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Secluded situation of the Vaudois-Derivation of their nameInducements to make the excursion-Peyrani's letter-Romantic accounts of Waldensian heroism-Passage across the Channel from Dover to Calais-Fog at sea-Dull journey from Calais to Paris-French equestrians and sportsmen—Awkward machinery-Frightful looking crucifix-State of religion in Paris -Chapel of British ambassador-English Liturgy—Leave Paris-Journey towards the South of France-Forest of Fontainbleau-Nemours-Moonlight scenery-Old Châteaus— Sabbath in France-Sabbath day in England-Its effect on the character of the nation-Nevers-Anecdote-Moulins-Inscription in the cathedral-Votive tablets-Sterne-Poor Maria -Village near Moulins-Landscape-Appearance of PlentyPalisse-French traveller-Road from Palisse to LyonsLyons-Rousseau-Les Etroits-Library of Lyons-Caligula's edict-Charitable Institutions at Lyons-Hótel Dieu-Veterinary school-Magnificence of Lyons-Alarm of fire at night— Peter Waldo-The reformer of Lyons-Waldo's translation of the Scriptures-Waldo persecuted-Flies from Lyons-Death of Waldo-Waldo, not the founder of the Waldensian churchAntiquity of the Vaudois-Rainerus, the inquisitor-The Vaudois reformers anterior to those of Lyons-Attend Protestant chapel-Extempore preaching-Communion service in Protestant chapel-Organ-Sacred Music.

AMIDST the wildest and most secluded of those Alpine fastnesses, which lie between the Clusone and the Pelice, two mountain torrents that fall into the river Po, there is a



small community of hardy and resolute men, who have con-
tinued to maintain their religious independence against the
supremacy of the Roman Church for more than a thousand
years. Subjects of the present King of Sardinia, and of the
ancient Dukes of Piemont and Savoy, and inhabitants of
that part of the Province of Pinerolo (Pignerol), which is
nearest to the frontiers of France, they do not entirely as-
similate either with the Italians or the French, in manners,
customs, religion or language. Their situation in the heart
of the valleys, which extend along the eastern foot of the
Cottian Alps, between Mount Viso and the Col de Sestri-
eres, first gave them the name of Vallenses, Waldenses, or
Vaudois, a name which has since been employed to dis-
tinguish them as a primitive and episcopal Church.

"Les premiers qui nommoient les Vallées Vaur, en nommoient les habitans Vaudois, n'entendans purement par le nom de Vaudois que les habitans des Vaux, comme les autres les appelloient Valdesi ou Valdenses, ayant égard au mot de Val, ou même, si vous voulez, aux mots Latin et Italien de Vallis ou Valle : comme en effet le nom de Valdesi en Italien, et de Valdenses en Latin, ne leur a été donné que de ceux qui parloient ces langues, au lieu que parmi eux ils se nommoient Vaudés en leur langue, ou Vaudois par ceux qui vouloient mieux parler François, mais toûjours soit Vaudés, soit Vaudois du nom de Vaux, par ce qu'ils habitoient les Vaux, à raison de quoy les anciens Latins les nommoient Vallenses, et quelques fois comme Thuanus, Convallenses, eû égard à l'assemblage de ces Vallées. Pourquoy non donc les Vaudés ou Vaudois de leur Vaux, comme Montagnards de leur Montagnes, et Alpinois de leur Alpes, et Cisalpins, Transalpins, ou Inalpins, selon qu'ils demeurent deçà, de la, ou dans les Alpes? D'où il soit arrivé en suite que ce nom de Vaudois ait passé pour le nom de leur Religion, ou comme il plait à Messieurs de Rome, pour une sect, certainement il n'est guères mal-aisé de le diviner, puisque c'est une méthode dont les exemples sont sans nombre, d'entendre par le nom des habitans d'un lieu la Religion qu'ils professent.-Generalment châcun entend par un Albigeois une personne qui suit la doctrine que les Vaudois des Vallées introduisirent en Albi de Languedoc. De cette même façon dès que les habitans des Vaux, se sont ouvertement opposés au Pape, parler d'un Vaudois ou parler d'un hérétique, a toûjours été la même chose chez Messieurs de Rome." Leger, p. 17.

"Les habitans des nos Vallées qui n'avoient jamais été infectés de ces opinions (les opinions de la cour de Rome) furent aussi les seuls qui conservèrent le nom de VAUDOIS, comme le pays qu'ils habitent conserve le nom de VALLEES par excellence." Histoire des Vaudois, p. 40.

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There are few spots which present more attractions to the eye or to the imagination than these picturesque retreats of the Vaudois, which I was induced to visit by one of those accidental circumstances, to which we sometimes owe the most agreeable events of our life.


I happened to attend a meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, on the day when a very affecting letter was read to the board by the Rev. Dr. Gaskin, the late Secretary, which was signed "Ferdinand Peyrani, Minister of Pramol," and requested that some aid might be sent in books or money to the ancient protestant congregation in the mountains of Piemont, who were struggling hard against poverty and oppression. Of these Vaudois at the time I had but an imperfect knowledge, but from

A communication has likewise been received from M. Peyrani, one of the Pastors of the ancient Protestant Church of the Waldenses. He states that the numbers who now remain in the valleys of Piemont amount to 18,000; that they are divided into thirteen parishes, with an equal number of pastors, and are the subjects of their lawful sovereign the King of Sardinia. He enters at some length into a description of their past and present state, and represents the difficulties which they have now to encounter as very serious. The stipends of the Clergy are low; provisions are at a high price; and they have no private fortunes. Some of them are reduced to the greatest distress, and the expence of bringing up their children to succeed them in the ministry is greater than they are able to bear. Since peace has been restored on the Continent, they have also been exposed to fresh injuries from the Roman Catholics. The principal object, however, of M. Peyrani was to request the assistance of the Society in furnishing books for their churches.

"It was resolved, in consequence of this letter, that the sum of forty pounds should be granted to M. Peyrani; and be laid out partly in the French works on the Society's list, and partly in the purchase of copies of a book of Psalms and Hymns, which is in use among the Vaudois, and of which the Society's correspondent stated them to be particularly in want. The resolution was communicated to M. Peyrani; and in acknowledging the receipt of the Secretary's letter, and the kindness of the Society, he takes occasion to regret the misfortunes which have deprived the Waldensian Church of the benefit of an episcopal government.” See Report of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, p. 115, for the year 1820.

The Society has since made the Vaudois a grant of several thousand Copies of Books and Tracts in the French Language.

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