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No. III. Genealogical Table of the Turanian Family of Languages, Northern Division.

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No. IV. Genealogical Table of the Turanian Family of Languages, Southern Division.

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Shah of Badáún, his general his-
tory of India, and other works, 151


Abhira, or Abhira, at the mouth of
the Indus, 204.

Abiria, the, of Ptolemy, 204.
Ablative, the, in Chinese, 119 note.
Abraham, the language of, 278.
Abu Saleh, his translation from San-
skrit into Arabic, 150.

Abyssinian language, ancient and
modern, 281.
Academy, New, doctrines of the,
embraced in Rome, 107.
Accusative, formation of the, in
Chinese, 118 note.

Achæmenian dynasty, inscriptions
of the, 210.

Adelung, his Mithridates, 142.
Adjectives, formation of, in Tibetan,
113 note.

in Chinese, 119 note.
Elius Stilo, Lucius, his lectures in
Rome, on Latin grammar, 109.
Affinity, indications of true, in the
animal and vegetable world, 26,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


America, Central, rapid changes
which take place in the lan-
guage of the savage tribes
of, 62.

great number of languages
spoken by the natives of, 62.
Hervas's reduction of them to
eleven families, 63.
Amharic, or modern Abyssinian,

Anatomy, comparative science of,


Anglo-Saxon, the most ancient epic
in, 177.

Angora, in Galatia, battle of, 308.


Anquetil Duperron, his translation
of the Persian translation of
the Upanishads into French,

his translation of the works of
Zoroaster, 168, 206.
Apollo, temple of, at Rome, 102.
AR, the root, various ramifications
of, 252.

Arabic, influence of, over the Turk-
ish language, 83.
ascendency of, in Palestine and
Syria, 281.

original seat of Arabic, 281.
ancient Himyaritic inscriptions,

earliest literary documents in
Arabic, 281.

relation of Arabic to Hebrew,

Aramaic division of Semitic lan-
guages, 276.

two dialects of, 276.

Ariana, the, of Greek geographers,

Ariaramnés, father of Darius, origin
of the naine, 241.
Aristotle on grammatical categories,

97, 126.

[blocks in formation]


Aryan, origin and gradual spreading
of the word Arya, 236.
original seat of the Aryans, 238.
the Aryan and Semitic the only
families of speech deserving
that title, 282.

genealogical table, 394, 395.
Asia Minor, origin of the Turks of,


Asiatic Society, foundation of the,
at Calcutta, 158.

Asoka, King, his rock inscriptions

Assyria, various forms of the name,

Astrology, causes of the extinction
of the science, 19.
Astronomy, origin of the word, 16.
the Ptolemæan system, al-
though wrong, important to
science, 26.

Auramazda, of the cuneiform in-
scriptions, 207. See Ormuzd.
Auxentius on Ulfilas, 181–186 note.

BABER, his Indian empire, 299.
Babylonia, literature of, 278.

probability of the recovery of,
from the cuneiform inscrip-
tions, 278.

Barabas tribe, in the steppes be-
tween the Irtish and the Ob, 304.
Barbarians, the, of the Greeks, 91.

seemed to have possessed great-
er facility for acquiring lan-
guages than either Greeks or
Romans, 94.

the term Barbarian as used by
the Greeks and Romans, 127.
unfortunate influence of the
term, 127.

Bashkirs, race of the, in the Altaic
mountains, 303.

Basil, St., his denial that God had
created the names of all things,
40 note.

Baziane tribe, in the Caucasus, 303.
Beaver, the, sagacity of, 24.
Behar, Pâli once the popular dialect
of, 146.

Beowolf, the ancient English epic of,

Berber, dialects of Northern Africa,
origin of the, 282.


Berners, Juliana, on the expressions
proper for certain things, 72.
Berosus, his study and cultivation
of the Greek language, 94.
his history of Babylon, 95.
his knowledge of the cuneiform
inscriptions, 95.

Bible, number of obsolete words and
senses in the English translation
of 1611, 45.

Bibliandro, his work on language,
131 note.

Birúni, Abu Rihan al, 150.

his "Tarikhu-l-Hind," 150.
Bishop and sceptic derived from the
same root, 257.

Boëthius, Song of, age of the, 196.
Bohemian, oldest specimens of, 201.
Bonaparte, Prince L., his collection
of English dialects, 70.
Booker's "Scripture and Prayer
Book Glossary" referred to, 45.
Books, general destruction of, in
China in 213, B. c. 227.
Bopp, Francis, his great work, 166.

results of his "Comparative
Grammar," 234.
Botany, origin of the word, 15.

the Linnæan system, although
imperfect, important to sci-
ence, 26.

Brahman, the highest being, known
through speech, 88.
Brahmans, their deification of lan-
guage, 87.

their early achievements in
grammatical analysis, 88.
difficulties of Alexander in con-
versing with them, 93.
Brahmanas, the, on language, 87.
Brennus, 199.

Brown, Rev. Mr. on the dialects of
the Burmese, 63.
Brutes, faculties of, 351.

instinct and intellect, 353.
- language the difference between
man and brute, 354.

the old name given to brutes,
Buddhism, date of its introduction
into China, 147.

Bulgarian Kingdom on the Danube,


- language and literature, 200.
Bulgaric branch of the Finnic class
of languages, 319.


Bulgarian tribes and dialects, 319.
Buriates, dialects of the, new phase
of grammatical life of the, 64.
Burmese language and literature, 63.
dialects, 63.

Burnouf, Eugène, his studies of
Zend, 168, 206.

and of cuneiform inscriptions,

CESAR, JULIUS, publication of his
work "De analogia," 110.
invented the term ablative, 110.
Carneades forbidden by Cato to lec-
ture at Rome, 109.

Carthaginian language, closely allied
to Hebrew, 280.

Case, history of the word, 111.
Cases, formation of, in the Aryan
languages, 218.

Cassius, Dionysius, of Utica, his
translation of the agricultural
work of Mago, 95 note.
Castor and Pollux, worship of, in
Italy, 102.

Castren on the Mongolian dialects,


Cat, origin of the word, 365.
Catherine the Great of Russia, her

"Comparative Dictionary," 143.
Cato, his history of Rome in Latin,

his acquisition of the Greek
language in his old age, 106.
reasons for his opposition to
everything Greek, 106.
Caucasus, tribes of the, 303.
Celtic language, substantive exist-
ence of, 79.

Celtic, a branch of the Indo-Euro-
pean family of languages, 198.
Celts, their former political autono-
my, 198.

Chaldee, in what it consisted, 276.
fragments in Ezra, 276.
-language of the Targums, 277.
literature of Babylon and Nin-
eveh, 278.

the modern Mendaites or Naso-
reans, 279.

Changes, historical, affecting every
variety of language, 44.
rapid changes in the languagen
of savage tribes, 44.

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