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racter. Turn, O God of holiness, my feet unto thy testimonies. Help me to correct what is wrong, to keep thy commandments more steadily, and to serve thee in all the beauty of holi


In hope of thy merciful acceptance I now commit myself, my heavenly Father, to thy gracious protection through the hours of sleep. May I awake in the morning, with renewed and sincere resolutions to improve each future dayof life by higher attainments in piety and devotion, in meekness and humility, in candour and benevolence, in integrity and truth, in sobriety and moderation, in contentment and heavenly-mindedness. "Search "me, O God, and try me ; see what evil "there is in me; preserve me from all presumptuous sins: let no iniquity have domi“nion over me, and lead me in the way ever


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lasting." May my righteousness be like the morning sun, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Confirm my holy purposes: invigorate my desires after righteous

ness sanctify me by thy truth; thy word is truth and train me up for the everlasting day of righteousness, purity and bliss.

May all mine walk in the paths of truth. May righteousness be the glory of my country. May real religion and virtue spread their influence through all the world. May the afflictions of this state work in those who are exercised by them, the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and meetness for the state of everlasting peace and perfection. Accept, bless and aid my aspirations after virtue and heaven; and make me and mine partakers of the eternal salvation which is in Christ Jesus, though whom be given unto thee, the high and holy One, who clothest thyself with light as with a garment, glory, honour and praise in the highest. Amen.


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O LORD, my heavenly Father, the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things. With thee is the fountain of life and happiness. Thou causest the light to shine out of darkness, and renewest the face of nature. Every day will 1 wait upon thee, for in thee are all the springs of comfort and being." My "voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O "Lord in the morning will I direct my

prayer unto thee and look up." Great art thou, O Lord God Almighty, and greatly to be revered good art thou, O Lord, most merciful and gracious, and greatly to be praised. Many, O Lord God, are thy wonderful works, which thou hast done as for me, I will come unto thee in the multitude of thy mercies; and, with humble confidence and fervent gratitude, bow before thy throne.

The life which thou hast given me, the powers with which thou hast endowed me, the



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blessings which thou hast bestowed upon me, call on me to praise thy goodness.. Thou art the God of my life and the length of my days. Thou wast the protecter of my childhood and the guide of my youth. Thou hast been the guardian and benefactor of my riper years. Day unto day uttereth thy love ing kindness, and declaresh: thy faithfulness. and truth I laid me down and slept in safety and peace; I have awaked refreshed and in. health, because thou hast sustained me. Thy goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And for ever blessed be thy abundant mercy in Christ Jesus, by whom thou hast given us, the word of eternal life and taught us to look for an eternal day of glory and bliss.

With the return of the morning dost thou renew, unto me thy loving kindness, open o again thy stores for my support and enjoyment, and restore me to serve and glorify thee. With the return of the morning, O God of my life, I esteem it my wisdom and duty to

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devote myself to thee; and my happiness and privilege to repose my hope and trust in thee. Various are the duties which lie before me : many are the snares which beset me: severe may be the trials to which I may be called. My wisdom is but ignorance: my strength is but weakness: while every thing, O my God, my comfort and usefulness here, and my happiness hereafter, depend upon my right· conduct. Known unto thee are my dangers and difficulties. Be thou my present and daily help. May I be in thy fear all the day long. May my devotions be humble, sincere and fervent. May uprightness and integrity preserve me; and my worldly business be pursued under a sense of thy authority and presence, and with a regard to thy glory and acceptance. In the most unbended moments may I never fall into sin and folly. May I I always be able to preserve the composure and seriousness of my mind, and the purity of my character. In the management of my calling may I be discreet and just. In the hours of relaxation may I have wisdom

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