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plenteous harvest is to be gathered, when labourers shall be sent forth for that purpose.

But let us take another view of the subject.Have we any reason to hope that the Lord of the harvest purposes to convert the nations, or any considerable part of them, to the Christian faith? or that he purposes to do it ere long? Have we any such ground to proceed upon, as Daniel had respecting the end of the seventy years of Judah's captivity or as the Jews had, in the days of Christ, that Daniel's seventy weeks were about to close?

It is very readily conceded, that many vain attempts have been made to apply particular prophecies to the transactions of this extraordinary age: indeed the prophetical part of scripture seems to be, so to speak, a map on too small a scale to shew every place that in its own neighbourhood appears considerable. Particular interpretation seldom is accurately given by uninspired contemporaries, who are generally too much interested in the transactions of the times; too much disposed to magnify events, in which themselves are concerned, beyond their due proportion; and too prejudiced, in various ways, to be sufficiently calm and impartial for such a work. But, beyond all doubt, the scriptures do foretel a season, when all kings, shall submit to the Redeemer, when "all nations "shall do him service;" when "the kingdoms of "the earth shall become the kingdoms of the Lord "and of his Christ;" and when " the old serpent "shall be bound for a thousand years, and de"ceive the nations no more."

Surely it is predicted that the "man of sin" shall be destroyed by the brightness of the Saviour's

coming and glory; that the reign of every Antichrist in the holy city shall terminate; that the veil shall be taken away from the hearts of the blinded Jews, and they shall turn in penitent faith to their crucified Messiah, and be "grafted into "their own olive-tree;" that this shall be as "life "from the dead" to the nations of the earth; and that at length all people shall so entirely obey the Prince of peace, as to "beat their swords into plowshares, and to learn war no more.”

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To suppose that the Holy Spirit, by these exalted expressions, foretold events no way answerable to their exact meaning; and that they are nothing more than highly-wrought figures of speech, like those of eastern poets; and suited to excite expectations in simple-hearted believers, which must be eternally disappointed, savours too much of infidelity, not to say blasphemy, to deserve in this connection a serious refutation.

The prophet Daniel and the apostle John, both mark out with great care and accuracy a period of "a time, and times, and half a time," of three years and a half, forty and two months, or twelve hundred and sixty days: and surely we are as much required to compute these months or days if we are able, as the Jews were to calculate Daniel's" seventy weeks." Now, date the beginning of this term as late as any respectable expositor yet hath done, we cannot be far from the close of it. "The seventh trumpet," if not sounding, is about to sound: "the witnesses in sackcloth " will soon close their testimony, whatever be meant by their "death and resurrection ;" and the kingdoms of the earth, will soon be " the kingdoms of Christ."

It is not reasonable to suppose that transactions of so vast a magnitude should be accomplished at once. Even the seventy years of the Babylonish captivity had several beginnings and correspondent terminations, as learned men have shewn and a hundred years is no long term in the case before us.

But I feel a confidence in giving it as my opinion, grounded on careful examination, that these prophecies will soon begin to be accomplished; and that within two or three centuries, at furthest, "the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."


We, like David, shall not live to build this temple; but it will " be well if it is in our hearts:" and even we may hope to bring stones and timber, and iron, and brass, and silver, and gold, which the true Solomon will employ in that sacred edifice.

Indeed, I cannot doubt that the missionary de signs of the present period, if prosecuted with persevering zeal and improving wisdom and experience, will be honoured as an introduction to those great events. We shall "labour, and others "will enter into our labours;" (as we have into those of our predecessors :) but, at length, "both "he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice "together:" for we "gather fruit, and shall re"ceive wages, unto everlasting life."

II. We proceed, then, to consider the small number of the labourers.

I would by no means represent the number of the labourers to be less than it really is: but it must be evident that not all, who bear the name of Christian ministers, are such labourers as our Lord intended. Beyond doubt, there are now, as

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there were in old times, "blind guides," drowsy "watchmen who do not give warning," "idol"shepherds," with others of like character, who either do not labour at all, or else belong to that company which our blessed Saviour points out when he says, "he that is not with me is against me; " and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.” In order to constitute a true labourer, scriptural doctrine (at least in all the grand outlines of evangelical truth, applied to holy purposes,) must be connected with an edifying example, and zealous self-denying diligence in the work of the ministry, as the one business and delight of a man's life. There was indeed no want of teachers in Israel, authorized ministers in religion, according to the divine law, as to their external commission, at the time when the compassionate Saviour made this affecting remark: yet, alas! neither their doctrine, nor their example, nor their diligence, was at all suited to lead men into the way of eternal life; nay, their conduct and influence united to keep the people from Christ and his salvation.

On the other hand it is readily conceded, that every minister or missionary in whom these qualifications are found is a labourer for Christ, in whatever part of the world he is employed, or in whatever way he is distinguished from his fellow Christians. If he "cast out devils in the name of "Christ," let us never think of forbidding him, "because he follows not with us;" but rather wish him success in the name of the Lord.

The present occasion, indeed, calls our attention chiefly to the gentile world; yet our subject can hardly allow us to pass over in total silence the

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state of professed Christians; among whom, it may justly be feared, the labourers (such as the Lord of the harvest will at last welcome with these most gracious words, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord,") are comparatively few. But, whatever may be our opinion on this subject, let me remind you, my brethren, that asperity, reproach, and sarcasm are no weapons of our warfare; and that the use of them only excites resentment and strengthens prejudice. We should therefore pity and pray for those whom we consider as in error, and as misleading others.

This may be so done as to give no needless offence; and, (except in peculiar cases,) when united to a good example, and a " readiness to give an "answer to every man that asketh us a reason of "the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear," it is all that ought to be done.

I shall not, however, enlarge on this subject. Whatever may be the case of Britain in respect of faithful labourers, I fear that they are proportionably much fewer in Ireland, though now united with Britain in one kingdom.-But what shall we say of the continent? What proportion of such labourers as our Lord approves is found in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and a great part of Germany? even supposing the reformed and protestant churches more adequately supplied. What shall we think of France, hostile France, the religious state of whose inhabitants is enough to draw tears from every reflecting Christian, how near soever his country lies to his heart?

Think also, my brethren, on the Jews, dispersed

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