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ftripp'd naked, fearch'd for infenfible Marks, and put to cruel Pains, while they try'd with an artificial Knife, which Parts of him were fenfible, and which not. He was adjur'd to clear himself by fhedding Tears, if he was innocent. After that he was tortur'd till he fwooned upon the Rack; and maintaining his Innocence, he was at laft inhumanly burnt, without being fuffered either to unbofom his Mind to his Confeffor, or fpeak to the People. See the Ways of their Wickednefs fully proved in Hiftoire de Diables de Loudun. About that Time, Seventeen Pendle-Foreft Witches were condemned in Lancashire, 1634 by the Contrivance of a Boy and his Father.

See their Vindication in the latter Part of this Book, Ch. 15. Impofture 5.

Dr. Lamb was killed by the Mob, being thought a Conjurer. See Mr. Baxter's Cer- 1640 tainty of the World of Spirits, p. 155.

Mother Fackfon condemned in London. Sixteen executed at Tarmouth, discovered by Hopkins the famous Witch-finder of that Time. See Collection of Modern Relations, p. 48.




Fifteen condemn'd at Chelmsford in Effex, and hang'd, fome at Chelmsford, and fome at Maningtree. Another died in Goal. Another died as going to Execution. They were condemned at a Seffions by the Earl of Warwick, and fome Juftices of the Peace. See the Printed Relation published by Authority.

One hang'd at Cambridge. She kept a tame Frog, and it was fworn to be her Imp. See 1645 Mr. Ady, p. 135.

Many hang d at Bury St. Edmunds in Suf

folk I have been told near Forty at the feve- 1645 ral Times of Executions, and as many more 1646 in the County as made up Threefcore. See the Notes upon Hudibras, 2d Part, 3d Canto. Mr. Ady, in his Book of Witchcraft, fpeaks of more.

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Many hanged at Huntington, two whereof 1646 were Elizabeth Weed and John Winnick. See Kingdom of Darkness.

One tried at Worcester. Collection of Mo1649 dern Relations.

One at Gloucester, convicted for having 1(49 fuck'd a Sow in the Form of a little black Creature. Collection of Modern Relations, 51. Great Numbers burnt in Scotland in thofe unfet tled Times. Mr. Ady faith many Thousands. 1652 Catherine Huxly hanged at Worcester.

Anne Bodenham, Dr. Lamb's Maid, execu 1653 ted at Salisbury, declaring her Innocence. See Dr. Moor's Antidote against Atheism. About this Time, Jane Lakeland was either hanged or burnt at Ipswich.

Two Boram's, (Mother and Daughter,) 1655 hanged about this Time at Bury St. Edmunds.

Jane Brooks hanged at Chard, for bewitch1658 ing Richard Fones of Shepton-Mallet in Somerfetfhire. Sadd. Triumph.

About this Time, Widow Oliver was hanged at Norwich.

Some hanged in Cornwall about this Time. See Dr. Burthog's Efay on the Nature of Spirits.

About this Time, Two hanged at Lanca1659 fler, but died protefting their Innocency, Webft. p. 80.

A Trumpeter, and his Wife and Daughter, were heheaded in Holland, confeffing Witchcraft. The Daughter might have been faved, and would not; for the faid, the Devil was committing Uncleannefs with her at that Time. Learn from this, that these Uncleannefies with the Devil are falfe and involurtary Imaginations in their own Brains; for if it had been a real Action of hers, the Company must have feen fome Sign of it. They believed her Confef

See the Colle

fion, rather than their own Eyes.
tion of modern Relations, p. 59.
Beffie Fowler burnt at Muffelburgh in Scot-

Florence Newton of Toughall tried. See Sadduc. Tri. Relat. 7.

Antonietta Bourignon founded, and governed



a Cloifter, with 50 poor Girls, at Life in 1661 Flanders. Being, as I conceive, very enthufiaftical, with her Head full of Spirits, one Day as fhe came into the School, the thought, fhe faw a great Number of little black Children with Wings, flying about her Scholars Heads. She told them of it, and bad them beware. In a little Time, almoft all the Children confeffed themfelves Witches, and faid they had been fo before they came thither, their Parents being Witches, and having given them to the Devil as foon as they were born. They faid, they were carried to Witches Meetings Two or Three Times a Week, where they met vaft Multitudes of other Witches; for moft People, they said, were fuch, there being few like Madam Bourignon. They faid the Devil lay with them, gave them all kinds of Pleasures, and played with them: But if Madam Bourignon did but lift up the Latch of the Door to come in, or speak, or cough, they would fly away like Lightning. One Day they would confefs, and the next Day denied all; and being taken from her, and examined before the Magiftrates, all fave one, went off from their Confeffions. That one had a great Love to her Miftrefs, and defired to die. She was fhut up in Prifon, and the Author of this Narrative faith, it was never known what became of her. See Collect. of Modern Relat. p. 21.

One Greenfmith and her Husband executed in New England. She confefs'd, he denied. 1662 See the Effay upon Providence by Increase Mather.

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Two were put to the Water Ordeal, and swam, and made fly the Country of New-England. See the fame Effay.

Fulian Cox hanged at Taunton in Somer1663 fetfhire. She died declaring her Innocence. Sadducifm Triumph.

Alice Hufon and Doll Dilby tried at York. 1664 Alice Hufon faid, fhe received Money, Ten Shillings at a Time, from the Devil. See Collection of Modern Relations.

Amy Duny and Rofe Cullender, try'd be1664 fore the Lord Chief Baron Hale, at Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, and were hanged, maintaining their Innocence. See the Account of this Cafe in the 8th Chapter of this Difcourfe.

About this Time, Mary Johnson was try'd at Hartfordshire in New-England, and hang'd. She faid the Devil appeared to her, lay with her, and clear'd her Hearth of Afhes, and hunted Hogs out of the Corn. She could not forbear laughing, the faid, to fee boo he feazed them about. See Cotton Mather's remark ́able Providences, p. 62.

Twelve accused in Somerfetfhire, before Mr. 1664 Hunt Juftice of the Peace. Several of them confefs'd; but his Searches and Difcoveries were oppofed and check'd by a higher Authority, by which means the poor People were faved, and the Confequence was, that the Country had quiet. See Sadducifmus Triumph. p. 102.


Major Weir and his Sifter executed in Scot land. See Mr. Sinclare's Poftfcript.

At Mobra in Swedeland, Seventy were con 1670 demn'd, and most of them executed. Alfo Fifteen Children were executed, and 36 ran the Gantlet, and 20 were whipp'd on the Hands. See this answered in Chap. 6.

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In France many fuppofed Witches were condemned by the Parliament of Roüen; but 1672 the late King of France, Lewis the 14th, stay'd

the Execution, ordered a general Goal-Delivery of fuch Perfons, and put forth a new Edict to be the Rule of Proceeding for the Time afterwards, and that Edict prohibiting many bad Practices that had been ufed before, I am told they have had few, if any Executions fince in France. See Menagiana, p. 264.

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Six executed in Scotland upon an Indictment for bewitching Sir George Maxwell. 1678 Four confeffed, and Two denied. One who was the first that confeffed, was pardoned, and ufed for a Witness against the others. They were dif covered by the help of one Fannet Douglas, a dumb Girl, who made Signs, that there was a Picture of Wax in one of their Houses, and went with them, and pulled it out of a Hole in the Chimney. The accufed Perfons faid, the dumb Girl herself had put it there; and it feems very probable, for fhe was whipped afterward through Edinburgh, and after that was whipp'd again, and banish'd for feveral Crimes. See Sadducifm. Triumph. and Mr. Sinclare, p. 18, 206, About that Time, one condemn'd at Ely, but reprieved by King Charles II. and afterward 1679 the Fellow that pretended to have been bewitched, was hanged at Chelmsford in Effex, and confefs'd that he had counterfeited his Fits and Vomitings, as I have been informed.

Sufan Edwards, Mary Trembles, and Tem

perance Lloyd, hanged at Exeter, confefs'd 1682 themselves Witches, but died with good Prayers

in their Mouths. I fuppofe these are the last Three that have been hanged in England.

Richard Dugdale, of Surey in Lancashire, was faid to be difpoffeffed by fome Diffenting 1689 Minifters, who kept Days of Fafting and


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