Fun, Funds, Fame; Which Is Deadliest? |
Common terms and phrases
Adam Adam and Eve becomes one body beware Bible blessing bring burn incense CHAPTER choir Christian curse deadliest death demon possessed despised destruction devastating consequence evil FAME feeling of self-importance flee fornication forbidden territory fornication and adultery fornication or adultery FUNDS gift glory God’s godliness goeth grace harlot hear heart was lifted heaven hell holy homosexual II Corinthians Jesus Christ Judas Iscariot King Uzziah Leviticus live love of money Lucifer marriage Matthew mercy never offer incense Old Testament path of pride Pharisees pornography pride trip priests Proverbs Remember repent result righteousness robbed sacrifice saints scriptures secondary school Senior Prefect sense of judgment sexual immorality sinners sins slippery path someone soul spirit Steve strange sure teachers tells temptation thee things thou thought of self-importance tithes Tony transgressed the law unto wants weightier matters whisper woman word worship youth worker