Finding that Christ has a treasure in the hearts of his people which the necessities of their brethren easily draw forth, the Trustees have hazarded the in-weeks, and Mr. Newton Skinner, conveniences which embarrass for twelve weeks, have gone on the pecuniary concerns of the a mission into the northern counpeople, and have resolved not ties of Vermont. They comonly to continue but to augment menced their labors the first their labors and expenditures. week in August, with flattering How far the hopes and the wish-prospects of good success. es of the Trustees have been The Trustees by their comrealized in the course of provi-mittee have sent out a greater dence will appear in the remain- supply of books, than in precedder of this report. ing years, a list of which is annexed in No. 1

The Missonaries employed the present season, are Rev.


The receipts, for the funds of the Society, which have come into the hands of the Trustees' Committee, the items of which are contained in the annexed paper, No. 3, are dolls. 1242,81 1-2; besides which sum the Treasurer has obtained one dividend on ten shares of fire and marine insurance stock in Boston, whole nominal value of the shares being dolls. 500, at 12 1-2 per cent, being dolls. 62,50.The Society have entrusted with an Agent at Utica, New York, 52 dollars, which is to be brought into the Treasury, and there is with the Trustees' Committee, a valuable collection of books for future distribution, a list of which accompanies this Report in the annexed paper, No. 1.

In prosecuting the wishes of | Esq. late of Charlestown, deceas the society, the Trustees by ed, in his last Will and Testatheir Committee have expended ment, nominal value 50 dollars dolls. 1273,64. The several each share, and have also assuritems of this expenditure, are ance from the Executors of Mr. inserted in the annexed paper, Devens' Will,that they will pay to No. 2. the Society, the sum of 500 dollars, as a donation from the surviving grand children, nineteen in number, residuary legatees of Mr. Devens, in order most scrupulously to fulfil what they supposed might have been the benevolent and pious intention of their venerable and worthy grand father, at the time when he made his will, and that his legacy to the Society of ten shares, may be of the value of 1000 dollars. These several donations from the pious and munificent Benefactors, as they evince the devotion of their hearts to the interests of Christ's kingdom, and the salvation of men and are pledges of their confidence in the good intentions ofthis Society, so they will excite in the hearts of its members, praise and thanksgiving to God, who has all hearts in his hands, and affectionate feelings of grai. itude and esteem towards those distinguished characters, who have with such promptitude and munificence, furnished means and aids to the Society's exer tions for building up the kingdom of the adorable Immanuel.

The Trustees, affected with gratitute to the pious and liberal donors and patrons of this missionary establishment, would inform the Society, that the Hon. William Philips, Esq. of Boston, has, in addition to two preceding donations of 50 dollars each, given 50 dollars to the funds; the Charitable Female Society, of Whitestown, New York, have in addition to their liberality in 1806, of 119 dollars, given to the funds of this Society the passed year, 140 dollars; The Treasurer has also received ten shares in the stock of the Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in Boston, bequeathed to the Society by Richard Devens,

The Trustees further report, that the virtuous members of the Charitable Female Association in this county, have the passed year, given fresh proofs of their attachment to the Redeemer's cause, and their carnest wishes for the happiness and salvation of those in the new settlements, who are famishing for want of light and instruction in divine

For the present state of the Treasury, and funds of the Society, the Trustees refer to the annexed paper, No. 5, containing the Report of the Auditing Com

things. They have continued | American Indians into the fold to render essential aids to those of Christ. funds of the Society which are devoted to the purchase and distribution of bibles, and other pious books in the new settlements. While these daughters of Zion are making the wilder-mittee, upon the accounts of the ness and solitary places to re- Treasurer, and the Trustees' joice and blossom with the rose Committee. of gospel light and grace, may they reap a rich reward in the favor of him to whom they have so kindly administered by relieving him in his poor and suffering members. May their charities be their memorial in time to


The statement concerning the funds of the Charitable Female Association, is contained in the accompanying paper, No. 4.

The Trustees upon this occasion solicit the particular attention of the Society to the present situation of their funds, as far as they depend upon the subscriptions of individuals.-When the Society commenced its operations, their funds were mainly created by the subscriptions of various individuals.--Some pledged themselves to pay a definite sum by a single payment. Others pledged themselves to pay a certain sum, annually, in January of each year, for the term of seven years. Individuals who subscribed and paid ten dollars, or more, became members of the Society for seven years and ever after so long as they should pay two dollars yearly. Others subscri bed two dollars or more to be paid annually for seven years, by which subscriptions they were constituted members of the Socicety for seven years, and ever after so long as they should pay two dollars annually. The term of membership with the first subscribers will end next January, and in case of their not continuing their membership, the funds of the Society will be diminished in proportion to the numbers who may choose to discontinue their payments of

The Trustees in their feelings have ever coincided with the tender sentiments of the other members of the Society towards the poor, perishing natives of this land, who continue to grope in pagan darkness and idolatry. They have formerly expended something to promote the education of two Indian youths, in a hope that God would prepare them for usefulness, and open a door for their improvement among their brethren and kindred. In this hope the Trustees faint not. There have been appropriated the preceding and former year, 64 dollars, for the benefit of the Western Indians, but no door has been opened for the useful expenditure of more than 14 dollars. The Trustees, however, look forward with consoling anticipation, that the time will come speedily, when means may be pro-two dollars annually. The whole fitably used for bringing the

sum yearly received from subscribing members in times pas

sed, has been between 400 and | How numerous are these fields 500 dollars. The failure of this for missionary labors! How resource must produce a se- rich and abundant, may we hope,

rious deficiency in the means of the Society, for future operations. The Trustees entertain a hope and expectation, that many of those who have so generously and promptly afforded their assistance in raising to usefulness and dignity this spiritual building, for Christ, will continue their support, by retaining their membership in the Society. They will foster their own work which they have wrought in Christ Jesus, and will uphold so good a cause on which the sanctification and happiness of so many precious souls may depend. The Trustees urge these considerations upon the hearts of the friends of this pious and useful Institution.

Much important good to the interests of virtue and religion hath been already done by the laudable and disinterested charities and labors of this Society, and by the liberal benefactors to its funds. Still greater and more extensive are the blessings contemplated by the Trustees, from the future exertions, prayers and liberalities of the Society.

will be the future harvest, provided we and others put our hands to this work, and come to the help of the Lord in this season of exigency. When other missionary institutions are zealously going forward with this work, do not our hearts beat in unison with theirs, and say--We will go also.

Do we see the blessed effects and fruits of our former prayers and labors in the establishment of Churches, and the settlement of Ministers in the new settlements of our country? Let us bless God for the benefit, and lift up our eyes and look around and beyond those favored churches, and see new plantations multiplying in the wilderness, unable to relieve their own wants, wants more numerous than all the copious supplies of Missionary Societies can at present satisty. May the good Spirit of God, enlighten all in duty, and excite them to offer their faculties and their gifts to Christ, that they may promote the common salvation, and extend the blessings of his kingdom to all parts of the world; Let those, therefore, who love that those who sit in darkness our Lord Jesus, and look for the may see a great light, that the salvation of souls, by the instru- name of our Jesus may be mentality of his word and minis-known upon earth, and his saving trations, arise and work. Let health, unto all nations; and them, confidently, wait for a bles-that the kingdoms of this world sing from him, who ever regards may become the kingdom of our those labors of love, which are Lord and his Christ. wrought for his disciples, and to The Trustees propose to the bring in subjects to his kingdom. Society for their consideration, He will never suffer the pious the following Resolutions, viz. exertions and prayers of his 1. That a committee be apchildren to return empty. Be-pointed to consider the claims hold the fields, they are already of the Society upon any individwhite and ripe for the harvest. ual or individuals, who are by

subscription indebted to it, and his grand children to this Socie where they find any of said sub-ty. Also, a letter of thanks to scribers who in their opinion the Charitable Female Society cannot make payment without of Whitestown, New-York, for laying themselves under mate- the confidence they have reposrial embarrassments, that the ed in this Society, by their liberal Committee be empowered to re- contributions to its funds; also, a mit payment, and discharge the letter of thanks to the Hon. WilSociety's claim. liam Philips, Esq, of Boston, for his several liberal donations to this Society.

2. That a Committee be appointed to take such measures as they may judge most expedient to ascertain, who of the present members of the Society, will continue their relation to it, after the present year, and to pursue such other measures as may most substantially remedy any deficiency in the funds, which may result from the termination of the annuities, which in former years have been paid by subscribers.

3. That the Recording Secretary report to the Society, as soon as may be, all those individuals who may have contributed to the funds, a sum of twentyfive dollars, that they may be nominated to the Society, to be admitted as members for life.

5. That the several Congregational and Presbyterian ministers in this county, be requested to read, or cause to be read, this report in their congregations; and that the several religious assemblies, in connection with this Society, be requested to make a contribution for the Society's funds, upon the next annual Thanksgiving, or upon some Lord's day, near that time as shall be most convenient.

6. That the Trustees take or der for the printing and distribution of this report, to the several congregations in connection with this Society, and to the Charitable Female Association, in each town.

In the name of the Trustees. CALEB STRONG, President.

This Report was read, consid ered, and accepted by the Society. Attest. PAYSON WILLISTON, Recording Secretary.

4. That the President be requested to transmit, in behalf of the Society, a letter of thanks to the executors of the last will and testament of Richard Devens, Esq. late of Charlestown, deceased, and to the heirs and the residuary legatees of said Richard Devens, Esq. in grate-to a number of documents which ful acknowledgment of the pi- will not be printed in this Magaous liberality of the deceased, zine, unless by particular desire. and the exemplary generosity of

Note. The reader will perceive that the preceding Report refers


Have Faith in God.

SHALL Man on ocean's fluctuant wave,
Trust to the fragile bark his form?

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