Three Decads of Sermons, Lately Preached to the University at St Mary's Church in Oxford1660 |
Common terms and phrases
affliction againſt anfwer Apoftle becauſe beſt bitter bleffed caft caufe cauſe Chriftians comfort confcience Confider confideration Confolation converfation day of Judgement defire delight Doctrine doth duty eternity evil Exhortation eyes fafe faid falvation fave fecond fecret felves ferve fervice feven fhall fhould finne fins flain fome forrow fountaine fpeak fpirit ftand ftrength ftrives fuch fuffer fure give glory godly Gods Gofpel grace Haman hath heart Heaven himſelf holy holyneffe honour ibid Ifrael Jefus Chrift Judge Juftice King labour laft mercy Minifters moft moſt muft muſt obfervation patience peace perfons Pfal pleaſures pray prayer preach prefent promife purchaſe queftion reafon repentance Saints Scripture ſhall Spirit Text thee thefe themſelves There's theſe things thofe thoſe thou thy felf thy foule truth underſtand unto uſe Uzziah wait wayes whofe wicked Wiſdom word youth