CONTENTS. VOL. XIV. No. 515. LETTERS from a town Coquette to her.. Friend, and Answer STEELE 516. On Persecution-Character of WIIL STEELE University Physiognomy......ORATOR HENLEY public Reports........... 522. Advice to Ladies on Marriage............ -Edict on that Subject 524. On Visions STEELE ADDISON STEELE Vision of worldly and heavenly Wisdom DUNLOP & MONTGOMERY 525. Success of the Spectators-on Mar- riage-Letter of Pliny to Hispulla ... HUGHES 526. On Templars turning Hackney-Coach- men-Commission to Mr. John Sly STEELE a 3 No. 527. Letter on a Jealous Husband... STEELE From a languishing Lover............. 528. Complaints of Rachel Walladay against 529. Rules of Precedency among Authors and Actors POPE STEELE ADDISON 534. Letters, from a spoilt rich Beauty- from Mr. Sly 535. On vain Hopes of temporal Objects- Story of Alnaschar 536. The Author's Interview with a Lady- ADDISON 537. On the Dignity of Human Nature...... HUGHES taph in Pancras Church-yard......... ADDISON 539. The Intentions of a Widow respecting her Suitors STEELE No. On Delay in Marriage....... On a Clergyman spoiling one of Tillot- 540. Letter on the Merits of Spenser 542. Criticisms on the Spectator-Letter on the Decay of the Club 543. Meditation on the Frame of the human Body 544. Letter from Capt. Sentry on the Chas 545. Letter from the Emperor of China to BUDGELL HUGHES ADDISON STEELE 546. On dishonest Dealing Cibber's heroic.. nefactor.. 547. Cures performed by the Spectator ..... ... 549. On Reluctance to leave the World- Letter from Sir Andrew Freeport on 550. Proposal for a new Club .. 551. Translation of Greek Epigrams-Let- ter on Law-phrases ..... ADDISON UNKNOWN ADDISON ....... UNKNOWN 552. Recommendations of industrious Rowley-Proposals for new Globes... STEELE 553. On the Spectator's opening his Mouth- Commendations of him.................. ADDISON ... UNKNOWN |