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weeps. Here is a field, brethren, for the exercise of our charities. And let us not stop to inquire whether these objects of charity have legal claims upon us. It is enough for us to know that they are suffering and needy. We have no patience with a man who, calling himself a Christian, can look with indifference upon suffering in any quarter.

It belongs to Masons especially to show the world how charity may be so organized and dispensed that it may go direct to its object, with a sure benediction.

Our age is not destitute of the sentiment of charity, but it is unwise in the exercise of the virtue. It is a habit with many to shed storms of tears over sufferings that are far off, and exaggerated no doubt by distance, while they pass by, without note or pity, the real misery that meets them at every step. Thousands and tens of thousands of dollars are expended annually to carry forward some cause of questionable utility on the other side of the world, when the same sum, judiciously expended at home, would reform half our social abuses, make every home bright and happy, and transform this dark and gloomy world of misery, which rolls in our midst, into a celestial sphere, environed with flowers of paradisian beauty, and glorified by the living presence of an infinite love. Consider, my brethren, what a life of wretchedness and vice stretches through the heart of the mighty

city-wretchedness, real, present. Think how many thousands of virtuous females are suffering all the torments and temptations of penury; how many widowed mothers and orphan children walk the streets in the filthy garb of poverty, or shrink away from the public gaze into dismal dens and alleys, where a well-bred dog would disdain to enter! See that group of little children, sleeping in the chill night upon the marble steps of that splendid mansion, with nothing over them but the cold stars, nor around them but the awful selfishness of society. Consider this dreadful spectacle of woe! stand face to face for a moment with that terrible misery which stalks like a huge spectre through our streets by both day and night, and say if all this does not open a vast field for your labors-if there is not yet a great work for our Order to do? Your mission is beautiful, divine, and holy. You form a part of that great army of industrials who are laboring to reconstruct the tabernacle of Humanity. Silently and invisibly you work, but not the less effectually. The coral insect labors beneath the surface of the

where no mortal eye can penetrate. The smiles of a hundred summers, and the frowns of a hundred winters, alternately darken or illumine its bosom, and yet the work of the wondrous insect is hidden and unrevealed. But the day of revelation comes, and a new island, beautiful, green, and fresh-the result of this invisible working-appears, and takes

its place with its sister isles on the bosom of the sea. So with us, my brethren; our working is secret, but the monuments of our victories are strewn over the earth, visible to all. Our last and greatest task is to re-establish virtue on the throne of the world-a great and divine task, and not to be won without unwearied toil, and perhaps suffering and sacrifice. But be not discouraged. The day of toil will pass by, the hour of victory will come; the storm and cloud will roll away, and the everlasting stars, clear and serene, will look out upon you from the smiling heavens, and a voice, sweeter than "the music of the spheres," will speak from their brilliant heights, saying: "Ye weary, toil-worn, battle-soiled sons of earth, ascend to your reward, among the flame-crowned hosts above."


Freemasons should Reverence God, and avoid Profanity.

"THERE are three great duties which, as a Mason, you are charged to inculcate to God, your neighbor, and yourself. To God, in never mentioning His name, but with that reverential awe which is due from a creature to his Creator; to implore His aid in all your laudable undertakings; and to esteem Him as the chief good."


"REVERENTIAL awe" is here most distinctly and emphatically laid down as a most important masonic duty. The true Mason who appreciates the moral teachings of the institution, to which it is his privilege to belong, will never forget this.

To every person alive to a sense of God's goodness, and purity, and majesty, profanity is a horribly revolting and disgusting practice. An oath heard suddenly, shocks the inward sense of reverence far more painfully and disagreeably than the most fetid odor can disgust the outward sense of smell. It is thus considered, in part at least, by the public regulations of steamboats and stages, and even by the penal laws of the land, which forbid smoking or

swearing - not that both are equal, or actually alike criminal to the conscience; but the first is very nauseating and poisonous to the outer sense not accustomed to it, and the latter is no less painful and corrupting to the unperverted moral sense. We are confident that fashionable and genteel as both are considered by many-and common as both are in some sections of our land-no real gentlemanno person having that deep-founded sense of propriety which leads to a strict regard for the feelings, and comforts, and rights of others, which characterizes and constitutes the really well-bred and truly polite man or woman-no such person would knowingly smoke in the presence of those to whom it is offensive and nauseating; or wilfully swear in the possible hearing of any cne to whom it could give pain and sorrow, or be likely to corrupt and deprave. It must, then, be from ignorance of the feelings of others-perhaps from the want of reflecting upon the subject that apparently well-bred and naturally humane persons indulge in profanity. They cannot know, or never have reflected, that there are many persons who never use God's holy and reverend name in vain-who, from their great regard and love for God, and their deep sense of gratitude for his constant and innumerable blessings, cannot hear his deeply-loved name uttered in a light tone, or passionate feeling, without being far more shocked and wounded than if some one had

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