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than usual are now preparing for the ministry; and among the youths who have been subjects of these revivals, many have it in view in the same way to consecrate themselves to the service of their Redeemer.

"From one of our brethren in Connecticut, sitting as a correspondent with us, the pleasing intelligence was received of revivals in many parts of that


"For these mercies we desire humbly to praise the great Head of the church, and unite our fervent petitions to our exalted Redeemer, that he would not take from us his Holy Spirit, but cause the influences of his grace to descend on our churches as rain upon the mown grass, and as showers that water the earth; that his kingdom may come, and the whole earth may be filled with his glory, Amen."

N. B. The Synod of NewYork and New-Jersey consists of four Presbyteries, viz. LongIsland, Hudson, New-York and New-Brunswick.

ther as regards the numbers
wrought upon, or the manner in
which they are affected; but be-
cause I think that whenever God
sees fit to send his Spirit into any
place, his merciful and gra
cious interposition should be ac
knowledged, and published, to
the world. To the friends of Zi-
on, no information is more plea
sing than that of the advance-
ment of the Redeemer's king-
dom, though but few new sub |
jects, comparatively, be added
to that kingdom. I flatter my
self, therefore, that by offering
the following remarks for publi-
cation, I shall not be thought to
attach an undue degree of im
portance to the work of God
now carrying on among us.

Yours respectfully,

Nov. 25th, 1808.

Revival of Religion in Hartford,

(Continued from p. 267.)

THE present attention to re ligion in this place commenced, as is mentioned in a former number of this Magazine, towards the close of last winter.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE CON- It continued to increase gradu



ally till about the first of May, when there was a suspension of the work for a few weeks; duIN June last, I sent to you a ring which there were few new brief account of the origin of a re-instances of awakening, and our vival of religion in this town, and of its progress to that time, which was published in your Magazine for July.. I now send you a further account of the reviwal, which you will publish if you think best, I do not make this communication because there is any thing uncommon attending the awakening in this place, ei

meetings were attended by a less number than had been the case before. The friends of re ligion began to fear, that God was about to withdraw his Spirit, and that the people, who had appeared to have a hearing car, would soon revert to their for mer carelessness. But the be ginning of June, God reine

special influences of his Spirit, and leave those who are yet secure in sin to taste the fruit of their own misdoings. May all the friends of Zion amongst us be animated to renewed zeal and fervor! May they wrestle like Jacob, and prevail like Israel! Beholding and commiserating the state of sinners, may they be fervent and importunate in their prayers, to him with whom is the residue of the spirit, that he would once more be gracious unto us, and give us to see many sinners converted from the error of their ways! And while they pray for renewed tokens of his love, it becomes them to thank God for what he has already done.

bered mercy, again revived his work, and dispelled the gloomy forebodings of his friends. For a considerable time, there were frequent displays of the power and grace of God, in the awakening, conviction, and conversion of sinners; and a number were hopefully brought to know and love the truth as it is in Jesus. During this period, our meetings were as frequent, and attended by as great numbers as they had ever been. In August and September, the work seemed again to decline; and to the animating hope, which had cheered the hearts of God's people, succceded a fear that the day of his gracious visitation was speedily to terminate. Once more, however, a merciful God was better to us than our fears foreboded. In October, and the beginning of the present month, we were refreshed with a third shower of divine grace. Again our meetings filled up again we heard the anxious inquiry, what shall I do to be saved?-again the friends of the Redeemer were delighted by beholding new trophies of his victorious grace. From the best information which I can collect, I fear this third shower is nearly ended; and whether we shall be blessed with another is known only to him who knows all things. From the past experience which we have had of the loving kind- Though there have been no ness of the Lord, there is ground recent instances of awakening, to hope, that he has mercy yet that have come to my knowin store for us; while the lan-ledge, there are still the same guor, which seems to have per-number of meetings as formervaded the hearts of many pro-ly; and a large number of peofessors, gives reason to fear, ple, particularly of youth, are that God, in righteous judg- still disposed to assemble for ment, will soon withdraw the religious worship, on those eve

Since the beginning of May last, there have been added to the two Presbyterian churches in this city about one hundred and twenty persons, besides several who are now propounded for admission; there are likewise a number more who appear to have been brought to rejoice in the light of divine truth, and who will probably soon make a public profession of religion.— Of those who have obtained a hope much the greater number are persons in early life. God has, however, in his sovereign good pleasure, taken some in mid life, and called a few at a more advanced period, even at the eleventh hour.

nings when their necessary du-on their hearts as the former. ties in life permit them to lay Religious affections are to be aside their ordinary business. judged of by their nature, not May that God, who contiunes by the degree to which they to give a hearing ear, give also arise. an understanding heart! It deserves also to be mentioned, that the awakening has had a degree of influence upon many, who have not thought themselves particularly impressed. Reli gion has become a topic of conversation, and is spoken of as of great importance, in circles where, but a few months since, it would have been almost considered a breach of politeness to introduce the subject. A spirit of dissipation, so common in large places, has been evidently checked. There is reason also to believe that many have experienced divine influences, who, for various reasons, have been restrained from associating with those known to be awakened, and who have communicated their feelings only to a few particular friends. This is not a mere conjecture; several such instances have recently come to my knowledge.

In my former communication, I gave a general account of the views and exercises of the subjects of this work. The description then given will apply to those who have been since wrought upon; though, so far as my observation has extended, I think that those under conviction have not generally been so deeply distressed; nor have those who have obtained a hope experienced such lively joys as the first subjects of the work. I do not, however, consider this as any evidence, that the latter have not experienced as genuine a work of grace

As was to be expected, the work has met with opposition. Had it not been opposed, it would have wanted one evidence of being a real work of God.But as yet nothing has taken place to give opposers any just grounds of offence. A remarkable degree of order and regu larity has prevailed; and though there have been large collections of young people, almost every evening in the week, for several months, they have conducted with a degree of propriety and decorum which could hardly have been expected. Opposers have anticipated evil, and exclaimed with bitterness against evening meetings; but their expectations have been defeated, and their bitter reproaches shown to be groundless. It ought to be noticed with peculiar gratitude, to him who rules king in Zion, that he has restrained the subjects of this awakening from those improper excesses, which sometimes accompany revivals; and from those enthusiastic flights, and imaginary impulses, which have a tendency to bring a reproach upon experimental religion; and also that he has suffered so few, who professed to be awakened, to wound the cause by drawing back to care less security in sin.

The great order and regular ity which have prevailed in all our meetings, and the decorum observable in those who have attended, while going to and returning from meeting, are the more remarkable from the con

sideration, that so great a pro- | believe that there have been

portion were young persons; more instances of awakening and from youth so much stability and hopeful conversion, in this is not to be expected as from country, within the last eighthose in riper years. To see teen months, than in any period such numbers of our youth lay-of the same length for upwards ing aside the vain amusements, of half a century. May all to which the young are in gene- the glory be given to him to ral so strongly attached, affords whom it is due; and may he an incontestible evidence of the ride forth upon the chariot of reality of religion; and the zeal his word, conquering and to and engagedness, which they conquer! have manifested in the cause of the Redeemer, may justly reproach many of their seniors for their luke-warmness and indifference. When I contemplate

upon the manner in which these FROM THE PHILADELPHIA EVAN



THE establishment of a Bible Society having long been a favor

this country, a gentleman of this city addressed a communication relative thereto to his friend in London. In reply the following letter, accompanied with a donation, conditioned on the establishment of such a society, has lately been received.

young persons, many of whom had been suffered, by those who had the care of their education, to remain in a great degree ignorant of the doctrines and duties of religion, have been awak-rite object of many persons in ened and guided by the Spirit of God, I am ready to say with Elihu, who teacheth like him?" Indeed, in the commencement, and through the whole progress of this work, may be seen many marks of the wisdom and sovereignty, as well as of the mercy and grace of him, who worketh all things according to the counsel of his will. "This cometh from the Lord of hosts, who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."

London, 24th June, 1808,


THE receipt of your es teemed favor of the 12th October last year, afforded me pecuI am informed that the revival liar pleasure, and I desire to restill continues in West-Hart-joice in the opening prospect of ford, but am not able to men- a Bible Society being established tion any particulars concerning in the United States. What the work there. In East-Hartford, time is so auspicious as the prealso, there has been for several sent! When uncertainty and months an awakening; as is disappointment are particularly the case likewise in many other stamped on worldly undertakplaces. From information re-ings, when commerce in every ceived from various parts of channel is interrupted, and when the country, I am induced to the kingdoms of this world are VOL. I. NO. 12. Mmm

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tottering to their foundation, surely Christians are loudly called upon to look around and consider the part which they have to act in such circumstances; and can there be a question that it is to promote, with increasing zeal the interests of that spiritual kingdom which is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.

The spread of the holy scriptures is undoubtedly the means best adapted to promote this valuable end, the means which has already been greatly blessed, and on which a divine blessing may still be confidently expect ed. But in such an undertaking great difficulties may be looked for; on such occasions the great adversary of souls is never inactive, being always alive to his interest amongst men, and perhaps never more so than when any good work is contemplated on an extensive scale. Yet I trust it is the Lord's work, and

he will not suffer it to fail, but grant a spirit of union amongst Christians of all denominations, and crown it with an abundant blessing.

In the event of such a society being formed, I have no

the last report of the Bible Society, that of the newly established Penitentiary, &c., which will I hope be acceptable to you, and particularly the Baptist Missionary report, if you have not already seen it; in many papers it appears legibly inscribed

"Go on and prosper, for the Lord is with you.

The interruption which the be a trial of Christian fortitude work is suffering of late, must and confidence; but how wonderfully are circumstances, apparently adverse, overruled for abundant good! Be it then our consolation that our God reignwell. I am, my dear sir, your eth, and that he does all things affectionate friend.

Should the Bible Society be formed you will do me the fa vor to contribute 20 dollars as a donation on my behalf."

the British and Foreign Bible SoNote.....The fourth report of ciety will be published next


INFORMATION has been receiv

doubt that the sum of 1007. ster-ed that a general revival of ling would be obtained by way of assistance from the Bible Society here; and the application would be made with pleasure if it be wished; indeed such an intimation has, I understand, been given to the Rev. Mr. Codman of Boston, who left London in the spring for that place.

religion among all denominations of Christians has taken place in England. The particulars of been received. We hope to ob this important news have not yet tain them speedily, and most earnestly desire that they may equal, nay, exceed the general account. The temple of the Lord is build

By captain Otto you will receive a small packet containing ing in troublesome times.

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