Page images

Codices, 120, 121

Cold, 179, 180

Columbus, 164

Colour symbolism, 386

"Come," 202, 203, 204, 206 (see
"Epxeo@ai); up, 259; Spirit says,

Come, to, 130, 260, 381, 399

Coming of Christ, 127, 129, 130, 163,
176, 183, 399

Commandments of God, 276, 300

Commentaries, 120

Communion of Saints, 198, 224, 225,

Composition, 117, 137, 215, 223, 249,
267, 400

Concordances, 113, 126, 152, 154 f.,
221, 241, 242, 244, 256, 271, 280, 284,
285, 291, 293, 295, 296, 301, 306, 307,
308, 312, 317, 319, 322, 326, 329 f.,
338, 342, 347, 348, 352 f., 355, 357,
359, 362, 366, 379 f., 390, 392 ff.
Confess, to, 169

Conqueror, the, 196, 202, 207, 352, 356
Constantine: Antimontanist, 40;
reign, 76; monotheist, 77; Con-
stantinople, 81

Constantinople Council, 43;
Rome, 76, 81, 152; plague, 311
Continuity, 309, 348
Corinth, 22, 66, 67
Corrupters, 264, 347


Councils: Jerusalem, 6, 143; Laodi-
cea, 40, 109; Carthage, 42; Con-
stantinople, 43; Nicæa, 81; Chalce-
don, 81; Ecumenic, 81; Trent,
157, 167

Court, 251
Covenant, 148

Coyne, R., 121

[blocks in formation]

Cyprian, S., 28; banishment, 73
Cyril, 40

Daniel Influence on Revelation,
113; sealed book, 114; vision, 134;
"the abomination," 253; prophecy,

Darkness, 210, 231, 233, 316

Date of Book, 14, 17, 27 ff., 36, 43, 59;
higher critics, 83; theory, 86 f.;
tradition, 89 f., 115, 226

David, children of, 64; key of, 170;
root of, 172, 196, 397

Day, 97; "ten," 147, 150, 222; last
days, 185, 306; for the, 240; "days
1,260," 252, 270; three and a half,
257, 258; and night, 299, 371, 388;
great, 215, 319, 352; one, 338
De Rossi, 71
Deaconesses, 69

Dead, 165; "was dead and liveth,"
136, 145; rest of, 366; before the
throne, 373

"Death," 136, 147, 148, 160, 206;
unto death, 147; preferred to life,
235; a plague, 338; second, 148,
367, 375, 381; gave up dead, 374;
cast into hell, 375; no more,

Deceived. See IIλavâ
Decius, 72, 73, 148, 212
Defiled, 168, 389
Deissmann, 290

Delicacies, 335; lived in, 338
Demetrius, 141
Demons, 318
Denarius, 205
Dens, 213

Deny, to, 150


Depths of Satan," 162

Desert, 274, 325

Deserve, 314


Design" (one), 331

Desolate, 343

Destroy, to, 264

Devil, the, 147; worship, 243, 269,
272, 273; spirits, 319, 335, 362; cast
into hell, 371

Devour: Book, 249; enemies, 255; by
fire, 370

Diadems, 278; many, 353
Διακονίαν, 157

Διδαχὴν, 162

Die, ready to, 167; in the Lord, 300
Diocletian, 75, 214, 291, 317
Dion Cassius, 48; on Domitian, 60,
61 f., 64; on the Cæsars, 72, 93;
Nero and Tiridates, 53

Dionysius of Alexandria, 30 ff.; ban-
ishment, 73; polemic, 88; heat
plague, 315; blasphemy, 315
"Divinity," 200

Divorce, 176

Do it not, 351, 394
Doctrine, 152, 162

Dogmatic teaching, 83
Dogs, 396

Dominion, 334

Domitian : Alarm of persecution, 22;
title, 29; biography, 59 ff.; build-
ings, 62; martyrs, 71, 86; Asia, 148
Domitilla, 61; cemetery, 71
"Done, It is," 321, 380

Door, open, 74, 172; shut, 172; in
heaven, 187; knocking at and
opening, 183

"Double ye," 337, 357

Doxology of God, 192, 193; of the
Lamb, 200; conjoint, 200, 220; of
God, 221

Dragon, the, 269; fought, 271; cast
to earth, 274, 275; angry, 276;
throne power, 279; adored, 281;
spoke as, 285; strength, 289;
mouth, 318, 362

Drama, vii, viii, 116, 201, 264, 267,
365, 366, 376; stage, 377, 391
Drunk, 297, 299, 324; with blood,
326; wine of wrath, 335
Dust, 343

Dwelling with God, 378

[ocr errors]

"Eagle flying," 191, 232; wings, 274
Ear to hear, 144, 148, 154, 165, 170,
178, 184
Earth, Prince of the kings of, 128,
129; temptation, 175; "no man,'
195; reign over, 199; every crea-
ture, 200; four parts of, 206, 215,
368; kings of, 213; hurt not, 216;
to strike, 255; burnt up, 225, 226;
woe to, 273; helped the woman,
275; admiration, 280; non-Chris-
tians, 281; symbolism, 285 ff.;
"dwellers," see KаTOLKоûvтAS K.T.X.;
harvest, 301; reaped, 302; vineyard,
303; vials poured, 310; illuminated,
334; merchants, 335; corrupted,
347; breadth, 370; fled, 373; new,
377; gone, 377

Earthquake, 210, 225, 262, 265, 321
Eat, to, idol offerings, 143, 158, 152;
tree of life, 144; flesh, 332, 357
Ecclesia docens, 157, 211, 276
Ecstasy, 132; exhausting, 136; separ-

ate, 137; incapacitating, 188, 382
"Egypt," 256, 311, 312

Ειδωλόθυτα, 153, 158

"Elect, the," 7, 294, 331, 399

Eleutherius, Pope, 86

Elias, 28, 143, 252, 255, 393

Emerald, 188, 386

Empires: Chaldean, Persian, Greek,

Roman, 90, 245

[blocks in formation]

Eschatology, 82, 179, 183, 185, 254,
370, 372, 376, 393, 400
Εσήμανεν, 124, 131
Esoteric system, 90, 108, 113, 120,
126, 144, 155, 192, 201, 220, 221, 230,
237, 240, 242, 244, 249, 256, 271, 274,
280, 298, 306, 307, 308, 312, 315, 316,
327, 347, 362
Eternity, for ever and ever, 128, 136,

193, 200, 263, 299, 309, 348; tor-
ments, 371; heaven, 391

"Elvos, 163, 198, 219, 251, 257, 283, 296,
307, 322, 332, 335, 345, 355, 363, 368,
388, 389, 390

Εὐχαριστία, 193, 201, 221
Eumenia, 185

Euphrates, 8, 78, 240 f., 317
Eusebius: Election of Simeon, 9;
Apocalypse, 32 f., 89; history, 40;
Bible, 40; S. Peter, 49; on Irenæus,
85; tenth persecution, 75, 213, 214;
conversion of Constantine, 75; on
Polycarp, 146, 291; on apostasy,
212; state of the Church, 214; "the
abomination," 253; on Laodicea,
184; the mark of the Beast, 290;
his canticle, 307; plagues, 311
Eutyches, 82, 106
Evangelists, 192
Evil men, 140
Ewald, 92

Exegesis, 1, 23, 27 f., 43 f., 85, 366,
369, 399

Eyes, every, 129, 134, 155; anoint,
181, 192, 197; as flame, 353; wiped,

[blocks in formation]

Faith, 150, 157, 285; of Jesus, 300
Faithful, 128, 178, 331, 352, 379, 392
Fall upon us, 214; fallen, 142, 297
False Apostles, 140

False Prophet, the, 285; his occupa-
tion, 287; Cæsar worship, 289;
mouth, 318; cast down, 359; tor-
mented, 371

False prophets, 17, 19, 140

Father, the, God, 128, 164, 169, 293
Famine Jews, 56; symbols, 206;
Rome, 78, 80, 338
Farrar, Dr. F., 260
Fat, 341

Fearful, 381

Fear of God, 179, 214; great, 259,
262; them that, 264; the Lord,
296, 307; of torments, 339, 348

Fear not, 136, 147

Feed, 270

Feet. 135; like brass, 155; fell at His,

136; angel, 245; stood upon, 259;
bear's, 279

Felix, 10, 12

Festus, 10, 12, 105

Find no more, 341

Fiddes, Professor, 48
Fight, to, 153, 352
Fig-tree, 212
Filthy, 395

Fire, 181, 225, 226, 227; flame of,
134, 155; a symbol, 230, 371; of
mouth, 241, 242, 255; from heaven,
288, 370; torment, 299, 303, 381;
in sea of glass, 306; heat, 314, 332,

First and Last, the, 136, 145, 396
First charity, 7, 140; begotten of the

dead, 128; fruits, 295; resurrec-
tion, 366, 367; works, 141
Fisher, Ven. J., 369

Fitzpatrick, T., 13

Five fallen, 329

Flavian line, 59

Flavius Clemens, 61, 67, 71

Flesh of Kings, etc., 357, 359

Florus, Gessius, 12

Flour, 340

Forehead: Sign, 216, 234, 250, 290, 291,
293; a name, 326, 391; mark,
Forgiveness of sins. See Meтavoéw,
"to repent."
Former things, 379

Fornication, 152, 158, 244, 295; wine

of, 297, 298, 324, 325; symbolism,
326, 335, 338

Found no more, 344, 373; "not" in
book, 375
Foundations, 383, 386

Fountains of waters, 229, 312; of life,
223, 380

[blocks in formation]

Gasquet, Abbot, 161

Gates, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388, 396

Gather armies, 319, 320, 368

Gelasius, Pope, 43

In, 204, 208, 216

Gematria, 15, 45, 92 f., 292
Genseric, 79, 313, 316, 332, 333
Gentiles: Bishops, 23; meaning, 164,
355, 363, 368; at Jerusalem, 251;
cities, 322; strike the, 355; heaven,
388, 389 (see "Elvos)

Gibbon: On the cause of Nero's per-
secution, 50; dispersal of Temple
treasures, 58; Rome's alliances
with barbarian kings, 80; on
Pliny's letter to Trajan, 69; battle
plan of Roman army, 238; famine,
78; end of Empire, 80; Roman
pestilences, 311; Persian wars, 317;
pillage of Rome, 332; eunuchs,
340; battle of Chalons, 358

Gifts, 144, 147, 154, 163, 183, 258, 364
Girdle, 134

Gischala, John, 54 f., 205, 231, 235
Given power by God, 123, 204, 206,
234, 252, 289; honour to God, 296;
to do God's will, 333; kingdoms,
333; waters of life, 380
Glabrio Acilius, 60, 67, 71
Glad, 349

Glass, 191; sea, 306; clear, 385,

Glorified herself, 338

Glory to God, 128, 193, 200, 221, 262,
315, 347, 349, 382, 387; angel, 334;
of kings, 388; nations, 389

God: Revealer, 123; the Father, 164,
169; symbolised, 188; praises, 192;
Almighty, 130; adoration, 193, 263;
doxology, 193, 200, 221; will, 193;
Creator of all things, 193, 247, 296;
living, 193, 216; Avenger, 208; sal-
vation, 220; world, control, 254;
eternal, 136, 193, 247; angels, 224;
throne, 222, 389; serve, 222; Tem-
ple, 222, 250, 265, 387; Spirit of life,
259; "of heaven," 262; reign, 264,
367, 391; smoke of majesty, 309;
of heaven, 316; mover of hearts,
333; strong, 338; judges, 344;
fearers, 348; "our," 348; words,
350; priests, 367; from, 378, 382;
people, 378; of "he that over-
comes,' 380; glory, 382, 387;
Light, 391; Spirit of prophets, 392
Godless, 62

Gods, heathen, 47 f., 243

Gog, 133, 368, 369

Gold, 134; gilt, 325, 340, 341; reed,

384; pure, 355, 387

Gospel, eternal, 296

Goterzes, 94, 356

Goths, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 358

Grace to you, 127, 400

Grapes, ripe, 303

Grass, 226, 227, 234

Greek language, 5; writing, 35, 37,

120; version, 120; drama, 116;
esoteric use, 119 f.

Greek Church, 81, 106, 148

"Green thing," 234

Γρηγορεῖν, 168

Gregory II., Pope. 121

Gregory of Naz., 41; baptism, 218
Grotius, 48, 96

Gwynn, Dr., 27, 40, 121

[blocks in formation]

Hastings' Dictionary of Bible, 92, 280,

Hate, to, 143
Have, to, 163

Haydock, Rev. G. L., 121

Head, 90, 134; wounded, 91; of
ancients, 189; seven-horned, 269.
278, 325, 327, 328; blasphemy, 278;
du-t on, 343; crowned, 353
Healing, 390

Healy, Rev. P., 72

Hear, to, 126, 132, 167; heard no
more, 345; S. John, 393; he that,
398, 399

"Heart," 160, 333; speech, 338
Heat, 222, 314; scorching, 315
Heaven: Symbolism, 177, 183, 187,
195, 222; from, 229, 232, 245; silence
in, 223; dwellers, 273;
nacle," 265, 301, 302; sins reached,
337; rejoice, 344; new, 377
Heavens rolled up, 212; midst, 296;
opened, 352; fled, 373; gone, 377;
out of, 382

Hebraicisms, 35, 39, 128, 130, 154, 238,

272, 273, 294, 299, 301, 302, 373
Hebrews, 119, 142, 217, 219; saints,
272; study, 293; Christians, 294;
Armagedon, 320; servants, 397
Hecker, Professor, 161
Hegesippus, 64
Helena, S., 57
Hellenism, 120
Hell. See Hades
Helmets, 236
Helvidius, 60, 68

Henry VIII., 368

Heraldry, 356

Hereafter, 136, 239.

See μετα ταύτα

Heresies, 81, 82, 106, 150, 153, 233
Hermeneutics, 113

Herod, 10, 49, 151, 270, 274
Herodotus, 385

Heruli, 79, 331, 358

He that sat, 188, 194, 197, 200, 202,
See "Sit"
204, 214, 222.

Hid, 213
Hierapolis, IOI

High Priests, 134, 205, 231
Hilary, 42
Hin, 206

Hindoos, 9
Hippolytus, 1, 28

History, 82, 117 f., 155, 239, 330, 333,
359, 363, 368

Hold, to, 116, 150, 163, 362

Holy and True, 170, 192; holy, 307,
313, 395

Holy Ghost. See Spirit, Holy
Holzhauser, 45; exegesis, 96, 100;
names of churches, 100; on Per-
gamos, 153; Thyatira, 158; Sardis,


166; his ordination, 167; Phila-
delphia, 171; Laodicea, 181; pre-
diction, 171
Homogeneous, 223
Honey, 249

Honour, 193, 200, 221, 296, 388, 389
Horace, 47, 329

Horns, 149, 197, 269; crowned, 278;
horned sheep, 285; ten, 269, 278,
325, 327; ten kings, 330; hate the
harlot, 332; desolate her, 332
Horses, white, 94, 202, 352, 354, 359;
red, 204; black, 204, 312; pale, 206;
four, 216; cavalry, 236; running,
237; numbers, 241; a vision, 241,
heads, 241, 243; tails, 243; bridles,
304; trade, 340; flesh, 357
Hort, Dr., 46, 92, 121
Hot, 179, 180

Hour of temptation, 167, 175; half,
223; for the, 240; that, 262; of
judgment, 296; to reap, 301 f.; one,
330, 339, 342, 343

"How long, O Lord ?" 12, 86, 90, 208,
225, 365, 366

Hundred and forty-four, 385
Hunger, 222

Huns, 79, 80, 153, 331, 358

Hurt, 148, 234, 238, 243, 255; hurteth,

Husband of bride, 378
Hyacinth, 241

Idolatry, 47, 143, 243, 281, 287, 288,
289, 324, 335, 381

Idols, 47; gold, silver, etc., 243;
sacrifices, 158; serve, 396
Ignatius of Antioch, 24, 97
Ignatius of Loyola, 164

Image, make, 289; speak, 289;
adored, 289, 311; not, 364
Immaculate Conception, 171
Impeccability, 159

Imprimatur, viii

Incense, 224, 225

Indifferentism, 177, 180

Infallibility, papal, 171

Informers, 60, 62, 68

Innocent, Pope, 42, 336
Interludes, III, 215, 239
Iron, 340

Irenæus On Cerinthus, 18; mil-
lenarian, 24; death of S. John,
20; Antichrist, 26; exegesis, 26;
opinions, 84, 86; on the Beast, 85;
Domitian, 95; Nicolaites, 143
Ireland persecuted, 170
Islands, 130, 212: fled, 322
Israel, 152; children of, 382

Itala, 121
Italy, 371

Ιχθύς, 14
Ivory, 340

Jacinth, 386
Jacobites, 41, 106
James, S., 1, 2
James the Just, 7, 9
Jasper, 188, 382, 385, 386
Jericho, 224

Jerome, S., 17; Bible, 42, 280; S.
John's death, 20; and exile, 89;
Clement of Alexandria, 88; Beth-
lehem, 336
Jerusalem: Civil war, population, 55.
257, 262; famine, 56; fall, 56; re-
occupation, 56; interdiction, 57;
Christians remained, 57; end, 253;
torments, 235

Jerusalem, New, 177, 378, 382
Jesus Christ: Holy and True, 91;
His Revelation, 123; testimony,
125, 130, 276, 351, 364; witness, 128,
178; death, 128; Resurrection, 136,
198; living for ever, 136; the Keys,
136; the Son, 164, 167, 169, 177:
beginning of creation, 178; over-
came, 183; enthroned with the
Father, 183, 270; the Lamb, 197
(see the Lamb); Redeemer, 128, 198;
doxology, 200; Kingdom, 263, 272;
nativity, 270; martyrs of, 326; I,
397; wrote, 398; come, 399; our
Lord, 400. See Christ
Jesus, son of Gamala, 260
Jews: Hatred of Christianity, 3, 146;

rites, 4; Roman, 48, 50; privileges,
49; expulsion, 49; revolts, 46, 72;
customs, 62, 357; tribute, 48, 62,
116; oppressed, 59, 63; uncon-
verted, 129, 173; false, 4, 146, 174;
religion, 47, 61; dispersal, 56, 57;
punishments, 226 ff.; woes, 247
Jezabel, 158

Joachim of Flora, 44

John the Baptist, 1, 124, 144, 324, 351,

John the Evangelist: Name, 1, 31 ff.,

34, 35, 123, 127, 130, 393; tribe, 2;
age, 2, 17, 87; rank, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12,
123; priest, 128; imprisonment, 5,
6; scourging, 6, 130; Jewish feel-
ing. 4, 5, 12; mission to Jews, 7;
to Parthia, 8, 356, 385, 387; travels,
9, 203; election of Simeon, 9;
Ephesus, 9 f.; exile to Patmos,
12 f., 86, 130; cause of exile, 11, 12,
86, 130, 141; Greek, 3, 5, 37, 88;
Greek title, 21; prophet, 2, 12, 103,
115, 131, 185, 248, 250, 392; Hebrai-
cisms, 39, 92; ecstasies, 98, 131,
136, 382; knowledge, 118, 136, 247;
composition, 116, 135, 187, 192, 249,

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