learn to imitate, in great Perfection, the Way, the Cry, the Note, of all kind of Creatures, and do it fo as one shall perceive no Motion in their Lips. There are alfo many that can form Words and Voices in their Stomach, which shall feem to come from others, rather than the Perfon that speaks them. Such People are call'd Engaftriloques, or Ventriloquifts; as Pafquier hath obferved, in the 38th Ch. of bis Recherches, from the Example of a Buffoon, call'd Conftantine. Vid. Hiftorie de Diables de Loudun, p. 320. Then befides these, there are a Multitude of Tricks that may be done by fleight of Hand; and pretending to Vomit Pins, and Stones, and Clouts. I will give you an account, if you defire it, before we part, of feveral, that have ftood in the Pillory for this very Trick of vomiting Pins. Befides thefe, there are twice as many more, and twice as ftrange, that may be done, if the Impoftor hath Confederates to give him Intelligence, and carry on his Tricks. Then they can reveal Secrets, tell who comes at a Distance, anfwer by Voices, make things seem to move without Hands, or fhew Spirits. It is not to be imagined, how they may deceive a credulous Company, when one that is their Confederate pretends to wonder as much as any: And for my part, when I hear of fuch odd Things, I take it for granted, that there is a Confederate, and I cannot forbear looking in this World for his Confederate, before I look in the other. I do in this Cafe, as we all do in the Cafe of Robberies, or Housebreaking. If there be a plain Fact, that one could not do, we fay pofitively there was a Partner: And tho' no one can fay, but that Partner might be a Devil; for an Evil Spirit can unlock a Door, or help a Thief in at a high Window, and would be as ready to help a Thief as a Juggler: Yet for all that, we fhould defpife fuch an Anfwer, and think our felves much in the right in concluding, that his Partner was of Flesh and Blood, and not a Familiar. I think the fame, when I hear of ftrange Stories of Jugglers and Conjurers, or People that are faid to be bewitched. If they are fuch as a Confederate Partner can do, I take it for. granted, that the Familiar is one of his own bad Companions, that fhares with him in the Profit, or joins with him in the Humour. Adv. There is no doubt, but this, that you fay, is generally true, and ought to be in the Minds of thofe that have to do with thefe Cafes. But for all that, you know very well, that there are Facts, that no Fleshly Familiar can be the Author of; and therefore, if you think you have faid enough of these Kinds of natural Solutions, let us come to the Cafe of Spirits. You Clergymen do not use to be backward in that Point: For you teach us from your Pulpits to believe the Being of Spirits, both Good and Bad, and their Prefence and Miniftration in the World. Clerg. We do fo, the Divine Writings teaching us the fame Doctrine that we teach others: And the foundeft Philofophy and fobereft Reafon give great a Confirmation to it. For is it not Irrational to imagine, that we poor Worms of the Earth fhould be the Head of the Creation? Can we once think, that the Almighty Spirit fhould have no Creatures more Excellent than we are, to admire his Works, and know and worship him? When we fee our own changeable, infected, difordered Region full of Creatures with Life, Senfe and Reason, can we believe that the Immense, and Pure, and Celeftial Places above, are without any? It is no ways to be imagined; but on the contrary, that there are Superior Beings intermediate, betwixt the Divine Nature and ours. But when we have faid this, we must add, that both Philofophers and Chriftians that have ventured to define their Natures, or Works, have been very various in their Notions of them; and for the Holy Scriptures that are our only 2 only fure Rule, tho' they give us many Inftances of the Employment both of the Good and Evil Spirits, they teach us none fuch as we commonly meet with in the Modern Relations of Witchcraft. For the vulgar Opinion is, that the Devil is fomething like a Man, but with Tail, and Claws,and Horns, and a Cloven-Foot. The Narratives, tell us, that he makes Compacts with the Witches, and lies with them, and fucks their Blood: And that at their bidding, he kills Children and Cattel, and finks Ships by Sea, and carries them to foreign Meetings, where they Revel with other Witches, and Drink up the Wine in Princes Cellars: Now the Holy Scriptures tell us no fuch Tales as thefe, nor any Thing like them. And howsoever fome take Pains to join the Scripture Relations, and thefe, as close as they can together; in my Opinion, they do Religion no Service by it. They are very different Things, and upon the Credit of very different Witneffes, and I think we fhould let each of them ftand upon their own Foundations. The Scripture Facts foberly interpreted, agree with the Notions we have of God and Providence, and the Laws of Nature; whereas thefe confound the Laws of Nature, and destroy the Teftimony of our Senfes, in fome Cafes, as much as Tranfubftantiaton. The Scripture Relations are witneffed by Prophets and Apoftles, that are venerable for a Divine Goodnefs and Virtue: The grofs Part of our Stories of the Devil, are grounded upon the Confeffions of Brainfick People, after Superftition or ill Ufage had made them Mad. And therefore, I am in no fear but the Scripture Relations will approve themselves to the Confciences of Wife and Good Men for ever; whereas with refpect to the latter, I doubt not but the Time will come, when we shall be fatisfied, that even in Cafes of Blood we have been much too credulous. That you may judge the better, whether I have any Reason to speak after this manner, I will lay before you feveral of the most remarkable Facts and Tryals that that we have had, and we will argue upon fuch of them as feem beft to deferve Confideration: That is the faireft way, I think, and moft likely to lead us right. For Rational Arguments without Facts, can never decide this Cafe. A Man may as well compofe a true Syftem of Natural Philofophy, without Experiments, as ftate the Cafe of Witchcraft, without a careful Enquiry into thofe Appearances of it, that have made fo many Wife Men believe it. I have here a Chronological Table, which I have formerly drawn up, of Things, either of this Nature, or a-kin to it; and tho' I pretend not that it is perfect, yet it is pretty large, and if you pleafe I will read it to you. Adv. That must be in it felf entertaining, as well as ferviceable for the Decifion of the Point before us, and therefore pray let us have it. Clerg. I will give it you as it is, Title and all. CHAP. CHAP II. A CHRONOLOGICAL Table of the Executions, or Tryals of fuppofed Witches and Conjurers: As alfo of Impoftors, Poy foners, Counterfeit Poffeffions: Together with the Rebellions, Treafons, and great Mifchiefs occafioned by Fortune-Tellers, Conjurers, &c. As alfo the Laws and Canons, that have been made against fuch Perfons: And lafily, what Learned Men have fuffered great Lofs and Trouble, by the Slanders and Calumnies of this Sort. The Years of the World near which thefe Things happened. Oroaftres was a King, and Aftrologer, and A. M, a Learned Man, and is ufually faid to 2000 be the First Author of Diabolical Magick: But Naudaus, in his Apology for Learned Men, that have been unjustly accused of Magick, fays, he was only a Learned Aftronomer. The Ancient Inhabitants of Canaan were much addicted to Divination, Necromancy, 2300 Soothsaying, &c. The Chaldai in Affyria; the Brachmans in India the Magi in Perfia; the Druids in Britain, were the Priefts and Philofophers of thofe Times, and ; Places, |