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SECT. I. On the Being and Unity of God.-His Be-
ing must be matter of Faith.-His Unity demon-
ftrated-from his wonderful Works, for the de-
liverance of his people;-from the Judgments ex-
ecuted on the gods of the Heathen ;—from the Ac-
complishment of Prophecy ;-from the answer of
Prayer-from his Faithfulness to his Church ;--a
from the whole work of Redemption;—from his
Operations on the Heart, Page 2
SECT. II. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity,-Pro-
ved from the Hiftory of the Creation-of the
Fall;-of the Confufion of Tongues ;-of Redemp-
SECT. III. Of the Wisdom of God.-Of his Power,
-Of that character, the Lord of Hofts, 55
SECT. IV. Of the Holiness of God.-Of his Juftice,
as manifefted in the Threatening and Curfe of the
Law-in the Antediluvian Hiftory;-in the De-
luge-in the Deftruction of the Cities of the
Plain;-in the Refemblance between Sin and Pu-
nifhment-in the Mofaic Economy;-in the Suf
ferings of the Meffiab,
SECT. V. On Divine Justice, in vifiting the Iniqui- ties of Fathers upon their Children ;-Children
punished for the fins of Parents.-Parents punish-
ed in their Children.-Iniquity vifited on thofe ef-
pecially who continue in the wicked courfes of
their Progenitors. Some fins more remarkably
/vifited on fucceeding generations, than others.
This vifitation extends farther than to temporal
punishments-Something in human conduct analo-
gous to this procedure of Divine Justice.-Objec-
tions answered, Page 108
SECT. VI. On the Destruction of the Nations of Ca-
naan.-Preliminary Obfervations.-This Punish-
ment confiftent with Divine Justice ;-Contained a
fignal difplay of Wisdom, and even of Goodness.-
Objections answered, 153
SECT. VII. On Divine Sovereignty ;-in Creation ;
in the Management of the Natural World ;-in
the time appropriated to the Worship of God;-
in the permiffion of the Entrance of Sin-in the
frame of the Covenant of Works ;-in God's con-
duct towards Angels ;-in the Choice of Ifrael;
in the Distinction of Nations with respect to ex-
ternal Means of Salvation,
SECT. VIII. On Divine Sovereignty in the Divi-
fion of Canaan ;-the Treatment of the Tribes of
Ifrael-the choice of a Place of Worship ;-the
employment of Means and Inftruments of Judg-
ment or Mercy-the Diftribution of Gifts ;-the
Management of our Lot;-the Afflictions of the
Children of God;-with respect to earthly King-
doms-in relation to the Church.-Severe Judg-
Page 230
ments inflicted for the denial of this Perfec-
SECT. IX. Of Divine Providence.-General Obfer-
vations. A particular Providence proved, from
the Means employed by God;-from, the concate-
nation of Circumftances -the Seafon of Opera-
tion-the Discovery of Secret Sin;-the Re-
femblance between Sin and Punishment; the
choice of Inftruments for punishing Iniquity ;-
the Circumftances of Punishment. Events of a
Contingent Nature,
SECTX. The Natural Depravity of Man.-Ex-
ample infufficient to account for the Symptoms or
Univerfality of Human Corruption. This proved
to be natural, from its early appearance ;—from
the Hiftory of Seth ;-from the Names given to
the Antediluvian Patriarchs ;-from the Death
of Children;-from the Circumftances which al-
lude to the manner in which Sin is tranfmit-
ted, 297
SECT. XI. The Incarnation of the Son of God.-
His frequent Appearance in the likeness of Man
a Prelude of this.-Prefigured by the Smoking
Furnace and Burning Lamp ;--the Burning Bush;
-Jacob's Ladder-the Cloud of Glory.-Re-
Spected in the Rights of Primogeniture ;-Law of
the Levirate;-Circumcifion ;-Patriarchal Mode
of Swearing-Abftinence from the Sinew that
brank, 315
SECT. XII. The Miraculous Conception, illuftrated
from the Hiftory of Melchizedeck ;—from va-
rious inftances of Conception, beyond the ordinary
courfe of Nature ;-from the Laws given to If-
rael concerning Virginity,
Page 337
SECT. XIII. On Subftitution and Atonement.-The
Doctrine of Substitution, known to the Church
from the beginning. Impofition of Hands on the
Head of the Victim.-The Victim legally fubject-
ed to the Curfe.-Atonement made by Blood.-
Confirmed by Sacrifice.-In this the Worship of
the Church especially confifted.-The Ceremonial
Inftitute, even by its Defects, directed to a better
Atonement:-This prefigured by the Mercy-Seat.
-The Hiftory of the true Expiation, contained
in the New Testament,
SECT. XIV. The Doctrine of Imputation illuftrated,
-from the Raiment provided for our First Pa-
rents after the Fall;-from the Guilty being
legally accounted Innocent, in confequence of ce-
monial Atonement ;-from the ancient Cuftom of
Feafting on the Sacrifice ;—from the manner in
which Salvation was conferred on Believers un-
der the Old Teftament,
SECT. XV. The Neceffity of Almighty Power for
changing the Heart, illuftrated from the History
of Creation;-from the Inefficacy of the fevereft
Judgments-from the History of the promised
Seed-from the nature of the Victories ob-
tained by Ifrael;-from their being still taught
to depend folely on God ;-from fome Circumftan-
ces attending the rebuilding of the Temple ;-from
the perfonal Minißry of Jefus,
SECT. XVI. The Doctrine of Particular Redemp-
tion illuftrated, from the First Promife ;-from
the Temporal Redemptions of Ifrael;-from the
Limitation of the legal Oblations ;-from the
Hiftory of Redemption as accomplished by
Chrift, Page 401
SECT. XVII. The Confervation of Believers illuf-
trated, from the Hiftory of Ifrael.-The Perpe-
tuity of God's Love to the Seed of Jacob.-
His Faithfulness.-The Stability of his Covenant.
-His Love to David.-Ifrael united to God,
as a Peculiar People.-A Precious Seed fill
preferved among them.-The Spirit given to them.
-Ifrael faved at the Interceffion of his Ser-
vants.-Preferved by a conftant Exercise of Al-
mighty Power, by the Hand of the Angel pro-
mifed as their Leader,