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Publishing Co., for a poem by T. Buchanan Read; to Messrs. Routledge & Co., for extracts from the works of Guy de Maupassant, in the translation of Laura Ensor; to Messrs. Harper Bros., for a translation of "The Watch on the Rhine"; and to Gutenberg & Co., for poems by Rose Terry Cooke.

To Messrs. George Bancroft, Carl Schurz, Francis M. Finch, Robert Lowell, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Richard W. Gilder, Henry W. Grady, John W. Chadwick, John M. Crawford, W. T. Meredith, Joaquin Miller, David L. Proudfitt, Richard Henry Stoddard, Rossiter Johnson, Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, Miss Edna Dean Proctor, Miss Margaret J. Preston; and to the literary executors of Messrs. William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and John B. Gough.

Selections from the writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Bayard Taylor, Bret Harte, and of Lucy Larcom are published by business arrangement with Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

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