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all its affairs is entirely in thy hands. Thy dominion is supreme-thy power unlimited

and the glory of thy perfections and adorable attributes is from everlasting to everlasting.

Blessing and praise, thanksgiving, glory, and honour, be ascribed to Thee for ever and ever. Amen.




Most glorious and holy Lord God Almighty! Thou art the confidence and joy of every yirtuous creature to whom Thou hast made thyself known. preservest all nature in existence, and maintainest the beauty and order of all thy works. Righteous is thy government, and most faithful is thy word. Thy providence watches over all with unceasing care; and all thy commands are upright, just, and good.

I desire to render unto Thee, O Thou most glorious and ever merciful God! my sincere thanks for the manifold blessings I have continually received at thy hands; nor would I acknowledge them with ardent gratitude only, but with earnest and hearty purposes of acting agreeably to them. Thou hast exercised a wise and gracious guardianship over me from the beginning of that life which thy goodness at first bestowed, and which thy mercy has thus far continued unto me. By Thee my wants have been supplied-from Thee all my


enjoyments have proceeded, and Thou still crownest my days with loving-kindness and tender mercy.

I thank Thee, O Lord! for the gift of reason, and all the treasures of knowledge Thou hast opened to my view-that Thou hast formed me for the practice of religion -that Thou hast given me so many opportunities for the cultivation of my mind, and the attainment of my true happinessthat Thou hast endowed me with social affections, and placed me in a social state where I can enjoy a variety of pleasures from the friendly and assiduous attentions of my brethren.

To thy goodness I ascribe all the present consolations and joys, of what I humbly trust is a sincere though defective holiness. I thank Thee, good God! for the various dispensations of thy providence in favour of religion, and for the means used to promote the happiness of mankind in the several ages of the world. But above all, I praise and bless thy holy name for the exceeding riches of thy grace in Jesus Christ my Lord! whom Thou hast sent to declare thy holy will unto mankind-to lead us by his heavenly instructions and

excellent example to the love and practice of universal goodness-to assure us of pardon and acceptance upon repentance and newness of life-to lay before us the awful solemnities of a future judgment, and to confirm to us the joyful hope of glory, honour, and immortality.

Great cause hast Thou given me to rejoice that though our holy religion has been corrupted, and its divine light darkened, I now possess so many advantages for knowing the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, and that I still enjoy my christian privileges, none making me afraid. I regret, O Lord! that I have not always been mindful of those privileges nor improved them as I ought to have done, I have, alas! too often departed from the holy commandments delivered to me, and neglected the divine injunctions which I have received. I have disregarded the great example set before me and the precious promises to which I have been called. My only hope is in thy mercy, and in that mercy Thou hast encouraged me to hope.

Save me, Lord! I most earnestly pray, from the dominion of the unworthy habits I have contracted. Give me power to

triumph over the influence of them, and enable me in the future course of my life to act agreeably to the professions I have made, and the desires which I now cherish. Let me be deeply impressed with a sense of thy continual presence; and as I value thy favour and dread thy displeasure, let me abstain from every forbidden indulgence and gratification.

To thy most merciful protection, heavenly Father! I would now commend myself, my friends, and all my fellow-creatures, beseeching Thee to do for me and for them abundantly more and better than I am able to express; for Thou art the omniscient and all-sufficient God, who art intimately acquainted with the wants and necessities of all thy creatures, and possessed of all power to grant them the assistance and support of which they stand in need.

And now unto Thee the only wise, living, and true God! be honour aud glory, thanksgiving, blessing, and praise, for evermore.-Amen.

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