Mr. Auberry's Mifcellaneous Collection, which teaches People Charms and Sorcery. Mr. Turner's Folio. Mr. Increase and Mr. Cotton Mather's feveral Tracts. Sadducifmus Debellatus: Or an Account of the Seven that were hang'd in Scotland in 1697. Mr. Beamont. Two or Three Pieces writ against Jane Wenbam in Hertfordshire, even reflecting upon the Judge, because he would not hang her. This laft Year, The Compleat Hiftory of Magick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft. These Books and Narratives are in Tradefmen's Shops, and Farmer's Houses, and are read with great Eagerness, and are continually levening the Minds of the Youth, who delight in fuch Subjects; and confidering what fore Evils these Notions bring where they prevail, I hope no Man will think but that they must ftill be combated, oppos'd, and kept down. As Dr. Harfenet was in hopes of ridiculing and fhaming them out of the World, I have examined their Foundation, and compared their Facts and Confequences with the coolest Reafon I could make ufe of; and it hath all along been a Pleasure to me to think, That tho the Subject was irksome and unpopular, and very unpleasant; and tho even the pious and learned Dr. More brands all those that oppose his Notions, with the odious Names of Hag-Advocates, yet I have venturd to bear thefe Re:proaches, proaches, and run all Hazards, because it is on the Behalf of thofe that were drawn to Death, and were not able to plead their own Caufe against Hebrew Criticifms, and fallacious, tho' deep Reasonings. When one Mr. Burroughs, a Clergyman, who fome few Years fince, was hang'd in New-England as a Wizzard, ftood upon his Tryal, he pull'd out of his Pocket a Leaf that he had got of Mr. Ady's Book, to prove that the Scripture Witchcrafts were not like ours: And as that Defence was not able to fave him, I humbly offer my Book as an Argument on the Behalf of all fuch miferable People, who may ever in Time to come be drawn into the fame Danger in our Nation. And, with all Honour and Submiffion of it to your Lordships Judgments, I humbly lay it at your Feet for Protection, as far as it is right, and deserves your Favour. the Agency of Spirits. II. Is a Chronological Table of fome Tryals and Executions of fuppofed Witches and Conjurers, and Impoftors; and of virtuous Perfons and learned Men who have been opprefs'd with great III. Is Obfervations upon thofe Matters of Fact; tending to prove, that the great Numbers of Witches in fome Ages above others, have been wholly owing to the different Principles and Notions of the feveral Times and Perfons: together with Two Schemes of the feveral Kinds of Principles that have had fuch IV. Is an Answer to Mr. Baxter's Account of (a) that 59. that and the Neighbouring Counties, and V. Is an Account of 19 bang'd in New-England 1692. In this Chapter is fbewn the Invali- dity of Confeffions, and the Vanity of the Spe- dral Evidence, and the great Confufion and Mifery that follows fuch Profecutions. p. 72. VI. Is an Answer to the pretended Witchcrafts at Mohra in Sweden, in the rear 1670, printed by Mr. Glanvil as tranflated by Dr. VII. Is an Answer to the Cafe of the Three Witches of Warbois, the Execution of whom is annually commemorated by a Sermon at Huntington preach'd by one of the Fellows of Queen's Colledge in Cambridge; and their Cafe is newly reprinted by the Author of the Compleat History of Witchcraft. VIII. An Anfwer to the Tryal of Two Women condemned by my Lord Chief Baron Hale, and executed at Bury St. Edmunds in the Year 1664. In this the Senfe of our Statute |