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of joy and glory, and be made eternally happy with Thee and with all thy chosen and approved servants for evermore.

And now unto Thee the God of peace, the God and Father of Jesus Christ, and of all mankind! I would ascribe unfeigned and everlasting praises.-Amen.

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O THOU eternal and inexhaustible source, whence flow the streams of light and life. which diffuse themselves throughout all worlds, and all the different orders of beings! Thou art the supreme disposer of every event-the father and friend, the benefactor and preserver of all thy creatures. Loudly as all nature proclaims this to me, I am still inore distinctly and fully taught to consider Thee under these gracious and consolatory relations by Jesus Christ thy Son, my Saviour and Redeemer.

O Lord! I earnestly pray that so kind a Father, so good a God as Thou art, may possess my whole heart with all the love, reverence, and admiration which I am capable of cherishing. Ever may I cheerfully submit to all thy dispensations, knowing that Thou art the unerring Judge of what is right, and at all times consultest the happiness of thy creatures. Into thy hands, therefore would I freely and unreservedly commit myself, praying that I may pass the remainder of my days under thy special care and protection.

Guided and defended by Thee, may I fear no evil nor be dismayed by the dangers that everywhere surround me. May I cheerfully persevere in every part of my duty through all the vicissitudes and changes that await me. In every prosperous event may I rejoice in Thee as the gracious author of it. In every afflictive scene, whether it regard my own person or those that are dear to me, may a sense of thy universal government engage me to dismiss every doubt and suspicion, and to turn my eyes full of confidence and faith to Thee my ever merciful protector and guardian.

I give thanks to Thee, thou God of all goodness for every thing which tends to cherish and increase within me this consoling idea, which makes me feel the value of the happiness which Thou hast put into my power, and tends to unite my soul to Thee in the bonds of the most inviolable and unchangeable attachment.

May the conviction that Thou art my God be ever present to my mind; may it blend itself with all my other thoughts and sentiments, and become an abundant source of consolation and joy. May it animate me to a diligent and faithful discharge of my duty,

and incite me to persevere even unto the end in the ways of holiness and obedience, so that I may finally receive a crown of life. which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that time when all that is imperfect shall be done away, and all who truly love and obey Thee shall be admitted to the glories of thy presence and kingdom above.

Whatever Thou seest that is still deficient and unworthy of me, do Thou of thy infinite goodness enable me to correct and reform. Teach me to discern in the clearest manner the odiousness and deformity of all sin and folly in thy sight; and cease not, O God! to strive with me until Thou hast enabled me to put away every thing that is inconsistent with my profession and to perfect holiness in thy faith and fear.

To these my prayers for myself I would now humbly add my supplications for all my fellow-mortals-for all who are yet strangers to true religion and are not sensible of the great and good things Thou hast done for them. May all be speedily converted to the faith of thy holy gospel, and understand the truth as it is in Jesus Christ our Lord, that by acting agreeably to its precepts, they may receive the forgivness of sins and attain

to an inheritance amongst them that are truly sanctified.

May the rulers of mankind, in imitation of Thee the great Father of the universe, learn to exercise judgment, righteousness, and equity in the earth. May they and all those over whom they rule learn as fellowcreatures to sympathise with one another, and as much as in them lies, endeavour to alleviate the afflictions and lessen the sorrows of each other.

May a spirit of mercy and kindness pervade all orders and classes of thy people. May they cherish that meekness and humanity which our holy religion and the example of our blessed Master strongly inculcate, remembering that by no better criterion can they be known to be his disciples than by the love which they have one for another. May they be anxious to maintain their claim to this honourable distinction, and rejoice evermore in the wise. and prudent part they have chosen.

Grant that the suffering sons and daughters of mortality may experience not only all the alleviation which the tender assiduities of their brethren can administer, but inay feel the supporting influence of a firm

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